Testers: Blueberry Diesel

These aren’t that big. My space is limited. Heres the blueberry diesel in my closet. These were 1 week 12/12 on Saturday. I have 3 like the one on the right fatter leaves, the one on the left much bushier. These all in happy frog and I feed them advanced nutrients bloom a/b.:peace_symbol:


I didnt get any females but I did get the pollen I wanted, from a good male also. Thank you so much for the seeds @anonymous4289.

Pz :v:t2:


nice. i’m curious to see what you use the pollen for.


Update for yesterday 1/9.

I have confirmed 3/4 to be female and the 4th still not fully showing, there look to be hairs where the pre-sex parts should be, but no petioles so maybe it is a late bloomer. Other then that they have fully recovered from their savage defoliation :rofl: and are all nice and even from the topping that was given as well. I will top and defoliate them again today when I get home and continue to prepare them. Still under the TS-1000 at 50% power. I’ll probably up it to 75% in a couple days once they recover.


Nice canopy there, and nice structure on them there plants. Should produce beautiful buds, huh


so i just watered my plants 1 week into flower. the chem fuegos are for the most part ridiculously thin lanky plants, i’m pretty sure they’ll have a really hard time holding up buds. i don’t know if this passed down to the blueberry diesel as it was a female chem fuego (a very stretchy lanky one) rather than the male chem fuego used in the blueberry diesel. i’m waiting to see if it’s an issue for anyone, so let me know how your plants are doing. are they lanky/stretchy?


Yes, this is the only thing I could find with the plants I grew. The main stem was too thin and lanky so they snapped very easy, I didn’t train my stems though. But this haven’t been a problem with other plants.

Both males I’m collecting pollen from at the moment smell like lemons and dank weed. Been keeping them by the window and it doesn’t usually smell like this here :grin: So what do you guys think about embrace the lemons and do a cross to something lemony, like Lemon Thai or something?

Pz :v:t2:


i have a pack of (lemon g x snow lotus) from bodhi that i never got around to growing. i bet it would make an interesting cross. then there’s always super lemon haze.


Dude, you should go for the lemon g Cross! That would probably be a Lemon bomb!

Pz :v:t2:


I’d love to give these a go if you’re happy to post downunder?
The reason I’d like them is due to the blueberry, I’ve never grown or vaped blueberry or it’s crosses,so it would be a great treat!
I’d be able to pop the seeds immediately,
Peace brother :v:



check your PM


Here they are under our new FC-E6500 at 50% power, they got a top dress on Wednesday and should be good to go for a few more weeks.


i’m very curious to see your plants grow. how big do you think you’re going to veg them to?


Head shot!!


Prob about 24-30 inches from the top of the pot, some of the other plants are a little smaller and need a little time to catch up.

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So I was removing buds from the stems tonight and as I was doing so some of the F2s were already dropping. Collected more than a few with zero shuckin and only buckin…

Usually when I do seed runs I dry and then toss into grove bags to store until I can get to shuckin. But for some quick presentation I trimmed up a couple colas real quick.

All smells are still intact and extremely potent. Mrs. came home from work and from the driveway could tell I was working on the BBDiesel :boom:

Once they’re shucked I’ll cold store em for a few days and then test germination.



So I’m going to be dropping mine in the drink tonight. Should I crack them before-hand or are they good to go?



they should be good to go. good germ rates from what i’ve seen,


i’d love a pack of two when you’re done chucking, i can trade you if you’d like.

i’m glad to hear they stunk up your house. i can’t remember if it was blueberry pie or bubblegum gelato i grew that stunk up my house when shucking seeds, i think it was in the blueberry pie so that makes sense.


So, Its been a week since i trimmed up the two BBD, They have come back with a vengeance. The nodes are getting tighter and tighter while its doubling tops. All because i planned poorly and have nowhere to bloom them for another 2-4 weeks. One of them i am going to keep as a mother.