Testers: Blueberry Diesel

I cut this one Saturday morning. Im gonna start I don’t know how many I have leftover for outside.


I always enjoy seeing quality growers that strip their bottom branches off. Pushing those energy points upward.

Bottoms stripped and tops


I usually strip bottoms to take clones… as normally they end being very small buds.


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Not my best work, been battling bugs.

Plant 1 flipped to 12/12 a little more the a week ago. My gut is saying male but they can stay until I know for sure

Plant 2 confirmed Lady, taller and a bit more lanky the plant one

Plant 3 much like plant 1 not showing yet but I am leaning toward male.

Plant 4 confirmed male. The shortest bush in the group. I am not the best at describing smells but this dude reeks sadly he won’t live to see morning.

Plant 5 confirmed female. She’s not to tall not too short, maybe a Goldie locks… Time will tell.


Started germinating mine tonight


When the plants are about 90 percent smaller than these I cut a branch put it in water and set in in the flower room. Within a week I see the sex of the plant. Saves alot of time and nutrients plus space. I used to grow the plants big like this then find out the sex. Way too much time consumed that way. I just finished making karma sowahh x vintage bbxbbmuffin got some seeds to test a few packs if anyone wants some let me know


I like that idea for sexing. Gonna try that this round. Thank you



That sound like a some pure fire cross!

Pz :v:t2:

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Not a bad idea for sure. They are were pretty stressed between aphids and a repot. Took them while to bounce back.

I don’t grow reg seeds very often but i have to keep that in mind for next time.

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So @anonymous4289 would you prefer pics of the later stages of growth like just before pre-chop, and once cured, or along all stages?


well… i love final pics of bud shots, like a dried and cured bud taken right out of the jar. like the bud shot @CanuckistanPete took pictured below. but post whatever you’d like. all grow pics are welcome, :+1:


Day 20F. Pics of both of the Blueberry Diesel. The shorter one in the back is super uniform about 8-10 tops sitting at the exact same height. The taller one has on slightly taller half and one lower half closer to the wall and is not as uniform, but is a little taller in general then the other. As a not I have been busy with my tent which is now at the end of week 7 and my brother has been watching these plants. He has left the tent open a few night so I’m pretty sure their will be some pollen sacs forming in a couple weeks. If not then this will be a good way to see how they handle stress in early flower. Until next time! (When we run them again, if we choose a keeper, I will grow them and see how they perform with no stresses)


Mine are also doing well. They are still in their original container and have been toped. Debating on how to proceed with the grow, will probably take clones and put those into flower. Also planning on making seeds…:slightly_smiling_face:


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Quick shot of one of the BBD F2s crusing along. I really like this one. Plants have been on autopilot since about day 1. Super easy growing. Super healthy.


I got 3 females out of 5. Two are short and pretty uniform. One is taller and just kinda uneven. I’m not great with smells but the taller one definitely has the most “blue” smell. She’s still young and smells can change but the “blue” smell is stronger then the Barney’s farm blue gelato I grew out.

How do the smells on yours compare?


Hope I can get one similar to this, much more compact than others I’ve seen. Got 4 out of 5 sprouts though, fingers crossed


3 out of 4 of my F1 females were shorter and more compact plants even after a 6 week veg.

More than likely there will be a higher percentage of shorter/compact plants in my F2 stock.

To be fair though these F2 females were flipped at the 3 week weekish mark so I could try out a cross between these BBD’s and my current run of Black cherry. So they could have had potential to be bigger.


I actually just received my Blueberry Diesels. Thanks @Rhai88.


I haven’t touched them much due to it being early in flower but today is the end of week 3 so I will check them out and report back when lights come on at 9pm! I had the dame experience with the size and uniformity so that will be interesting to see if those characteristics also keep the same smells among different growers.

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already with an F2 in flower. you’re quick, or my sense of time sucks, lol

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