Testers: Blueberry Diesel

There is nothing at all about Mayhem on those plants. More-like they’re kinda Perfect


It was definitely a goal to get a couple into flower.

My girl must have the luck to because we went from 10 plants down to 2 finals within the first week and she picked both females. What a win.


@anonymous4289 received mine late last week. Going to start germing my outdoors the first week of April, will keep posting updates here and in my thread. Thank you for the opportunity to work through some fire!

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Hey guys, all right?
Updating how the plants are today with 18 days of flora.
I thought they had some vigor, their size doubled when I flipped to flora.
With 12 days, I needed to raise the leds.

I anticipated the pruning of the 3rd week of flora, because some buds were being harmed by very wide leaves.


I touched the smaller buds and rubbed the stems on both, but didn’t get any smells off them. The shorter more uniform one looks like it’s gonna stack like crazy tho. I’m excited to see the finish no matter the result.


This is probably my last update here, not on a bad note tho. This is some remarkable weed, maybe more so than I’m letting on. There were a couple of phenos that I may have culled. Others are still coming in with their reports. I will also go on to say that these plants were vigorous and easy to please. I’d purchase a pack easily.

and yes it smokes well, even early into the cure. Gas n berries should be the strain name.


Well, it kind of is! :wink:


My last BBD it’s getting there, 9 weeks Saturday.


No sh!t huh!!! It’s exactly what the name implies. Fugn duhhhh

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I’ve been puffing on some of this stuff and all I can say is if you like lemon flavored flowers, it doesn’t get any better. Its very narcotic to me. Without a cure, I got so stoned last night with my wife. A1 job on this one, it reminds me of lemonheads candy. @anonymous4289.


very nice frosty buds, i wasn’t really expecting anything lemon, but it’s a nice surprise i guess.


You know I was surprised too, with a name of blueberry diesel you would think berry maybe. Three of the four girls taste the same. The last one is almost ready, we’ll see if it’s a unanimous decision. Personally I like it, very good high for no cure, maybe there will be some change after some time in the jar on the flavor end. Regardless I appreciate you letting me run these. Thanks my friend.:peace_symbol:


Been working on getting the tents back up like I had mentioned. Unfortunately that was when I found out the extra AutoPot tray I ordered was the wrong fitting size, so I am waiting for a few replacement pieces at the moment. Thanks for helping motivate me to get the ball rolling though. :slight_smile:


well, it’s still alive, more or less, for better or worse. I suppose my attempt at LST may have created this abby, abby, abby-normal looking specimen. don’t hold it against itself. I plan on taking clones from the arms, then letting the arms grow up and out and then put it into flower. the little block-head will have caught up to its sibling a little bit more by then as well. they are the same age, I don’t know why it is as small as it is, is has been slow from the start. has anyone experienced this with this strain before? please let me know.



I started 3 seeds, 2 were males, and my female was a runt. But it produced some great tasting, heavy hitting bud that I would gladly grow again, even if you guaranteed me it would be a runt again.


glad to hear it! I plan to take cuttings in a few days or so, then flip both of the plants, mainly due to supply shortage. hoping both are female (fingers crossed)? thanks for the information, truly.



Update time
3 out of 5 cracked females

Number 1. not as stinky as I remember it before. I am awful at describing smells but I remember distinctly this one being smelly and blue. Now it’s more of a fleeting blue smell. Tallest of the 3 girls.

Number 2 smells nothing like number 1, not even a hint of blue scent.Not sure how to describe the scent other then stinky. Not crazy strong or anything idk maybe a hint of garlic. Shorter then 1, bushier then 1

Number 3 More similar to number 2 then 1. Infact it looks a lot like 2. The smells a little different just kinda hard to place.

All alive and reasonably well


Those are great looking plants. Nicely done.


I appreciate the kind words, could be a lot better. Very excited to see what they show me.


thanks for the updates everyone. it’s crazy to see the differences from grower to grower.