Testers: Blueberry Diesel

It’s gotta be pretty cool as a breeder seeing your work out in the wild. I’m sure you don’t get updates as many updates as seeds you sent out but I hope the time and effort you put in is worth the enjoyment? You get out

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absolutely worth it. the only problem is that my shipping method costs a fortune (but that’s the method i like/trust). I can’t really afford to send out a ton of testers so i don’t know what i’m going to do next testing round. maybe a pay shipping costs to participate, that could possibly keep out some of the people that promise to test and we never see them again. but yeah, it’s great to see people enjoy my work.


I know it’s kinda hard. But whoever is receiving it, could pay for the shipments, so you could send tons of test =]
I’m incredibly in love with blueberry-diesels. Very resistant, very strong to heat, and some stress


Unfortunately this happens all too often BUT sometimes life other than growing gets in the way of some folk. I’m sure you’ll get a pleasant surprise at some point in the future when someone adds some to a future grow. I know I grew mine out like promised and I still have 6 seeds remaining so will 100% be giving them a 2nd run at some point this year. My only issue is the prices of electricity at the minute here In the uk and the seeds being reg photos. It would be just my luck to plant the remaining seeds. Veg them out for 4 to 6 weeks and them all end up males.


Don’t let shipping hold ya back boss. You are already donating time, space, nutrients it’s not unreasonable to ask for shipping.

Second that on the fem seed’s. Of course that means more time and money on your end…lol. I have determined I can run 5 plants per run in soil alongside my hydro ladies each run.

But yeah I don’t think you will have to much trouble getting some shipping money out of at least a few of us.


just trimmed up my final chem fuego f2. time will tell if they are any good. this was my worst grow ever. it started with aphids, i gave them way too much cal mag as it was my first time ever using it. i probably should have given them regular water every once in a while to prevent salt buildup… not sure if that was a real issue. as far as lighting it was my first time using an LED, but it’s a really nice one. i went from 50% in veg to 75% in flower and it fried some of my plants, specifically my purple kush bx. i had 2 runts of the chem fuego that were worthless so in the end i was left with 3 chem fuegos, but i’m not sure if they’re any good. the buds dried too quickly so i’m hoping bovedas in large mason jars should get some moisture going in them. all around terrible grow, i’ve never had these issues before. sorry for rambling i just figured i would share considering chem fuego is the male in blueberry diesel. also, floppy stems that couldn’t hold much up.


Sorry to hear your difficulties with this grow…my guess is you used up way too much good vibes on your stunning Blueberry Diesel!


Switching to LED lighting may be the culprit. When I first started off with them I had some raggedy looking plants that I couldn’t get happy. One day I bonsai everything in my tent, lowered the power to 30%, dropped the feed to a quarter strength. After all of that everything came back together.


I don’t remember if I’ve asked you or not but what kind of nutes do you use?

Also which LED were you running? Do you usually run HPS or MH?

I had a hell of a time myself in veg this round of testers (Black Triangle F2 x Cherry W. bx). Pretty funny how different cultivars react. Took the Blueberry Diesel’s all the way home on the same ratio I’ve been using for the last year or so (with great results) and this specific cross did not like it what so ever! Drives me crazy especially nowadays I feel pretty confident in my ability to grow. I almost refused to budge but I did eventually adjust. I’ve said it many times before this plant has a way of humbling your ass real quick :laughing:

Always learning!

I’m surprised we don’t have a thread dedicated to successful testers to vet user accounts… maybe something for the future. At least you have this thread and know who has tested for you and those who have not.

Why not slap a (completed) or something on the OP to show who has fully completed testing for you?

I might actually reach out to some of those folks myself to see if they wouldn’t mind testing out a few BBD F2 x (Black Triangle F2 x Cherry W. bx) once they’re ready.

Almost forgot to mention a local buddy of mine has decided to run some of the BBD F2’s I gave him outdoors! This should be exciting and I will try to keep some updates if you’d like since he is not a member here on OG. He started 3 of them lemon mom and 2 of the fruity mom.


I’m growing 4 different strains right now. 3 of them are doing just fine, but the Sour Bubble is giving me a hard time. Think I’ve got it righted but now it’s behind the others.

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Hey there @anonymous4289, just wanted to let you know, per our conversation 8-22 in the thread you were seeking testers, and I told you in all honesty it’d be a year before I could grow them outside and give a full report.
Well, the time to pop these beans is rapidly approaching, just wanted you to know that you are on my tester list this spring and I’ll be keeping up my end. Thanks!!!


fox farm big bloom, grow big, tiger bloom.

used to use 400w MH for veg and 600w HPS for flower on a switchable ballast. that ballast still works after 13 years of use, lol.

yeah, tagging completed growers is a good idea. i already have 3 or 4 of you written down to test my next pollen chucking project if interested.


I started being a tester a while back. I even started a thread ‘What Do You Expect From a Tester?’ Or something like that. A good tester always asks what the breeders expectations are, full journal, pics, time tables, etc.
Once I become a tester, it opened more doors for me. Other breeders approached me. For that reason, I protect my reputation as a tester.
Some breeders want private journals, others don’t mind public, and I post most of them in my usual gardens Diaries on a couple different sites.
I love the opportunity, and it’s a symbiotic relationship that seems to work well all the way around.
Just some thoughts.:wink:


Just finished reading the thread. Nice grows everyone! Good looking plants, great looking buds, and tons of pollen! Everything looks awesome!

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I would test it easy, easy! jokes aside, I’m very happy with what’s coming, here’s the 4th week of flora!

Of the 4 plants, there was one that didn’t get much light, so it didn’t develop,
plant 2 had the biggest bud so far, dense, joined other buds on the same branch and it’s getting beautiful. in general, starting to snow and around here, little yet. From what I’ve seen of other plants, I believe it can be sweeter!

This was the one that didn’t get enough light, and it was skinny and small, close to the other 3, I hope it’s not the best one



i forgot to answer, i just switched to “growers choice roi-e720”. it’s as high up in my tent as it can go and i guess 75% was too much. in a 5x5 ac infinity tent that i couldn’t hate more, it’s a piece of shit with zipper problems that can’t be fixed.

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Solid light… I have their ROIE200 for veg. The 720 was actually was first on my list before I scored a killer deal on a scorpion diablo. Their 900 unit May be next on my list.

Soo funny I myself have had excellent luck with their tents but I know people who wouldn’t look at another AC infinity tent ever again. I actually prefer my AC infinity over my Gorgilla grow tent. My gorilla tent is slowly unraveling at certain points where the stitching is. Also their poles have started to rust on me. I do get you on the zippers though AC infinity could definitely improve on that lol

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my first tent was a “Hydrohut silver edition 3x3”, it was an amazing tent but they’re impossible to find these days and i can’t afford an expensive tent. i just have to save up to get a small grow room built but that will take a while.

i bought the ac infinity because i thought my vivosun 2x2 (or whatever size it is) was shit and the zippers jammed. i put some wd40 on it and it solved the problem, but the acinfinity is broken in 2/3 places. i’m lucky i can unzip it enough to get access to my plants.

there’s no realistic way to return a tent either. taking it down is difficult enough. finding a box to ship it back is impossible. i think they realize that though… fuckers.

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If there were an NFT ecosystem, you could just send the NFT to the growers wallet, so you would always know where your strain is :wink::slightly_smiling_face:!

Mine are doing great though…still in the same 32 oz cups, probably just going to take clones off them once they are big enough.


It’s not a perfect solution but you could cut the zipper on both sides and put a replacement on.

Something like this https://a.co/d/5x9zkCg