Testers: Blueberry Diesel

Pulled a nug out for later and had my daughter have a smell and she says it smells like strawberries. I can catch a hint of that too but still heavy on the lemon. Ill say it’s strawberry lemonade. But still narcotic high. I had to laugh, me and the wife were burning last night and she said what did we smoke the other night, said it mader here feel like she was drunk. That’s blueberry diesel I said. :fire:


I love my AC infinity tent… That fucking 69 pro controller though is another matter. Everything running perfectly and then BAM! Doesn’t shut off the humidifier and it goes up to 80%.

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that’s cool man. i guess the drunk is a good thing as far as potency goes?

i’m surprised by the smells but at the same time i think i read that the cherry west bx in the blueberry pie smells like everything, lol.

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I fucking hate my new controller. I don’t have the 69 but have an upgraded newish basic controller and that sum bish is so inaccurate. My older controller from them is WAYYYYY better.

I’ll have you know @anonymous4289 that the F2s im running currently both have a sweet fruity smell to them but lemon is dominant because it’s a sweet lemony smell. It’s actually awesome what I’m getting from both of these F2s. My Wife is completely loving these F2s since she was a major fan of the fruit loops ish smelling pheno. Bro you have a winner here that I’ll grow out and cross with for years to come.

P.S. don’t forget @DefNSmokn is crossing the pollen of BBD I gave him to the cut of Blueberry Blast from snow high that was given to him by @other_barry. I’m excited AF to try that one out.


that’s awesome, i’m glad your wife enjoys this strain, as well as everyone else trying it. also glad you think it’s a winner. i hope my next strains are as good or better.

i forgot @DefNSmokn popped them, i figured he was one that never grew them out, or maybe i saw and forgot, my memory isn’t great.

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Nah this was from pollen I gave him since he is local here close to me and a good friend! I had more than a few great males from my BBD run… I wish I would have documented on them a little bit closer. Amateur move on my part honestly.

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Hey! I need to thank @DougDawson for spreading generosity and love!
The beans arrived this week. Sorry for not posting sooner, I didn’t have much time available.


excellent, i look forward to your grow


Thank you to execute this cross and spreading, bro!
Soon this beans will be popped.


The Swazi Dragon mother got 2 small buds packed with mature seeds from a vigorous lemon BBD male. I don’t think that I got enough seeds for everyone but I’ll announce in this thread with a wiki post and the first one who wants them.

Pz :v:t2:

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Is she ever a Beauty.
I put two BBDiesel seeds in water today
Super nice grow!


Lol I finished my indoor of bbd but thought, I said I would do these outside too. Here we go with the last four beans.


Drum Roll please :drum:


i’ve only seen the blueberry pie outdoors so i’m definitely interested in seeing the blueberry diesel and how it performs. :+1:

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Should be potting them today, I could see tails yesterday but gave them a extra day.

all potted up, we’re on our way.


Good morning @anonymous4289. So for this test I put 3 of your Blueberry Diesel seeds straight into soil, no dunking or paper towel etc this past Sunday night. As of this morning we’ve got one breaking the surface.

More to come as the action continues.



glad to see you’re getting them going. :+1:

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4/4 above ground, grow little ones :green_heart:


save gardeners!
I come here to update my race.
Here we go for week 7 of flora!
Of the 4 who grew up all girls!
Some developing more than others, and that’s really cool to watch.

this one is changing color, but I don’t think it’s genetics, but excess light, burning of light.
The plate is a little more than 20cm away, but I can’t raise the lamps any higher.
I think I discredited the flora potential, it stretched the girls too much!