Testing cbd and thc at home

thats what im seeing here in OK. now that more labs are starting up testing prices have started to go down. i can now afford to take my homegrown in and have thc/terpene testing done and i dont feel it breaks the bank. this isnt testing would satisfy the state if i was selling commercial. but now folks are offering qpcr testing so predictive testing for thc, terpenes and chromosome testing. so you can now tell if you have a male or female from taking a sample from a leaf from seedling stage. this will make pheno hunting a more efficient process.


I checked dx a while back. Seperate programs for tests
seperate things needed all sold seperately. Its like chasing additives on an AN nute line. For this you gotta buy that. That wont work without this. It ends up crazy money and noone ive seen except thier ads can give a personal true review if its even accurate or legit at all. I was on thcf a while back asking about it.

The answer is these stuck up labs need to offer the same services to consumers as they do the sellers n police. Right around the corner i can get a full profile with mold and contaminant screening for under $100. If im govt approved to do it. Thats the problem right there. Govt controls it here. Were allowed to buy thier regulated weed but not have a test done on it.
Thats technically unconstitutional to say we must cosume only the products they approve but cant cross examine lab results on em. Or test bud at all. We should be able to walk out a dispensary n get it tested to know what we just purchased.especially at $400 an oz Thats also a consumer protection laws issue.