TestOfOath's Happy Place

I do the same. Always throwing scraps to the birds. I add brewers yeast only till week 6 when they get exposed outside but I have no knowledge if they need it longer. Just what was taught to me. Always giving veggies and greens though. Mine haven’t had the taste for weed leaves.


Heck no ain’t stepping on my toes we walk side by side here brother ! But you deff took the words right out of my mouth !
When we got our first ducks, the lady at the store never told us about niacin, and one of our ducklings started having problems getting up and his leg cocked inward we started giving him brewers yeast in his food snapped right out of it in a week or so !


Perfect. Got rid of that stanky leg. Haha


It came back to haunt him as he got older he was a big Peking couldn’t keep up with everyone …then his woman got taken away by the furries he was giving up …2 years they spent together! the day I was gonna dispatch him he disappeared :pensive:


Update more :grinning:


Greenhouse is still trucking right along like a redneck on meth and moonshine, majority of the plants are over 10 ft tall and have all been topped once, the real fast growing Boston Cooler on the left has been topped twice, 2nd one I took 2 and a half ft off and its right back up at the ceiling again in no time. Thinking of going around and topping 12 inches off everything again see if I can’t get them to grow more horizontally vs vertically.

Videos are WAY to big to post on here but the video on my IG does it way more justice than the photos and makes it easier to differentiate what’s what


Hey brother, I agree with the new guy, how’s she looking now?!

Also, what an absolute honor to be on that list!


Well shit guys, I’m at a loss and I could use some speculation on this one.

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One of my 3 OW! My Flavors! WAS A MALE. Not a hermy from what I can tell as there’s no flowering bits at all, just pollen sacs. Lineage is female Brawndo! F1 (London Pound Cake 75 x (Runtz x Trufflez) x reversed Ice Cream Cake #5 S1.

What could have possibly happened to give me a true MALE from feminized seeds?


From the big seed sellers like Atlas they say like 1 in a 1000 will be a male.
Could be one of these a male with all female genes!


I find that very interesting. Some of the pollen might be worth testing.


There’s only a 99.9% chance of it being female, like @Emeraldgreen said!


@JoeCrowe would you happen to know what these are?


My hazard guess is some kind of moth. I’d spray those buggers with BTK it kills them really fast.


Look like web worms to me !
But I’m no proctologist :joy:


Well here’s hoping its that anomaly lol. Couple things struck me as weird, the fact that there was no female parts whatsoever and the fact that it was flipping well before anything else is even showing signs. If you look closely there were a few open sacs and that plant was every bit of 8 ft tall. Also was the exact same size as its 2 sisters, usually males grow 30-ish% faster than females. Idk. Requires more testing.

Does anyone think this is a serious enough issue to pull them from my line for the time being?


I’ve seen fem seed produce a full on male. No female parts at all. I almost missed it I was so focused on herms on other plants. Full 6-7 tall just about to pop.
I wish I been able to keep it

If you are concerned pull it until more testing is done. Definitely better to error on the cautious side


Wild result @TestOfOath ! Here’s what I know (which ain’t much) about “Males” found in fem seed. It’s a hotly contested topic. I’ve had a bonified scientist, who’s the smartest person I know, relay that it is impossible for a true xy male to be produced by a YY pairing. There’s no x, therefore no x chromosome can be passed on to make a true xy male. Several breeders report finding males in fem seed for sure, so maybe there’s such a thing as a yy male? Pollen drift is a real thing and I usally chaulk up it up to that or a female that is herming out really bad but I also know nature finds a way and we don’t always understand it. If that male isn’t showing any female parts then there’s no need to pull the plug on the batch until you see how it’s “sisters” behave during flowering, in my opinion. Perhaps you can chop a top off that male and use it in a glass of water to collect pollen off site? The true test would to see if it produces regs or all female progeny. Interesting opportunity!


The flower express male with pollen and sacs and all. No genetic matter for male side of the equation from my understanding. Should be a mega fem pollen producer

Have to make some seed and test them.


Had a bit of a depression this week and it made it so I didn’t feel like doing much, apologies as per usual on the wait lol. So I had gone out after I saw you say this, cause I figured it’d be science-y to at least CHECK the pollen, it’d been maybe 5 days since I chopped it (it came down the second I noticed it, males get culled lol) but it was 9 f’ing feet tall and I figured it’d probably been eating itself and the new pollen sacs were probably somewhat ripe at this point. I was correct, pulled the main cola cause it’d had a decent amount of sacs popping and some had opened and browned. Out of that ENTIRE 2 ft branch with the cola I couldn’t even get enough to scrape a line together on a dinner plate which was both disappointing and somewhat reassuring at the same time. I guess I just kinda freaked out cause I’ve never had it happen to me before.

@BIGJ appreciate the link for more peace of mind. The more I think about it the more I don’t think there’s a need to worry, I stress test (on accident) better than most do on purpose and everything was fine, I’ve still got an OW! My Flavors! F1 going as a cannabonsai and its still fine. Oh yeah and my peyote is still doing great from the seeds I sprouted 2 years up in this thread :slightly_smiling_face: from google I could eat the larger ones right now for a decent time but I’m gonna let them go 'till its worth it, I got a relationship with these babies at this point!

I’ve only been taking videos cause its faster and easier so I don’t have any pics of the greenhouse at the moment and its not light outside yet, woke up at 415 this morning lol. I’ve had to top everything 2-3 times now and its all still borderline touching the greenhouse cover 10-12 feet up. Short of the Mountain Cream BX1, she’s a little shorty way in the back but that’s also near the woodline getting the least sunlight. BUT ALSO, the OW! My Flavors directly next to it is 10 ft tall.

Seen LOTS of folks in Michigan flipping already due to sunlight, I’m only showing flower so far on the OW! My Flavors! so hopefully the others aren’t too far behind. Sorta kinda on a schedule to move as we finish harvesting this season. Good news on that front, my realtor confirmed my house is worth the 200-225k I figured it would be, I owe 120k or something like that which means my plan to get us out of debt is a green light as far as I’m concerned. Which in turn means we didn’t fuck ourselves so bad that we can’t fix it, we’ll be borderline debt free after the sale and focused in the right direction now so MAYBE just MAYBE we’ll have a legacy to leave my kids and grand kids.

On a SAD front and something I could use help with (CALLING ALL CANADIANS) anyone that knows about the criminal rehabilitation program in Canada that’ll allow a REFORMED felon, by Canadian standards, to enter its borders again.

8 Days ago I reached 5 years from completing my felony probation, meaning in Michigan I’m eligible for having my felony expunged and now even the misdemeanors I got as a young adult. Good news, right? Beneficial to my life? Not so much. An expungement makes it so that your average person can’t see your record and maybe even some background checks can’t. BUT IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU NO LONGER A FELON. FBI still has you registered as a felon, internationally, in their database(s). Which is why I have to find out about the rehabilitation program run by the Canadian government. I haven’t been to my family cabins in the Canadian back country for over a decade at this point and if I don’t get this stuff taken care of my children and nieces will never share with me one of the fondest memories I had as a child.