TestOfOath's Happy Place

Happy 420


What ever. You guys be blazon some dank as shit. Hell yea!!!

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One shoulder just quit hurting. I need a few more hits.


I don’t think it’s too bad for my first time doing it myself (had a buddy’s help but you know what I mean, me not being the helper). I skipped the hot water and opted to go straight to the electric griddle (he forgot to bring the hot plate) and we went to smoke a joint and came back and it was almost overly cooked already
 6.5 hours on the skillet in the vac at -7 ramped up to -15 towards the end.

Do have the 2nd tray but it’s extra dark and not as good looking, even though the first could look better too lol. Patience is something I need to learn it seems, was cooking the 2nd batch off with the first in the pressure vac and there wasn’t enough room so 2nd batch was pooling on a far end because it was angled, so I was trying to scrape it all towards that furthest side and ended up with a line of sticky stuff outside of the butane, so I washed it INTO the boiling butane with ISO
 Which has a much higher boiling point. So had to leave it on the griddle overnight even after the purge to make sure it was all evaporated as much as possible. Seems dark but we’ll see how it goes


Veg tent went 18/6 then 24 hours lights on now back to 18/6 to jump start reveg, 5 Pure Michigan F2 females and 4 males.

Down to 1 Snugglefunk, 1 Maui Wowie, 2 MendoBreath, 3 Empire of the son, 3 Dosibite, 1 Ancestral Skunk, 4 GG4 RIL, 1 Princess Peach, 2 PancakeZ, 2 Sour Diesel, 1 Frozen Coke, for a 30 plant total. Though there are the 9 ICC#5 I tested that popped in that tiny grouping that might have some go in too, let em fight to the death and keep the champion


Good names.

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Hello my friend!! How u doing?

Awesome babys, dude! They are looking pretty sugared, ahn?

In your extraction process, especific on expurgation, can you help me with some questions?

What you using to create the negative pression? And How many bars of pression os needed tĂŽ make the expurgation???

I Will buy the gears tomorrow to create my vacuum Chamber

Its needed the pan be tall? I planning tĂŽ use an pression cooker but my own is shorter. Thinkin about the possibilities the extraction reach the acryllic

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I used a vacuum pump (which I think is on its way to breaking lol) that connects to the lid on the pot, when you first put it in -7 or so gets the bubbles started pretty good but as it sucks more and more butane out the bubbles get smaller so I turned it up to -15 by the end of it. No the pan doesn’t need to be tall, I didn’t purchase all of this gear myself or I’d probably of gone shorter but maybe there is a purpose to the height, I don’t know.

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It’s nice to have a taller pan for safety if the vacuum pressure gets to high your bubble will spill over the lip of the pan and be everywhere .


End results of the first BHO run, definitely darker than I’d like but it’s a learning lesson to slow the fuck down I guess, happy with the results for sure and took way less time and materials than trying to press a half pound or more of trim

Quick tent pic, need to get em all out for a photo shoot one of these days, been getting their pots ready but wanna mix a bunch of soil with down to earth amendments for the big transplant, I don’t ph my water so my buffers are all I got, runoff from the transplanted PancakeZ (they’re whiny and roots needed space bad) was 6.5 so it’s right around happy town. Trying something new with a layer of clay pellets, see if it keeps that bottom ball of roots more tame and let’s watering happen more easily.

And I think there’s some night shots I didn’t post of the 4 flowering plants, oh and ICC got the chop so I can shuck seeds once it’s dry. Gonna chop the highland and Durban early (February 6th would make 16 weeks)cause they’re kinda fucked anyhow and I need the space cause I’m bad at math and area space apparently, move the 5 remaining 5 gallon flowering plants to the 2x4x5
 Assuming they fit, might have some weird shit going on with 5 we’ll see.


Looking Good in the ToT happy place.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Hey bud ! Good morning!
Huge flowers ahn !! :crazy_face: how many days left to the harvest ?

Did you do winterization or dewax on the BHO? I ever makes BHO with washed and re-hidrated paraguain bricks and a tryied a lot of tecniques to get the BHO clearer and the winterization technique makes its more translucent and the high temperatures on drying process or decarbing makes it darker.

Have a nice day bud!

edit -------------------------------

i will search some pictures of my final product
 today i get an consistence what we can stretch it with the hands in room tempearature (20ÂșC - 25°C) and the shine is golden
 really good result compared with the prime material


Good morning, thanks for the kind words both of you, the happy plants are doing real well, still 4 weeks or so to go so lots of plumping up to do.

Sounds like you’ve got a good amount of experience, I’m still very new at BHO, I have my 10 ton press for solid nugs and hash and what not but it’s too time consuming and materials are too much for doing trim, so that’s what I’m getting into BHO for. I did have temps too high and also skipped using hot water to cook the BHO off and went straight to the heat source to cook it off, an error on my part.

I don’t know that I understand what winterizing or dewaxing is, could you explain these processes to me?



2 of your icc#5 down. Plus a couple others. Soon to be Perma Dream crosses lol. Looking good buddy :+1::+1::v: Also forgot that I had 2 good seeds of the icc x pck cross I also put down. Really interested in seeing how it turns out and what Perma Dream may do to it.


of course i can my friend!!

Winterization is the process what u dissolve your bho in grain alchool 96% and frozen it under -15CÂș or leave at freezer for 48h (what is my case because i’m in tropical country and i didnt try with dry ice yet)

it will separe the lipids from your BHO
 so you filter it and repeat the process until the solution dont separe anymore. It will clarify the final product and modify (improve IMO) the taste and smell
 and if u planning make e-juice or something else, it will protect u against crystalization of your juice.

here some links about the process i’ve did read:

hope it helps
 i still not found the media of my last work
 i will search deeper at gallery and back when i found it !

CYA :man_farmer: :heart:


Out of likes
but loved your post.


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Thank you for the information I will read up on it

On a similar note can anyone tell me what’s happening to my BHO? Top layer was oily and underneath is all crystals now, idk enough bout BHO to understand what happened

Also @ReikoX green dragon tincture mixed amazingly in a beer, flipped it once and it bubbled a tiny bit, seemed to mix evenly throughout right off the bat


I haven’t made bho in a long time, but I remember times when it would turn into budder. Looks good bro I would dab that all day.


Also got a package from @corey today, thanks a bunch bud