TestOfOath's Happy Place

I had my “Pigeonman” sticker on the envelope where the return address would have been :thinking:
Was that not there on arrival? or damaged?
I’m really happy to see they all made it to you safe and sound :hugs:

Good :eye: @Oldtimerunderground


There was no sticker when it arrived but it was unopened and undamaged, maybe someone thought it was cool lol. Thanks deeply for your generosity, I had a Kosher Kush that a buddy let me have back when I first started and it was one of my first real solid plants, the one I had was what introduced me to what I call cheese flavor.

Reg gelato means I can cross some ICC back with it’s lineage one day too, thanks a bunch bud


You’re very welcome. Grow on friend! Grow on! :fist: :seedling:


Some dig the hot mix but most don’t… They’re all in veg again some with normal growth again already so I’m hoping they start taking the amendments better it’s kinda hard to un-amend :joy: topped them all so they stay smaller and more bud sites mean more seeds I’d think and cause why not stress the ever living fuck out of em, right?

Quick update while things are in a lull I guess

Oh yeah quick question if anyone can answer for me, there’s a ton of seeds in all the preflowers and the frozen coke stacked fast (in the wooden box) and the nugs are full of seeds, will these seeds continue to healthily develop and ripen after being reverted back to veg?


I can’t answer that, as I’ve never tried it before, but here’s a post from @Budderton



Funny looking plant. I’m loving it. You did some changes? Looks different. Thanks again. I have on the reveg with seeds. I didn’t see anything different. That is a great question. I was wanting to know the same. Just never asked.


Think you might be ok because you already have bud structure, they may not grow a ton more in size. Only experience I’ve had with reveg like that was one plant under 18/6 put outside under almost 14 hours of sun. Revegged really bad, never ever made nice bud structure. They stayed loose and larfy. Think you’re in better shape.


If they are fully developed before going back into veg then I would say they probably will be good.


I have a question for that what if your plants have already been pollinated and you return them back to a veg state. Will the female be OK will she be free of seeds? I’ve always wanted to ask that question


That’s exactly my situation so I guess I’ll let all of us know what I find out, seems it’s not too common of an occurrence. The new growth on frozen coke is coming from the buds themselves so it’s gotta be sending energy there. Very curious


This a good read just posted a couple days ago;


Looking good brother! Looks like you’ve got a similar thing going to what I’m about to jump into! If you ever want beans tested I’m about to have 100+ spots for clones and seedlings and pick with a couple tents solely for breeding and raising the best beans I pop.



@TestOfOath almost weekend time. Cold enough? Looking forward to this spring. I got to get some new fans. I have 1 big 8 and a 6. The 6 is jacked I pumped unit up I have 4in everywhere. I’m needing a new filter. What brand would you suggest?

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Hey brother in my recent experience, I’m gonna say seeds close may finish and seeds just starting, will more than likely not mature. 3 different strains all went Into reveg and they will not finish out. Just new veg growth. So I’m gonna say no, if you want seeds keep them in flower :+1::+1::v:


I been embarrassed bout fucking things up with my amendments and how things are looking so I haven’t been posting as much… Biding time while they slowly get back into veg from all the stress and fuck ups, nothing is dying so there’s that though, new growth is still wonky but looks better than older growth so maybe they’ll survive with time. Been actually phing these last few waterings (still end up putting hygrozyme, kelp me kelp you, and canna start and sometimes RAW cal/mag) to make sure it’s not something that simple.

Dropped 10 73 Durban x ICC #5, highland Nepalese x ICC #5, and 10 Supafreak x ICC #5, the Supafreak wasn’t till last night but my buddy that does both of our smoking weed growing is gonna run all my crosses this next run, maybe 5 of each, see some different phenos and feel these crosses out. Gonna have a bunch of plants to either kill or find someone to take em, highland is the bigger seeds and Durban is the one with more cracked

Also dropped 4 White Cherry Truffle (seedlings in the solo cups) and am hoping for at least one female out of them and that they can get some kinda size while the others are revegging for a Pure Michigan x White Cherry Truffle cross

Anyways, till next time


You’ve got ALOT going on man. I think you get a pass for a hiccup here and there. :+1:t3:


I agree. Still looking good. It’s a learning experience. You fought hard to keep it going know you know how to handle things. I got two nice girls I got the pull. Taking up too much room.


@TestOfOath you didn’t fuck nothing up man. It happens to all of us. I pulled out a jar yesterday or some nice looking stuff has seeds in it. I had pollinated it never made seeds they’re just small enough to make it taste nasty.


Don’t be ashamed to post the good the bad and the ugly brother ! No growers perfect


Good point @Rabeats2093 . no way grows are always perfect. Much respect to show the bad. Lord knows there have been some of my grows that were ALL bad😂