TestOfOath's Happy Place

Never forget that when things don’t work out the way you had hoped is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Pun intended :heart:

Everything still looks like it’s gonna become great plants @TestOfOath !


You’re a good guy man always give support I like that


Yes, yes he is!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Lol. Don’t be embarrassed my brother, shit happens. I list like 7 plants from a fan failure. And ended up with these 2 scraggly plants left… after 2 weeks of new veg growth this is what I had. One is icc #5 and the other is mystery … and yes to any one who has @TestOfOath icc#5 Seeds ,This is a clone of the lady they were made from

the bushier of the 2 is mystery, Icc is the stick with a few leaves


I find when things get out of control in my happy place aka garden, it can really be disturbing to my overall serenity and mind set. You just focus hard on something constructive, like for example I love to go down there and really clean the place up. Sometimes it’s easier to be positive when progress is being made. I swear spider mite infestations are the most depressing!


Appreciate the reassurance and kind words everyone, things are visibly greening up and seem to be growing faster after some CannaStart, hygrozyme, and kelpmekelpyou which was at about 6.3 pH after.

Gone for a few days plowing this shit storm, 60 mile drive was fun in it :joy: so watered all the little ones and the big girls in the tent, breeding project should be fine on what it has


Nice plow mines a dinky toy compared to yours . Do you do custom plowing ?


I’m right with ya brother… lol


We only do commercial properties, @BIGJ drives a dump truck with a belly plow I drive one of our small Isuzus with an 11ft wide out. Think we have like 7 belly plow trucks and 3 Isuzus with the front plow, we’ll probably be out for the next day and a half to 2 days depending on when it quits


That’s a neat little truck monster plow nice setup.


Surprised that little truck can handle that size plough and a lot of snow. Do they get many gearbox or drive shaft damage :thinking:


It’s all about I think I can I think I can I think I can. Lol


Isuzu diesel. Lots of power. 19k lbs payload , only downfall is that you have to keep the weight in the box - 2wd. Plow really nice and the turning radius is outstanding,


I can see that too bad they didn’t make a 4x4 tire chains would help a lot also .


Stickers came in from vista print, thanks again to @CADMAN (you’ll have to forgive my stonedness… I’m 4 beers deep with 1.5ml of green dragon each, very embarrassing either way…) they look awesome. Maybe one day wanna tweak it to a picture of me or my brother as a kid and my weed but I love em

Also got sick of trying to fight bugs on 40 plants so bought this fogger, beats the ever living fuck out of the plants with how hard it blows but it definitely gets in everywhere, had to order an organic defoaming agent cause the pressure with my plant therapy/green cleaner 20ml/20ml mix was bubbly as shit and I’d have to unscrew the cap to relieve pressure.

Sorry and thanks @Purple-N-Hairy I’m not 100% what happened in my brain there :joy:


The sticker looks good, @TestOfOath. But I don’t think I had anything to do with it - unless I sent you the seeds that you used to grow that bud!


… I fixed it :joy: must be feeling even better than I thought. Had a long few days with this snow storm so decided I deserved to get fucked up… Mission accomplished apparently :grin:


Hot cold hot then cold. The foggier works. I don’t always recommend it . It will run them out of town.

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You been indoors thinking about out doors!!! image image


I like that kind of frost wayyyyy better than the stuff outside!!

Honestly the cold here has been fucking up my indoor temps. I can’t my AC outside which also means when it’s off the -5° air outside has a slow way inside. Been 67 lights off 83 ish lights on… That’s a real big fucking swing, might have to put all my fans on a timer to go off with the lights to keep temps up