TestOfOath's Happy Place

@BigMike55 she’s a monster and looks fantastic bud :green_heart: gonna need some support by the end of it nugs get really dense towards the end, I can’t wait to see that thing come fall

@ShiskaberrySavior uncrossed from me? I’ve only gotten like 5 pure Michigan f3s from sexing that I sent to someone, the rest have been pure Michigan crosses from that same period

@Hemp thanks for the support :grin: I wanna set you up with more soon cause I really enjoy watching you grow


I really appreciate that my friend and I do have some for trade. I got knee surgery coming up next week man not no big deal but they just been fucking with me. Lol


I got a couple of unopened pack seeds. I like that project 25. I haven’t grown it yet it’s from Copa. And then I got some stuff from Chitown. 420 seeds. Same address?

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I wish I had moved cause then I’d have my dream basement lol. You gotta let me set you up though, so you give me yours in a message so I can send first this time :grin:

Wish you the best of luck with your knee, my crazy ass daughter just split her leg open bout two weeks ago bad enough for 5 stitches


I’m not sure who I’d got them from , tonight when home I’ll look and see if I’d marked down where they came from . Thanks


Bud Mt.

DN sent. DN lol


So does anyone remember when I was sexing all the plants to put in my greenhouse and put em all out and they were still flowering and had to reveg outside and shit? Cause it’s not the best situation at all and I’ve been really butthurt.


I had an epiphany! I had given my buddy that grows our smoking weed 9 plants of PCK x ICC and SAK47( Strawberry Akeil) x ICC and they’re too big for his little veg tent and my solo cups of 73 Durban x ICC and ICC #5 herself in my tent would have plenty of time to veg since he just flipped to flower in his main room. So the greenhouse situation won’t be SO bad now, that’s a huge relief cause I’ve been kicking my own ass over how bad I fucked things up this year.


Those are some good looking pictures.


Hell yeah brother glad everything’s working out for you !!
Every working man deserves a reprieve !

I’m glad your finding your groove bro and everything is working out for you don’t kick yourself in the ass to hard or you’ll start walking funny :joy:

Everytime I hear ICC#5 I start getting a nostalgic smell :call_me_hand:


It has been so hot and dry here, I am surprised she looks this good, really. And yesterday, we finally got a little rain. I was sitting there reading, my wife says, it’s sprinkling outside, I said cool! I hope it comes a frog strangler.
Next thing I know, 60 mph wind, and a downpour of biblical proportions. I shit you not. My plants went rolling across the yard. I thought they were done. This morning, they are back to looking perfect.
Testament to cannabis’ resilient nature.


Such a big weight off my chest getting to transplant these 5 PCK x ICC and 4 SAK47 x ICC into the greenhouse from the plants that either didn’t recover at all or were still only one blade revegging. Far from where I’d like to be but I’ve got much more hope for the greenhouse this year now


I put my shit out too early this year.
Things started to flower then reveg, they are the same size as when I put em out, so I messed up too.
Live and learn right, don’t be too hard on yourself, just learn a good lesson from it.
I know I did… :sweat_smile:

I use the same wire as you do for my plants.
Good choice, I like it a lot.
Next year, with bigger plants, you may need to put the cages on stilts and make em a bit bigger around.
That is what I had to do anyway.

Oh and still jealous of that hoop house, nice work again! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Like Big Mike said. Hot over 100. I know the sun had some big hotspots last month. All of the planets being in-line maybe has something to do with it. IDK sounds good. I’m wanting to start some. I will. Got my starter bags ready. Not sure how the heat is in my grow area. I did do a few things different. Got to find a place to start the seeds. The boss (wife is what I call her) doesn’t see the babies.


Where are my Strainly folks at? I need 2 more reviews before I can post ads and after spending 100$ on seeds I don’t need I still have no reviews…

Can anyone help a brother out? I can buy seeds or trade solid genetics, whatever you need


Some cracking seeds you picked up mate :+1: I’ve never tried the London pound cake what’s the breeding behind it? Keep up the great work those Michigan’s will be sensational :clap:


what is your strainly username? I haven’t bought anything yet, does that matter? if not I’ll leave you a good review


@tresbundles Unfortunately I don’t know enough about their site to be able to tell you, I had two buddies try and make accounts and we couldn’t figure out a way to message or anything to get around their system


If I’m being honest the main reason I grabbed it is for the nostalgia I get from the movie Idiocracy :rofl:


Damn mate that’s a crazy nice presentation!
That’s one to hang onto :+1: the strain description sounds great :ok_hand:


Couple years ago, I was going to do a seed run here. I was gifted some London Pound Cake to run for seeds. But it was stolen in the mail. The envelope was ripped open and there was nothing inside when I got it. I really wanted to run that, too. I hate me some thieves.