TestOfOath's Happy Place


Beautiful garden all the way around…nice buds too!


That frozen coke how is it ? I’ve been a coke drinker most of my life !


Flavor on it was fantastic and it’s essentially a back cross to half of the Pure Michigan so I imagine the Faygo Cola F1 will be thoroughly impressive :grin:


Looks great.


@TestOfOath i just got caught up on this thread And you did an amazing job on your grow




He is one of my favorites. He works too hard.


Appreciate the kind words guys, a lot. @Hemp is more correct than he’ll ever know :joy: I try really hard though, as I do in all aspects of life. I can’t wait to get back to where growing is on a smaller scale and slightly less work lol I wanna have fun with it again instead of dreading how much work it is. I’ll have more time to myself here soon though, another month or so.

Im gonna get my hydro set up again here soon and start running some more MSG autos, make some fem auto seeds on a much smaller scale than what I just got done with so it’s not so taxing on me. I’m excited to be running hydro again, everything about it seems so much cleaner


Here’s a looksy at the most neglected garden of the year award winner :joy::joy::joy: here’s hoping I don’t have to work quite so many hours next year


You’re a madman!
Mad, I tell ya! :grin:


That’s pretty sad looking!
On a brighter note. You should get about a lid out of all that.


Bet ya my indoor garden looks worse!! :rofl:

had to take a break. Too many hours at work and my room needs some maintenance, some fresh paint , and some time to get it sterilized and make sure it’s bug free before I start anything else. On a side note I do have a few outside, been a couple years , but figured I’d try it again. Maybe - hopefully the thieves forgot Lol. They are a little spindly and thin but I did put them in late for hopes of keeping them smaller and less noticeable . Last 3 single plant pics are your icc seeds. The shorter one was started later


Hahaha I surely feel that way @CanuckistanPete!

@BIGJ we’re both gonna look like Claude soon if they keep running us like this :joy::joy::joy::joy: hopefully your outdoor comes out halfway decent for ya and nobody takes it this year. Should get some motion lights or a scarecrow or something lol

Does anyone wanna help me pick my next breeding project? Auto fem cross with reverse pollination. Gonna set my bubble buckets back up and run em that way. Here’s my list of auto flowers I’ve collected, I’m for sure using Future #1 and gotta figure out what else to use


Bout time you do something with future :+1:. I know I been on ya a while about that one :rofl::joy: need an icc x future Cross for sure. (Sundae premonitions ). How many you crossing I’ll pick one for ya brother, one more month and work relief will be here !!! No Claude for me !!


And for my pic I’m gonna say future x slurricane. You already know where I’m going with that. An auto version would be cool


I’ll remember to bring the Future #1 photos for you one day this week lol

I guess for now I’m really just trying to do 2, maybe 3 tops, cause I’ve only got 6 buckets. Updated the photo with some runtz stuff. Now that I’m thinking more about it though, it’s probably the wrong time of year to be slinging pollen around the yard, huh? Maybe just run 3 different sets of autos just for some good smoke for the time being and when they’re done it’ll be past Croptober and I can let the pollen fly

So, what you wanna smoke on in 6-8 weeks?? Lol


My pic I figure would give us a good rough idea on where and if this project I got in mind may go. Is it gonna dilute the genetics and THC level or intensify it


That would be a sick one to do for sure, that Slurricane is from John and he said it was an F4 but you know how he was with stuff lol I dont remember him having the time to f4 something

We’d have to get the slurricane tested to know, I’ll run it in 2 of the buckets so we can check it out


Just need that last mystery (:joy:) strain in an auto to finish it . If it works out like I think it will. Should be your #1 strain.


@TestOfOath funny you mention this future #1 plant. I gave my buddy a fat lid and he tries to pay me. I told him absolutely not , well next time I see him he slings me a pack of these future #1. I said what the hell and here she is last week. She’s in early 3rd week of flower.