TestOfOath's Happy Place

Where would one go to sell their wares if Strainly went full retard and stopped allowing you to send your email in messages to force you into using their crypto system?


That’s not the case. I got an email from them recently. I will see if I can find it

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I got the same emails but I’m trying as we speak to post my PayPal email to a customer and it blanks out the @ symbol and the word yahoo effectively making it so i cant get paid through paypal and only their new system


That’s weird. Maybe try putting a space between everything like email @ yahoo . Com that way the system might not pick it up as an outside email.
I know it’s dumb lol but it might work

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I’m just not a fan of them forcing me to use their new crypto system and pay fees on every sale to them, i used to pay for their cheapest membership or theyd throttle messages and I’d stop getting them after a certain amount of transactions.

Point is I’m not one of their ridiculous auctioneers trying to get rich off of pot seeds. I purposely sell my seeds at next to nothing so any and everyone can grow quality genetics and they don’t just go to the highest bidder with the most money.

I have some people only cover shipping and i send a gift cause thats all they can afford. More often than not people arent even spending more than 20$ with me cause they dont have it like that and i take pride in the fact they’re able to grow my seeds.

Just REALLY rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Undwemines everything i stand for


I know what ya mean there. Everyone is trying to capitalize on weed and weed related items. It’s definitely been getting out of hand

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Just puff on ice cream cake it is the best!


Can’t blame ppl for thinking money " does grow on trees"

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:rofl::joy::rofl::joy:. Now that’s funny… wouldn’t expect anything less from you brother. Make them flowers smell better :rofl::joy:


Green fire x Pakistani chitral Kush
Both born on 5/22 still not showing gender but roots were growing through bottoms so I took a gamble and uppotted the better of the two in hopes it’s a lady, leaving the other around just in case

Peach trees all doing their thing biggest dob is 5/26, two of em are 5/30 and other two are 5/31

Faygo cola, the older one born 5/26 has one more set of leaves than the other born 5/30 but is smaller and closest to the camera in the pic

Till next time


They will be jumping soon.

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Nice feet :blush:.


@TestOfOath - I believe you sent me these Pure Michigan seeds (probably a year ago) and just thought I’d let you know, it’s alive!


Some ICC #5 settled in

These rooted so easily I’m going to have a bunch


I 95


How you doing brother, I’m still working like crazy. Took a day off got my house inspection done . No more harassment from the city for 3 yrs. Time to get some plants going. … New journal coming soon,


Holy shit! I’m jealous of all that space! Ur gonna have a whole field by the end of the season! Very cool!


You’re going to be so high!


Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been gone for so long. Started a new job last Monday hoping it’ll be less stressful on me and my life. Been proving myself there so haven’t had any extra time or energy for anything else really. Still keeping up on the garden, greenhouse, and grow room while still being Dad lol

Still looking for a new website to pawn seeds! Might just get one made, probably the best route at this point.

Looking good @AzSeaindooin420 ! Can’t wait to see how they turn out. I forgot to take pics yesterday but my greenhouse plants are 3-6ft tall! So much for knee hogh by July! More like me high by July!

@CanuckistanPete that’d definitely be me, i got some outside this year too, all my stuff really. Get excited with me cause the pics I’ve seen of finished PM F3 are absolutely gorgeous, dark black purples and covered in frost!

@Emeraldgreen you’ve got more going on outdoors than me by the looks of it brother, badass!!! Colors should be intense come fall and they’ll just explode in size when they hit their stride

@Hemp those I-96 are half GG4 RIL from tony green and put out some magical looking flowers, the genetics mixed really well with Pure Michigan

@BIGJ well they definitely put me through the paces last week. Fert, cutting, more fert, then cutting and trimming bushes, and more fert in the rain on Friday. But i been outworking anyone they put me with and theres not much we cant do in this industry so I’ll be fine. Just tired and sore lol. I just wanna work hard, take care of my family, and be treated like a human being while I’m doing it. Really hoping this place works out and i can build a future here

And now a couple random pics. Thick big nugs are Nightmare Runtz x Black Candyland

Purple are Tropicana Poison

Anything huge on the right/towards the back depending on view is ICC #5 and #98. #98 is starting to purple and still has similar structuring all around to my #5. I didnt dump as much pollen as I’d like from the oversized reversed plant, maybe thats why they specify 12-20inch plants to be sprayed.

But i know for a FACT i saw pistils curling like they do when pollinated ao there ahould be SOME seeds, just not completely packed like I’d like



I’m excited! I’m excited! :crazy_face:

I’ll keep you updated on it.