TestOfOath's Happy Place

I’m looking forward to it.

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I’m excited too! Looking great

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98 x 5 should be nice.

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Thank you for the info. I’m looking forward to it. They pop pretty fast. About a 2 inch wing.

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Green fire x pck
Well I took a gamble and I lost, the one in the 25 gallon is a male, the one in the 3 gallon is still not showing but gonna cull and swap anyways and hope for some luck, if both are male I’ll end up filling the spot with something else I have on back up of other cultivars for situations like that

Peach trees, all are looking good, none are showing yet

Faygo cola, no gender bits yet either but gonna take a gamble and throw the bigger one in it’s 25 gallon and hope for some luck and keep the other around till I can confirm


Nine days later and the Pure Michigan has almost doubled in size.


Very nice, that thing is growing like a weed…:crazy_face::crazy_face:


Some interesting growth pattern on the ICC 5


Found my ladies for peach trees and faygo cola

The green fire x pck I am thinking is a male unfortunately without anymore backups to replace him with so gonna watch a few more days and will likely be pulling out as a tester on that one and throwing another cultivar in it’s place, too late in the season to try to pop more beans of it

Peach trees def got an interesting lateral branch wanting to thrive


Those are some big pots your growing in.


Yup! 25 gallon! Wanna encourage as much stretch and growth as I can by end of season

Actually peach trees is in a 20 gallon, ran out of 25 gallon grow bags and figured 5 wouldnt make a big difference


Well the green fire x pck was indeed a male, plucked it and put a back up watermelon x loveshake lady in it’s place. Better luck next time on that cultivar


ICC 5 update

Two left rows


12 days later Pure Michigan


Top faygo cola
Bottom peach trees


Boy do y’all put the biggest smile on my face when i finally come around n see this stuff. Happy to see they’re all doing well for you guys, warms my heart.

Things are going real well over here too, probably my best run ever which is just fantastic with this being a seed run. Still not super confident that the reversed female donor dropped enough pollen, there was never any to be collected when i shook the plant, so I’m really hoping theres seeds hiding in here. Gonna be some amazing smoke either way, 23rd is 6 weeks of seed development so only a little ways left to go.

Greenhouse just got lollipopped, probably cut off about 2 full plants worth of lower branches and main branches that split at the bottom. They’re gonna have a hard enough time supporting themselves as is, don’t need wonky growing low branches that’ll break later on, use the energy in more beneficial places. Used hedge trimmers to top 2 plants up front for shits and giggles, don’t recommend and would not do again. Maybe with a dedicated one for only pot plants where the blades dont get dull, cause theyre mean ugly cuts. Still need to figure out an irrigation system, sprinkler has been clogging and is jist getting old. Also beats the SHIT out of the tall ICCs next to it when its on lol

And i decided to try cannabonsai on this Brawndo that was growing sideways funny, cause I’ve been too busy with work to get more coco and manure (that i finally did yesterday) to transplant the Brawndo out of the small container 6 plants are sharing. Seemed like a great candidate for it, gonna wait for roots to establish and wash a good portion of the dirt out, if not all, so it can grow over the skull and settle around the bottom. Did a little mix of nutes to help with stress and rooting, hasnt wilted even a little since yesterday so i think she’ll be just fine. Also picked up a bunch of succulents and cacti cause I absolutely love looking at em, its gonna be my little side project i wanna get looking super cool.

Anywho i guess thats it for another 6 weeks of hibernation or whatever :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Looking pretty stellar @TestOfOath!


Looks great!
ICC 5 update is due

Trying to keep the same perspective in each update


Looking good how many plants to a row ? Wished I could run that many outside tough with our growing season to get them finished in time.


Basically 40 a row. Hopefully they double or triple in size🤞