TestOfOath's Happy Place

Sorry to see that man, totally devastating to have it happen. You would think being in a greenhouse they would be a lot less affected by bad weather. I was planning building a greenhouse next spring, doesn’t look like it will help me much here if your plants got ruined.


That’s horrible news brother! :sob:. It has been a really hard year to grow this year everywhere apparently. That idea of you get out of the grow what you put into it is a truth I’ve come to believe 100 percent. Sounds like you are making great strides in putting energy into you! That’s awesome really looking forward to seeing your new endeavors flourish


You need really really good air flow years like this.


I think you just need to seal up the greenhouse, , set up a better ventilation system and use some sort of environment monitor for temp and humidity ,that should help stabilize and maintain humidity and temps. Think of it as like an indoor room , you monitor temp and humidity to prevent issues and keep the plants happy. No Different in greenhouse. It’s a grow room with transparent walls that uses the sun instead of artificial light. , with it open. it’s exposed to all outside influences and no control over humidity or temps.


You know it have had my worse luck growing in a greenhouse

@TestOfOath I’d clean the shit out of that green house after everything done …including soil…
You’ll get back on the up and up…you gotta be down to get up! Good luck brother


I agree with @Rabeats2093 . Get ya couple gallons of some hypochlorous acid and a garden feeder and hose the crap out of it top to bottom :+1::+1::v:


Ahh bro this sucks to read soooo bad! It was such a tough year for so many running outdo! Like an absolute shit show for many unless totally ontop of IPM from the start. Stoked to hear you opening up shop though. Wish I got some ICC beforehand :man_facepalming:t2: lol just playing but I do really want some let me know when you are set up!


That icc#5 rocks !! Great plant all the way around this my first grow I didn’t have at least one going. And that’s only because I did autos @TestOfOath hasn’t made an auto version yet!! Or maybe he’s waiting on me to do that…:rofl::joy:


Out of likes, definitely wanna explore that one. Wanted to for a while now, I can wholeheartedly say that ICC is one of the prettiest strains I’ve seen with my own eyes…. EVER :eyes:


I’ve grown it every grow I’ve done since he got it and have had seeds since the first time he made them. I’m sure I’ll have at least one on next run


I wish I could vape ICC all day every day but extensive use alters my mood too much.

It is the best!


Well now I must have some!


I’ll check my stash see what I got , I’m sure he won’t mind me spreading some love . Lol.


You are too kind! Sweet!


If we can find some straight ruderalis to cross it with I’d do ICC #5 auto all day! Anyone with ruderalis leads feel free to let me know. I chopped the greenhouse today, lost 90-95% of it to bud rot I’d say, salvaged enough to last a little bit but still hurts real bad, good motivation I guess.

I just popped like 7 ICC and had one going already and I’m gonna spray one of em down with elitexlite and we’ll have a bunch of ICC #5 S2’s and a couple crosses/back crosses, there’s a Rick James (supafreak x icc), Tapi Tapi (1973 Durban x icc), both of those will be back crossed on the ICC side which was already prevalent and the 3 Brawndos for the Brawndo x ICC cross.

@TopShelfTrees1 BigJ probably has more ICC seeds than I do at this point but I’m working on it right now lol, somewhere between 2-8 (am i the only one who gets this joke? lmfao) months from now there will be more ICC #5 seeds!

@Rabeats2093 how would I go about cleaning the soil? I chopped everything down today and left it all in there, grey mold and all. Gonna rotatill it next year and grind all that shit up into the dirt. Won’t winter kill it? Or does it just hang on till next year? Can I just sulfur the soil while I’m rototilling?

@JustANobody at first I had about as much as you could, both sides being completely open, no forced air to speak of though. But then I had 4 plants get stolen and built a back wall, air was completely stagnant for a while after that, then I slowly started cutting windows and now there’s a shit ton but it doesn’t matter lol. Still thinking of burying an extension cord out to there and using the circular floor drying like fan I have for air movement.

@Emeraldgreen yeah I’ve seen lots of people in the same boat as me but there’s also lots of people who were just fine, all in the same state, been a wild ride this year for sure and as always I’ll just have to prepare better for next year, bet you could search that quote in this topic and it’d pop up way more than it should lmfao

@Shadey greenhouses change the outdoor game completely, they can make your outdoor as visually appealing as indoor cause they’re not getting beat by the elements, USUALLY they prevent bad shit like this from happening more than they help make it happen, I think it was neglect personally, unhealthy plants in an unhealthy environment are a recipe for disaster. Just go about things the right way and you’ll be fine, water from the bottom so your plants aren’t wet at the leaves more often than they need to be (actually WATER your plants, don’t be like me, rain doesn’t get into a greenhouse), maybe do some preventative sprays with your favorite mold/mildew treatment, e.g. hypochlorous acid, sulfur, copper, etc. and you’ll be fine, i lost less than 2 ounces last year with nearly as many plants, don’t let my bad year discourage you

@bassman5420 honored to be your first post in 4 months! glad to see you back and hey man you know how she goes, sometimes it’s the best grow you’ve ever had, on a failed seed run, like a few months ago, sometimes all your hard work goes to shit cause you were lazy cause you had to work too much. I’ll take it as a lesson again and do better next time, that’s how I’ve always done it. Hope to see you around brother


If you run out before you make more. Let me know :rofl::joy: I got a few. :grin::grin: and Rick James is a good one.I got my father in law to try it he calls it the supa freaky ice cream :grin:. Had him trashed and he a regular smoker… claims he was still high the next morning when he woke up :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:. He now asks me It’s not that crazy supa freaky ice cream is it . I almost pissed my self the first time he asked me that!! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


I call @JoeCrowe to the stand !
Ps I have some 8 ft plants of the icc#5 still going …mold is right around the corner though I can sense it …kicking myself I didn’t get nothing to reveg from it …still my all time favorite smoke …3 peculiar smells that have stuck through from the original seed …a deep wiff will surley make you gag


I would definitely spray sulfur around in a 6 meter area where you grew the plants. The fungus overwinters on downed plant material, so you can spray in the fall or spring. Just make sure you do two sprays before planting the next crop so the mildew is finished off.


Damn, sorry to hear this brother…

Rooting for you Bro :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Y’all are making me blush, @BIGJ that story with your father in law is priceless, I’m gonna use that any time I tell someone about Rick James lmfao

@Rabeats2093 @JoeCrowe appreciate the help, I’ll be sure to douse the entire greenhouse at least twice before planting next year. Probably gonna do regular treatments at month intervals or something just as a preventative measure next year