Thc-a Isolate 97.9%

I got some Thc-a isolate from horatio delbert

its beautiful… and looks like some hard drugsXD

The isolate was tested at 97.9% thc-a. Its pure white and when you put it on the nail is bubbles mostly white with a little yellow tinge and it leaves a yellowish residue on the nail when finished. There is a tiny bit of taste to it but not much at all. The buzz you get is more like some tropical cultivars out there. I like it a lot more on top of some rosin. I like to make tacos with it. Flatten the rosin put some in the middle and fold it, gets you really medicated!

Has anyone else tried any isolates?? I wanna get some cbd isolate but its hard to find in canada.

Much love


BADASS!!!.. Me likey!

I wish I could. But here in EU only CBD extracts are legal. Psychoactive extracts are impossible to get if you don’t extract them yourself :frowning:

I only can get close to extract is with doing water processed high quality full melt bubble, how much potent could it be? Possibly close to 50%…

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full melt bubble is better then this forsure. this was just something fun to get one time. at 135cad for half g… its a once ina life time kinda thing

@lotus710 i imagine it wouldn’t be hard to find one who will ship discreetly to canada, it’s your own risk if its gets seized right?

I’ve played with cbd isolate… it’s ok. I think full plant extract is more medicinal. But it will definitely take the edge of a high.

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your right on that lotus i think its like caviar the food good by itself but way better when you add it on top of things you need to get some liquid terps to put on top of it next time gets those flavors right

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