The Apothecarium - Indoors / Organic / Medical

Very interesting read. Thank you for posting the link.

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right? i thought so too. the GA3 affects a lot more than just the germination.

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I’m out of likes.
Indeed. I can deal w the extreme stretch but not the possibly very dramatic increase in number of males.

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yeah… especially if a preservation run is required. :open_mouth:
going to complicate things.

Zone1 - Update

we… have… DIRTBURST! looks like 2020M T-Dub came to play. had to assist a bit with helmet removal. didn’t f^ck anything up (this time). tomorrow will see some cotyledons and first set forming.
the Soma Lavender F2 seedling started leggy, and is now getting too heavy to support itself. will form a crutch for it later today. i am prepping their permapot soil out in the garage. it’s recycled so letting it cook a bit longer. plus i want t-dub a bit bigger before transplant. grow some rooooots (bloodyroooots!) and we will stick you in the big girl pot.
Lavender gettin’ after it. love to see it. thanks again @misterbee. have high hopes for this one.

Zone 2 - Update

Top shelf clone moms are getting their limbs back on. they got top dressed at the top of the month and are munching away happily. i’ve never kept a clone mom before… so all the chaotic awkward re-growth has my defoliation OCD in friggin overdrive… but i’m letting it do it’s thang. trying to be patient. only cleaning up areas to improve air circulation because F^CK fungus gnats. if you know, you know.

Bottom shelf - autos are getting close to finish. GCA growing some nice donkey dick colas and BDA a bit closer to finish with the respectable golf ball nugs. you can smell them when you walk into the room. pretty stanky, but of course, smells nice to me. i think maybe another week for BDA. 2 weeks for GCA. already thinking about the next autos to roll in there. i just might be able to slip some Scarlet Grapes in there… heh. we shall see. i know for sure Zkittles auto is up. my stash is gone. i kinda like that one.

Green Crack Auto - donkey dickin’ it!!

Blue Dream Auto - Golf Ballin’ it!!

Dukester wants some fresh salad…

Zone 3 - Update

top shelf - the gelat.og clones are outgrowing their solos and the flower zone in garage is backed up… i might need to snip these again down low to keep them small. when the Ken’s GDP seedling gets big enough it will take the place of the gelat.og clone mom. i will flower her out in the garage most likely. GDP project takes precedence.

Bottom Shelf - Ken’s GDP seedling, XOX GDP seedling and Blim GDP master clone that will be kept in veg till the spring. it will go outside in early spring to flower.

Zone 4 - Update

left side - mix of clones in week 3 of flower. all look super healthy and enjoyed their top dress at top of month. no scents coming out yet.

right side - all GDP clones. loving their new soil and finally succumbing to full flower in week 2. i decided to scrog net them after all and had fun twisting and bending and defoliating. they responded well to it despite being late in the game. Blimburn may be a scoffed at “puppy mill seed bank” but this line of their GDP is completely consistent pheno, grows vigorous and healthy and has always provided good meds for abuela. my only complaint about the blim GDP is its potency. it is fine smoke. smooth, tasty and give a real nice muscle and body relaxing high… GREAT for sleepies. it’s just not the most potent in the medicine cabinet. it could stand a little bump up. this seems to be the case with most “purple” strains… it’s not an ass stomper like wedding cake, but still respectable. friends that have sampled have really liked it, but have the same observation - “this is really nice and tasty… but not really as strong as some of the other stuff you grow… my neck/back/knees/headache/nausea feels really good though… >hits bone again<”

wide angle shot.

til next time…


Ok, Im going to have to follow along here. First ill have to catch up. Then im taking a seat and settling in for the ride…


thanks for stopping by.

prepare yourself for some DIY n00b sh^t.
my first perpetual followed (hopefully) by some GDP on GDP seed run(s).

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Zone1 - Update

T-Dub has done its dirtburst and is getting its foliage on. Lavender has been transplanted to its permapot. Trying a new soil mix on these. Will see how it works out.


Zone 2 Update

top shelf clone moms require another haircut. will be taking cuttings this coming week.

bottom shelf autos still creeping towards the finish line. BDA still in the lead. pistils are almost all done changing color. GCA just keeps packing it on. i am fine with this.



Zone 3 Update

top shelf had to be topped. they were growing up over the lights. they were healthy and vigorous, but there’s no more room in zone4 for flower. they’re going to have to wait. do some lateral branching while you wait.

Zone 4 Update

committed to producing flower.

Left side Week 4 flower. still nice and healthy. flowers bulking up. looking good. starting to throw off a little stank.

Right side Week 3 flower. this side seems to be taking it’s time. kinda odd considering cuttings from same plant. perhaps the drop in temps have slowed them down where left side got started in warmer weather? i dunno. will see what this week brings.

Bud PrOn
a little bit of 4week old GDP frost on the left side. i knew i kept this mom for a reason… :wink:

Til next time


Zone1 Update

Soma Lavender F2 is well on it’s way. seems to be doing ok in the new soil(less) mix. i topped it at 6 internodes as usual. (vertical space constraints in this space) seems to be handling it in stride. still unsure sex. it’s keeping it a surprise. :\

2020M T-Dub is working it’s way up and out. got a stout main stem … hopefully forshadowing of an oncoming beast. i’m ok with that.

Zone2 Update

Top - GDP clone mom gave up some more cuttings. it was high time. (ba dump tish) did the usual thing with the cuttings. clone domed. and getting their roots on in zone3.
Gelat.OG clone mom ready for another haircut, but the bottleneck is real. topped all the long branches to promote laterals for when i am able to take more cuttings.

Bottom - GCA still needs more time. BDA is ready, but waiting for it’s replacement to pop. i have GCA replacement germinating as well. once they have tails, i will transplant to perma pots and harvest both BDA and GCA. it will be a “close enough” situation for GCA. i am fine with this.

GCA almost ready

BDA ready

Zone3 Update

Top - Gelat.OG seedlings in solos were topped again and stuck down below on a new tray that seems to be the answer to space issues. clone dome is back and full of GDP cuttings. also tried to save some cuttings from the GxKK cuttings that i f^cked up and put into flower in zone4. hopefully they root and reverse themselves. i only had one seed pop form that batch. the plant was full of vigor. hope the re-veg works.

Bottom - all the Gelat.OG cuttings that were up top are now down below. they got topped (again) trying to encourage some lateral branching. XOX GDP looks to be male. i am fine with this. going to keep topping him until i’m ready to let him get it on with some choice Ken and “abuela’s cut” GDP clones.
the apothecarium’s first seed run is coming…
back row has XOX GDP (male) recovering from a topping, Ken’s GDP female still unf^cking itself from flowering prematurely, and “abuela’s cut” GDP gen2 backup clone.

Zone4 Update

Dedicated to making flower

Left - Week 5 flower. what a difference a week and some really cold night time temperatures makes. got some purple coloration coming in hard on the GDP.

Right - Week 4 flower. chugging along. getting some good frost coming in.

GDP Bud PrOn

til next time


Zone 1 Update

Lavender got a little light scorched while i was away. i have removed if from it’s pedestal and put it down where it belongs… i see it is already taller than where the SCROG net goes.

T-Dub is starting to get going. needs some more time up closer to the light by the looks of it.
as far as the new soil mix is concerned, seems to be doing ok. i haven’t grown either strain before so don’t really have a comparison, but can observe it seems to bo doing what i was expecting.

Zone 2 Update

Top Shelf -
both clone moms still clone momming. gelat.og needs another haircut. and we still have a bottleneck in flower zone4. and another set of gelat.og clones still waiting their turn in solos.
obviously sorting this issue out is next task on drawing board.

Bottom Shelf -
it is CHOP DAY for both autos. i did intend to have their replacements ready to go when it was time. it appears that one of the 2 replacements came to play… still waiting on second to do it’s dirtburst.
going to be a busy day chopping/washing/drying and getting the pots and soil ready for the next run.

Zone 3 Update

Top Shelf -
cuttings all have roots, including (much to my surprise) the cuts i took from the GxKK in flower. will have to mess with transplanting them all to solos sometime this week.

Bottom Shelf -
the clones in the solos need transplant, but still not in the cards. they need some nutes TLC. kind of a pain in the balls with the organics. i’ll get it sorted out.

Zone 4 Update

dedicated to making flower

Left Side -
Week 6 Flower. magical sh^t going on colors. frost. stank. get some.

Right Side -
week 5 flower. these cuttings missed the cold spell window that gave the left side the fancy colors. too bad. but they are fattening, frosting and stanking up just as nice. i am fine with this.

til next time.


Zone 1 - Update

turns out that the soma lavender f2 is a male. going to take cuttings and collect pollen at a later date.
t-dub is getting ready to veg hard, so i need it’s counterpart. still trying to decide what i’m going to replace the lavender male with. its gotta be a fem seed to catch up to t-dub… i’m thinking a revisit of white widow (its on the list) as i need to use up that open pack… there are many other candidates.

as far as the new soil mix is concerned… it’s working, but i think they do better with some actual soil content with the amendments i use… i might be premature in my assessment, so will keep an open mind and watchful eye.

Zone 2 - Update

top shelf i really need to repot the GDP mom and clean up the cluster F that is it’s lower larf branches. ventilation. going to be a bit longer. i did some scrog net weaving with the gelat.og mom… but still needs a haircut. just a few more weeks… until some harvest in the flower zone and things can move ahead.

bottom shelf both the new autos have done their dirtburst as of this evening. zkittlez is ahead by a week. the DWS from 2020mendocino just dirtburst today. not much to look at… yet.

Zone 3 - Update

i have potted all the GDP cuttings into solo cups. long overdue. i had roots by day 6. they needed transplant several days ago, but it’s done now. they are going to need some adjustment time. the leaves were starting to yellow as they needed some nutrients.
all the gelat.OG clones in solos have gone into their flower permapots. they will have some time to root hard and do some more vegging before the move out to flower zone.
that’ll do.

Zone 4 - Update

left side week 7 flower. color and stank. a GOOD stank. frosting up VERY nicely. i’m wondering if the late dose of langbeinite has anything to do with that…

right side week 6 flower. stank and frost. this side missed out on the color change window we had of cold nighttime temps. too bad, but it’s making up for it with the level of frost. i am fine with this.

til next time.


Zone 1 - Update

Having some problems getting lavender’s replacement going. decided on white widow. had 2 seeds left. neither popped. went through the inventory again. decided on another 2020 mendocino offering - “bubba whip” a pre-98 bubba cross. it is currently in the paper towels. bucket is ready for it when it comes time for transplant.

T-Dub on the other hand is starting to dig it’s roots in and take off. certainly seems to lean sativa with the lighter green coloration. no matter. i have heard good things about trainwreck. hopefully this one lives up. i have topped it twice so far. going to start LST on the upper branches pretty soon.

Zone 2 - Update

Top Shelf -
GDP and Gelat.OG clone moms still clone momming. i am thinking to pull the gelat.OG when the Ken’s GDP finally decides it want to grow up and start making cuttings. that may be pretty soon. it’s finally decided to start throwing normal shaped leaves and branches. i still do not know why it decided to flower as a seedling… touchy plant.

Bottom Shelf -
my SOG experiment plants in 32oz containers have all popped. got them sitting on top of the auto buckets to get some light. they will eventually go into zone 3 when there is room for them.
the autos have both popped and are in seedling stage. zkittles on the right is a week ahead of the 2020mendocino “double whiskey sour” auto. i had originally intended to have the 2020m “trizkit” auto going on the left side bucket. it damped off and died. (bummer)

space = problem. but i gotta get through abuela’s list. this is the way. i’ll do better with space in the flower zone next run. i have ideas.

Zone 3 - Update

Top Shelf -
space = problem. i have cuttings growing roots and rooted cuttings in soil solos taking up space when they belong on bottom shelf.

Bottom Shelf -
bottom shelf fully stocked and backed up with plants that should be in zone 4 in flower. things need to be refined…

Zone 4 - Update

dedicated to making flower

Left Side -
week 8 flower. need to harvest to open up the bottleneck, but going to go 9 weeks with the GDP. it turns out better this way IMO. i really want to pull them though and free up the space. nope. 9 weeks for abuela’s cut. giving off wall of stank. lots of frost and color. very pretty crop.

Right Side -
week 7 flower. what this side lacks in color it is making up in frost. i am still fine with this.

Til next time


Looking great! I can totally understand the space issue. I have 2 month old mother plants in solo cups still as there’s no place to move them.

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thanks man. they look better than i can take pictures. smell better too.
your cuts still doing well? getting their roots on? keep topping them.

i am NOT keen on the idea of cup growing, but i have got to do/try it to get through this list faster. kinda bummed i have 3 spaces taken up for GDP perpetual, but the stash is always low… :frowning:
going to rock this perpetual till i get a few jars of surplus… then i need to think about selfing abuela’s cut and making some seed. this plant is definitely special. i certainly have GOT to clean it up and transplant. very soon. i think after next round of cuttings i’m going to do the deed. (i keep saying this…lol)

i just transplanted ken’s GDP into it’s clone mom pot (with microkote!) once the left side in zone 4 is cleaned out for harvest next week, all the gelat.OG (including the clone mom) are going out to zone 4 to flower. need to make way for ken’s clone mom.

there will be GDP f*ckery afoot. pollen chucks planned.


The Abuela’s cuts are on day 8 in solo cups and doing well. Still just water only as there’s a good amount of nutes in fresh Roots Organic soil. Just got done watering way too many solo cups and 1 gallon pots in my clone and mother tent. Now it’s on to the flower tent to get them fed.

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you’re making solo cup growing sound even MORE enticing… :smiley:


ok. missed last weeks updates. catching up this week. lots going on.

Zone 1 - Update

t-dub is t-dubbing along. the new soil mix does allow for speed, but it is lacking something. t-dub seems a bit hungry but not finding the dry amendments it needs. i just recently started playing with adding fish fert. just started this week. will see if it helps at all. top dress coming top of the month.

bubba whip got super leggy despite having it’s pot elevated up to the (fixed position) light. had to make a crutch for it a few days ago. that seemed to help as it is finally getting to work on it’s leaves. i’m going to have to pay attention to this soil too as bubba whip is going to have the same nutrient issues that t-dub is having. :\

going to have to sort out that soil mix… or figure out if more fish fert needs to be involved. :
learning curve straight up like always.

Zone 2 - Update

much went on in this space since our last visit.

Top Shelf -
gelat.og clone mom has been retired to zone 4 to make it’s last batch of flower. thank you for your service.
reason for early retirement is that i FINALLY have a Ken’s cut GDP female from seed… that lived. it had it’s own saga of trials and tribulations to get to this point, but i will spare you the details. it has taken the place of gelat.og and will start producing cuttings for abuela’s stash and hopefully a seed run when i find a ken’s male (that lives). these ken’s seeds were hard to find and even harder to get going. bit frustrating for the price (and reputation). but i digress. i need to test the medicine so will work with what i can and what i have. get some ken’s female. counting on you. (no pressure)

my “abuela’s cut” GDP mom FINALLY got the TLC she needed. larf trimmed off, ventilation restored, roots cut in half and repotted to new pot with fresh soil and amendments. this was LONG overdue. i suspect the plant will bounce back… it’s pretty strong, but i can tell you it DIDN’T like having it’s roots cut for a few days.

hey @Pigeonman - how long do your moms take to bounce back from a root cut/repotting? i’m not in panic mode (yet), but it’s a bit weird to see your healthiest 3yr old mom looking this beat up. i know once the roots press down into the new soil they are going to eat/drink well… but … are we looking at like the time frame of rooting cuttings? say 10 days? or is it less as it’s an already established plant?

also up top i have rooted cuttings and one of @JohnnyPotseed frankie seedlings. i have some space issues in zone 3 that should be sorted out in another few weeks.

Bottom Shelf -
total cluster for space.
left - 2020mendocino “double whiskey sour” auto.
white 32oz cups are the “quicken the list” experiment containers. they will veg for about a month then hit the flower zone. low yield for sure, but will get test material out quicker (?) - this is the theory at least. ~shrugs~
i intend to take cuttings from each before they hit the flower zone in case i find something that works good.
right - seedsman zkittlez auto. i dig this strain. i like the flavor and the buzz. more of a guilty pleasure ganj than something medicinal. when i have a stash i reach for that jar a lot. my 3rd run with this strain. a little head stash for me. will test on abuela this time too… it has GDP in it’s lineage… soo… logic would dictate, but this is abuela. nothing goes as planned.
far right - these were rooted GDP clones that i potted early, but then realized they didn’t fit in zone 3. too tall. they got squeezed in here. no matter. they will go to flower zone later today. it’s their time.

Zone 3 - Update

a lot went on in here too. cleared up some space and then lost space up top. but i did have some good news on that. got an army buddy going to start growing for himself. he’s going to take some of my abuela’s cut clones. so… that’s where that cluster up top comes from. he’ll come pick them up in 2 weeks. he’s getting his outdoors areas prepped etc.
pretty pshyched i have a local(ish) growmie now. :smiley:
top shelf - are all rooted clones in solos or freshly cut clones before repotting the GDP clone mom.
bottom shelf - gelat.og clones going to brave the outside and see if the 32oz containers will survive the outside. (gotta build them a standing frame as i KNOW the high winds we have here in spring and fall will blow them into the neighbors yards - for real). XOX GDP seedlings. looking for proper males and females. SLOWLY. i already have too much going on. but i still want to work on them as the XOX line is displaying nothing but norcal GDP traits. pretty psyched about that.

will be moving a bunch of the rooted clones down here. soon to take advantage of the open space. just don’t want to create leggy clones. :\ it’s all about the internode spacing maaaaan.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™

Left side - i harvested the mixed clones last sunday. they were frosty and stanky and STICKY. but i didn’t have a phone, so no pictures for you. sorry. however, right side is going to be harvested today, so you can get an idea from them (minus less purple colorations… :frowning: )
in their place has gone the retired gelat.OG clone mom and most of her clone progeny. thanks for your service. show us what you can do. it’s been a week in here flipped, so they are getting pretty stretchy. i have grown this strain before, but this phenotype was quite lanky. still smells the same. curious to see what it produces in flower.

right side - CHOP DAY! these “abuela’s cut” GDP finished up nice. stanky. frosty. sticky. a good batch. it is unfortunate they weren’t as mature as left side was when the cold spell came through a month ago. they would have picked up a lot more purple. oh well. they still came out nice.

"Abuela’s Cut" GDP Bud PrOn

Til next time


life been getting in the way of gardening. i’m all caught up now. (i think).

Zone 1 - Update

T-dub still having issues. was thinking deficiency, now thinking toxicity. didn’t think i was going to have this many problems with the new soil mix. think again.
Bubba Whip seems to be doing better than t-dub with the new soil… for now.
bubba whip tossing out the big ass fan leaves!

closeup of t-dub issues

going to pull it out of the scrog and take it outside and flush it. kinda pissed i have to do this. just top dressed 2 days ago. what a waste. :frowning:

new soil mix… good for the light and fluffy and speedier growth, not good for distribution and buffering of dry amendments.

Zone 2 - Update

Top Shelf - AC GDP clone mom seems to have recovered from the root chop and transplant. it’s back into veg hardcore. i wanted to give it a rest and not take cuttings for a few more weeks… nope. the vigor on this plant is atypical of GDP in general. it’s not going to cooperate with the chill for a few weeks mandate. (glad i kept this mom. she’s hard). better bring the clone dome back out and take some cuts.
Ken’s clone mom just slowly moving along. vigor is just … meh. i can’t say i have had much luck with the ken’s seeds… (never meet your idols)

Bottom Shelf -
left side - 2020M “double whiskey sour” auto looks VERY healthy. i really like the structure and shape of this plant. i have zero complaints of anything i have grown from 2020M.
right side - seedsman zkittlez auto got topped and started pushing out some laterals. not a big fan of the single cola model. this has been a much different pheno than the previous ZA’s i have grown.

Zone 3 - Update

Top shelf - much went on here. all cuttings have moved to soil in solos.
all rooted clones in solos went into perma pots and out to flower in zone 4. i took out the clone dome a bit early. need to bring it back and give AC GDP another haircut. currently residing up top are kens GDP cuts, T-dub cuts and soma lavender F2 male clones for future project(s).

Bottom Shelf - as described above a lot went in and out of zone 3. remaining below are xox GDP male and xox GDP unknown, the 32oz cup experiments with abuela’s list strains (these need some tweaking) and the gelat.og and AC GDP clones for my army buddy.
did some hacking and slashing on the xox male. also found some damn spidermites.
FYI : spidermites LOVE grandaddy purple. LOVE it. there will be 10 other strains to choose from and they will go right for the GDP.
every. damn. time.
these spidermites hitched a ride in on my pepper plants… that are nowhere near the ganj. but here they are. again. already sprayed everything. gotta hit them again in 2 more days.
two words:

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™

Left side - week 3 flower gelat.og. keeps stretching. but i see it throwing out a lot of small compact flower sites. i am fine with this. different pheno. really curious how this one is going to finish out.

Right side - week 3, 2 and 1 of flower for AC GDP clones. life got in the way of getting everything in on time. >shrugs< not going to worry about it too hard. they will finish up nicely and i placed the buckets to where i could remove them with little collateral damage to the others. (in theory at least. will probably be a pain in the balls come time to cross that bridge)
go GDP go! gotta pump up abuela’s stash!

til next time


Sorry to hear about the mites. Citric acid powder at about 1-3 teaspoons per gallon mixed in a sprayer will fry them and the eggs. Takes a few times to completely get rid of them as it’s easy to miss a couple when you spray. It’s even safe to use in flower. The higher strength dose will brown pistils if in flower but won’t effect them much beyond that. Best of luck with the fight.