The Apothecarium - Indoors / Organic / Medical

Anything to make better medicine for Abuela!!


been a bit. been battling spidermites. i don’t quit. they die. here we are.
dust has settled. some casualties on my side. most importantly saved all crops in zone 4.

Zone 1 - Update
this area was not affected by the mites as i never used the sprayer in here. however, it did suffer somewhat from my neglect as i was focused on other areas.
t-dub never seemed to sort out it’s nutes issues. it clearly did not like the new soil mix. gone from toxicity to deficiency. whatever.
i have been taking clones from it. clones are healthier. go figure.
bubba whip is still doing good. wasn’t nearly as picky about the soil mix as the t-dub is. i’d like to take some cuts from it before i flip the lights. very healthy plant. bet it would do real good in a better soil mix.

Zone 2 - Update

Top Shelf
AC GDP is bouncing back nice now. seems the roots are regrowing down into the fresh soil and munching on the amendments. new shoots are super lush green. will need to take some cuts again soon.
Kens GDP mom got hit with the mites. it got sprayed with the hose, doused with the nuke mix and tossed outside. it had already red-flagged itself out of the GDP breeding program so it was no great loss in tossing it outside.

Bottom Shelf
Both autos are deep into flower. they both got hit with mites, but i caught these two early. i think the mites were dead on the first round of spraying, but they got all 3 rounds of spray just in case. lost a quite a few fan leaves in the process, but saved the flower.
i am fine with this.

Zone 3 - Update

Top Shelf
mites got up here too. had to toss a few solos outside. luckily they never breached the clone dome. got all freshly rooted clones in solos. mites are gone.
i have taken cuttings from most of the 32oz cup experiment plants. those are currently what are inside the dome. once left side of zone4 has finished flowering, i will be tossing the 32oz cups in there to flower. the cuttings are backup in case any of those work for abuela. others i might like to include with some pollen chucking… ESPECIALLY Godfather OG.
from seed, this particular pheno of godfather og has got to be one of the most vigorous growing plants i have grown to date. i think that is worthy of keeping around. will see how it finishes out and smokes. hopefully those aspects fit the vigor and it’s not just a one trick pony.

Bottom Shelf:
this shelf was where the infestation started. and who did they start with? yep… my AC GDP master clone. spidermites LOVE GDP. they will go after GDP before anything else. they will have a buffet of different strains and run right to the GDP. the AC GDP master clone was the first casualty. they hit it HARD. i had to take it outside, spray if off with the hose and then nuked it 3 times. i did survive, but it also is fully into flower and smelling quite nice. i won’t be able to recover it and put it back in veg, so will need to make another master clone.
lost several other solo cup plants. many i just “this is sparta!” pulled them out and tossed them. recovered and recycled the root cubes. TBH it was nice to cull some and clean the area out. it was getting WAY overcrowded waiting for their turns in zone4.
all that remains down here are the clones for my buddy (they got hit HARD with the mites. many sprays, toppings and defoliations later, they are back and super healthy. he is coming this weekend to pick them up. so that space will be reclaimed. good timing for next set of rooted clones to move down.

Zone 4 - Update

Left Side:
what a battle in here. they just kept coming back. zombie mites. i just had to keep increasing the dose. in doing so it cooked many of the leaves that ad been ravaged by the mites. also made a lot of pistils change color prematurely.
but the crop has been saved. nothing moves. hoping to harvest soon so i can get the 32oz cups flowering, and the rest of clone production back on track.

Right Side
this side was less crowded so didn’t get hit so hard. i think they were all dead by spray #2. but they got #3 anyways. flowers getting frosty and smelling nice.
not sure if my pollenation project worked, but still keeping an eye on them for some sign.

Til next time


hey @LonelyOC

it’s been 16 days since i dusted the flowers with your pollen. too soon to tell if we got preggers or not?

branch 1

branch 2

what do you think?


Looks like atleast some of the stigmas have wilted which is always a good sign! :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

In 2 weeks you’ll hopefully see glimpse of green seeds.


1 Like

Zone 1 - Update
flipped last week. this is week 1 of flower for both T-Dub and Bubba Whip. T-Dub FINALLY seems to be unf^cking itself with it’s nutes issues. bubba whip is healthy as ever. i’m expecting great things from BW.

Zone 2 - Update

Top Shelf - AC GDP clone mom has finally reached a balance point. it was struggling a bit after the root cut and transplant. i have never done it before so probably f^cked up something… probably should have used more liquid ferts to ease it in to getting it’s roots down into the sweet new soil in new pot. lessons learned. i had to lop off a lot of weakened branches. i decided not to try and clone them. rather wait till healthier cuts are avail… and the mom aint so stressed out.
i still have not popped another ken seed yet. a bit frustrated. i will get back to it, but just not ready to baby another weak seedling along to have it do what all the others have done to date. the break from that drama has been nice.

Bottom Shelf - both autos are getting real close to finish. both have some damage to their fans from the bug munching and resulting spray sessions. this is ok. the flowers are intact and quite healthy. the 2020mendo “double whiskey sour” is showing some foxtailing on the crown cola. getting some slight skunky smells from it. not sure the lineage to this strain, but the smell and the foxtailing are leading me to guess skunk is somewhere in there.


Zone 3 - Update

Top Shelf - only a few clones left in the dome. i think the OG Kush clones are showing roots. the t-dub clones were sick from the taking. i still see no roots. they look pretty sickly/weak. think i’m going to pull them from the root cubes and “this is sparta!” them to the compost pile. save the root cubes for re-use.

Bottom Shelf - the 32oz cups are all impatiently awaiting their turns in zone4. i keep having to top frankenstein. it just keeps getting bigger. godfather og is a monster as well. real interested to see how they flower out. so far, so good with the 32oz cup experiment. actually exceeding my expectations. maybe this will change when flower flip comes and nutes issues arise? hopefully not.
rooting GDP waiting transplants and turns in zone4 as well. this class may get some male contact with a select xox GDP male.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™

Left Side - the aftermath of a ROUGH battle with the mites. many of the leaves that go munched ended up crisping after the spray sessions. they look beat up, but the flowers are healthy. i am debating cutting all the crusty stuff out, harvest those crusty flowers out early and let the healthy plants finish out with better ventilation and light. i probably WILL do this.

close up of un-crusty gelat.og flowers

Right Side - Week 8 and 7 respectively. AC GDP getting frosty. smells wonderful. i think some of the flowers went amber a bit early with the spray sessions. i may harvest these early as well to give the others better space and light. debating.


Til next time


quick n dirty updates. life/time getting in way.

Zone 1 - Update
week 2 flower. both seem to be taking their sweet time with the stretch. calyxes and pistils showing but neither seem to be in any hurry.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf - AC GDP mom still recovering health. all new growth is getting the lush green i have grown accustomed to from this mom. the transplant really hit it pretty hard. it’s taken a lot longer to recover than i expected… i didn’t think i cut THAT much roots off… but then again, it had been completely root bound in it’s pot for 2.5yrs so…
regardless, i am pleased it is finally looking like it’s getting back to it’s normal self. the break in taking and making clones for a while has been a nice break… but i suspect in another 2-3 weeks it’s going to pick up again.

Bottom Shelf - it’s chop day for 2020m. the zkittles is almost done also. another week or two.
the 2020m plant produced some of the most dense colas i have ever produced. you could beat someone’s ass with this plant. it’s an iroquois war club.

check the foxtailing on the main cola.

zkittle is almost done as well. will be thinking about their replacements today.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf - many things have moved around as left side zone4 has been completely harvested. the bottleneck has been cleared (for now); i need to transplant the OG Kush clones to soil solos… like last week… but i will have time today (i hope).

Bottom Shelf - all the 32oz cups have been moved into left side zone4. pretty excited to see what these produce. so far, so good with these larger cups. they stuff they have produced outside is pretty impressive. exceeded the expectations. lets see what they can do inside.
replacing the 32oz cups are (rooted) AC GDP clones and cuts i have taken from the exceptional plants within the 32oz cups candidates. (seems i acidentally deleted the photo)

Zone 4 - Update
Left Side - gela.og has been harvested (apparently mistakenly deleted these photos also) and all the 32oz cups are in this space. (photo obscured by doob smoke)

Right Side - harvested the 9week AC GDP. cleaned space and repositioned remaining plants accordingly. 8 week plants will be harvested next weekend.

9 week AC GDP Bud PrOn

Til next time


LOL, that weed has attitude… it’s flipping you the bird:laughing: :vulcan_salute:



haha. the 2020m plant. i have never had a plant foxtail that hard before. this one went crazy.
despite the foxtailing, the colas are DENSE. it is very heavy for a small plant.

unfortunately, the photo doesn’t lend to it’s 3d effects. it’s very spiky…


Zone 1 - Update
a bit late with my report. life getting in the way. i am pleased ot see t-dub FINALLY doing something besides look sickly. it STILL looks sickly, but it’s sickly with buds, so i’ll forgive it for the time being.
bubba whip is also starting to put on some flowers, but not at the rate t-dub is. i’m not concerned. bubba whip has been healthy the entire time.

i ended up supercropping both plants and snapped the top colas down with the rest. neither liked it this late, but both responded properly and are bending back up and allowing lower stuff a chance to reach for the light.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf - AC GDP clone mom looking good. about ready to start snipping cuts again.

Bottom Shelf - Zkittlez auto is just about done. maybe 3 or 4 days left. smells nice. girthy donkey dick structure.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf - the clone dome was removed and gave space to the last round of rooted cuts. they will be going down below soon as the dome will make it’s reappearance this coming week

Bottom Shelf - AC GDP clones to the left. all are healthy and ready for transplant to flowering pots. this week.
to the right are cuts from the 32oz cup experiment. i am pretty sure i want to pollenate the godfather og cuttings. this one’s vigor from seed has pushed a few down from the top 5. if the flowers turn out nearly as strong as this plant displayed in vigor, health and overall structure, i might have a winner for some pollen chuckin’. we shall see.

Zone 4 - Update
Dedicated to making flower ™

Left Side - all the 32oz cups are in the left. week 1 flower. a few are showing flower sign, frankie just keeps stretching…

Right Side - chop day for week 9 plant in back right corner. will pull it out later and get it cut up and washed. still waiting to see if the purple urkle pollen did it’s job. i think it did. the top colas look pretty lumpy…


Til next time


busy week. put me behind with everything. not many pictures. just no time. scrambling today trying to make up time/chores.

Zone 1 - Update
still in flower. t-dub packing it on. bubba whip still moseying along.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf - took cuts from AC GDP today. been a few weeks. i topped all the branches i wanted to cut several days ago. the cuts are all flooded with auxins. they should do well.
Bottom Shelf - zkittlez auto is still creeping along to the finish line. i keep thinking it’s done, take out the loupe and see it’s not even close. take your time… i guess. not much smell from it. but it’s fat and the flowers are quite dense. sticky.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf - clone dome is back. all cuts up top with exception of some lavender F2 male clones are down below. all fresh cuttings from AC GDP are in the dome getting their roots on. also took two cuttings from the XOX GDP selec male i have been keeping alive. he will be going into zone4 for his big date with the fresh AC GDP transplants i just put out in zone 4. (awwww yeahhhh)

Bottom Shelf - all the AC GDP rooted clones have been transplanted and moved into zone 4. XOX GDP male has also moved into zone 4. all remaining cuttings have space to spread out. i will top them all this week to promote some more lateral branching.

Zone 4 - Update
“dedicated to making flower ™”

Left Side - did some maintenance on the 32oz cups. lots more flowersign this week. all plants are displaying. i am thinking about adding some type of wicking system to this… they cups work, but difficult to keep them watered for long periods. thinking on this.

Right Side - all AC GDP clones from zone3 were transplanted today and put in right side. i have added a select XOX GDP male to pollenate them.
one more week for the older clones. going to let the one that got hit with the purple urkle pollen go even longer … want to make sure if there are any seeds, they will have the time to go fully mature/viable.

Til next time


apologies in advance for lack of photos.
thought process ramblings and updates.

= = =

i think a few more things are going to be restructured inside… many thought processes have changed since starting the perpetual grow at the beginning of the year.
couple the complete restructuring of all zones inside with my cloning abilities going from 10% success rate to 100% success rate (and the resulting bottleneck) i need to do something to relieve the log jam in flowering.

typically, zone 1 has been the spot to continue moving through list strains. 2 at a time. its a smaller space, so really only 2 plants at a time. 2 months of veg and then 2-3 months of flower. i can get roughly 4 plants in 2 harvests per year with this method.
now that i see i can rock out a decent yield (for testing) in the 32oz cups, and seeing how much space these cups can save while also increasing the amount of strains i can get through in a years time, it seems like this is the way.
that all being said, the logical conclusion is to continue utilizing the 32oz cups, and open up another flower zone. zone 1 will be getting the tap as a new and secondary flower zone.

once t-dub and bubbawhip are done in zone1, i will convert that space to flower and hopefully i get the time savings and increase list strain completions i am looking for. (and a reduction if not elimination of veg to flower bottleneck)

= = =

in other news, i have selected and planted the 2 new autos for zone 2 bottom shelf:
(freebie) 2020 mendocino - “dirty martini” auto
(freebie) Blimburn - “rainbow kush” auto

i have also selected and planted the replacements in the freed up 32oz cups. this time i wanted to give some strains i am interested in a shot. this was not an easy selection process. i have a lot to choose from… especially since coming to OG. many generous OGers have filled my seed coffers to the bursting point (literally… i almost can’t get the lid closed on my seed stash box anymore)
so… here is what i chose:
Humboldt seed organization - “blueberry headband”
Turboflora - “cake bomb”

it has been a while since i threw one of my strains in the rotation. hopefully they live up to the hype, and i can continue to have success with these plants in 32oz cups.

Til next time


Looking forward to seeing what you pull outta that Rainbow Kush. Got a few of those floating around here, too.
Hope the bottlenecking works out between the tester runs it sounds like your kinda shooting for and the increase in flower footprint.
No worries about the lack of pictures! Gotta have a place to keep some thoughts straight and bounce ideas around, regardless of their effect as “content.”
All the best as usual
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


me too… i have heard it is supposed to be quite tasty with a good buzz. i am somewhat partial to tasty things with good buzzes.

abuela continues to decline despite our efforts. i feel a certain amount of pressure to speed things up. i know i can’t stop the inevitable, but i know we are on to something. she has become full aware a few times within the last weeks. there is good in this (fully aware) and bad in this (she doesn’t want to live like this). but fully aware nonetheless. we haven’t seen this from her in a very LONG time (year and a half maybe?). we are doing something right, but are we also prolonging her agony? wife and i have had some ethics discussions of late. tough thing to wrestle with this late in the game. :worried:

true that.

i think i had conversation with @luxton the other day about my setup and how i keep track of it all. most of it is in my head as i despise “paperwork”. but having these threads on the forum are a big help for me with dates/timing.

as far as the bouncing of ideas, this place is great. lots of experienced people here with knowledge and wisdom to impart on us n00bs. i’m grateful .


I know that feeling. There’s a lot there on the matter of watching a degenerative disease take hold and the inevitable that looms. Never feels like enough. The daily course of things and getting through one situation before the next… The whole ethical matter can be something truly massive in and of itself, though. It’s a terrible disease, and the wake it carves is wide and deep, but it sounds like you and yours are focusing on what’s important, have set some solid values, and are doing your best to ensure dignity and comfort that anyone could hope to have in the end.

On the other note,

Yep! Hell, we even keep all kinds of physical logs and still cross reference to the posts here. …and with all this free share of tec and experience, we’ve only got up to go. Hell of a corner of the internet.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


nods… yup.

i was giving her the “mid-morning pipe” (late because the visiting nurse came this morning and threw timing off) while you were typing your response. she had big pain face on today. her surgery spot is hurting her today.
i gave her candyland in the vape rig. one of her favorites. she closed her eyes while i set everything up and put the O2 mask on. when i was done and took the mask off, she opened her eyes, looked directly at me and said “thank you” (gracias). i know it gave her some relief. not enough, but some.
the surgeon sent her home with ZERO painkillers. said advil should be enough. are you f^cking kidding me?! you know she has kidney and bladder issues… you just did surgery on her bladder retards. and you want her to take medicaiton known to tear up her kidneys? f^cking cruel. western medicine pisses me off more and more each day.


Oh man, I’m so sorry you’re going through that, it’s complete bullshit, your poor grandma. It seems we are more humane to our pets in the end than we are to ourselves.

At least she has you taking care of her.


it’s very frustrating. apparently they changed the Hippocratic oath since i’ve been away. no one wants to do their jobs.

my wife does the lions share for certain. her sister helps one day a week and her brother forgets to pay his share every month. he visits once a year for a few days to give us a break. i help wherever i can. it’s a lot of work for my wife. i hate seeing her slogging through this (essentially) alone. :\


I know nurses do an absolute ton, but when family is around it really seems the “small things” become the families job over the nurses.

We were an extremely active family growing up, and spent more than our fair share of time in the hospital for it, lol.

I understand what you’re going through…

Hell, my dad was in with a brain aneurysm and the nurses argued with him about him needing insulin, they hadn’t don’t his insulin once as my mom hadn’t left his side and had been taking care of it.

Big hugs man, to your whole clan. It’s a shitty time, there’s no other way to put it, the whole thing is just a shitty f’ing time.

Sending my positive energy.


oh man… i was looking and looking for this post of your as i couldn’t find the original thread typing “OGer Kush” into the search bar. finally found it. AWESOME! i was looking through all the emails too. i couldn’t remember where you had posted it.

so was thinking after i finish with the first half of the GDP project i’m working, i wanted to mess around with all my OG Kush cuts and was looking around for your lineage thread. OG Kush is another pantheon strain for abuela. need some varsity team on scene.


I have Irene OG and just got 92 OG in from Rusty at Cannaventure Seeds. I’d be happy to send snips in a month or so when they’re big enough for taking cuts. I also have some OG Kush mix pack seeds from Fleur de Mal I can send you a few of. Just let me know brother and they will be heading your way.