The Apothecarium - Indoors / Organic / Medical

i am not familiar with either of those. will have to check in a bit.

i need to finish up some projects today and TRY to get back to getting my outdoors buckets painted with microkote and the soil re-amended for this season. rain and ER visits have kept me away from that stuff… the sun has been back in force for the last 3 days. just trying to catch up.

coffee break over
(work horn hoots)


we need to have a rainbow kush-off. start seed the same day, pick pot size, etc

bring it!


Always a good time, from the look of it. We haven’t had a chance to do anything fun like that yet! Granted I’m sure you’d school us, but there’s no shame in taking an l when you learn so much along the way

…which is part of why. Hahaha. Always feeling like the odd folk out and less primed with much relevance, on account of diving headfirst into RDWC. Hasn’t left us much play as far as anything else goes just yet. But! Plenty of goodness coming up. All outfitted for an expansion here, just got some infrastructure to knock out first.
Hell, I haven’t messed with any other medium since I was slaughtering seedlings in a metal cabinet just after I dropped out. :laughing: Couple of lifetimes ago, eh? …it would be cool to see what’s up with coco.

Might be able to talk the missus into sneaking one into the line up of the next run, but it’d be in our usual 13 gal site 40 gal system, if the turn around is that quick.
She’s actually clearing out the tent now, and I’m headed into the grind. Hope all’s well with you and yours
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


nope we haven’t. that would be fun!

ha! i would have expected YOU to win. you got it all scientific dialed in. i’ve seen your setup.

1 Like

Zone 1 - Update

T-dub went full jungle despite its complete hatred of the new soil mix. i though i had it balanced and caught up. it’s just a sea of yellow now. whatever… i know i need to tweak the soil t-dub, but a bit late in the game. regardless, the flowers seem to be coming along healthy…
bubbawhip is bubba whipping. it’s flowers are coming on real slow. wasn’t expecting that from a clear indica leaner. still healthier than t-dub.
i did neither of these plants any favors testing them in the new soil mix. bubbawhip is far more forgiving.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf - the two seeds i started in the free 32oz cups i have 50% on. HSO Blueberry headband came to play. already working on first set of leaves.
cake bomb was a dud seed. contemplating it’s replacement. i think the mimosa i got from @Ris is going to get the tap, despite wanting to start the FPOG. mimosa is a list strain. priorities are going to take precedent.
AC GDP mom gave up a bunch of cuttings this week. going to let it rest for a few weeks. it’s FINALLY found it’s balance from the root cut/transplant. i was a bit worried for a while.
HSO blueberry headband came to play!

AC GDP mom chillin’

Bottom Shelf - the two replacement autos also gave me 50% . the blimburn rainbow kush showed up to play. unfortunately, the 2020m “dirty martini” decided to kick itself into the “this is sparta!” pit buy damping itself off. not sure how or why when it has a fan blowing on it, but ok.
contemplating it’s replacement.
Blim - rainbow kush has come to play

Zkittles Auto… ztill taking it’s zweet f^cking time… i thought for sure this was going to be done 2 weeks ago. creeping and crawling to the finish line. i STILL have clear trichs. hoping the “good things come to those who wait” mantra holds true on this one. despite my b!tching, i will say this plant has some seriously DENSE flowers.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf - clones getting their roots on.

Bottom Shelf - trying to figure out better water delivery system down here. the small cups growing is newer to me. still ironing out the kinks. these guys are drying out more often than i’d like to admit. was
thinking about a wicking system for these 22 and 32oz cups. i just did a major topping on all of them to continue to encourage lateral branching.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™

Left Side - week 3 flower
these 32oz cup plants are getting after it. i am glad i took cuttings from a few, bummed i wasted clone plugs on others. i think the godfather og was a keeper. all are fully into flower. week 3 i believe.
Right Side - one of the buckets is ready for harvest. going to let it’s counterpart that i pollenated sit a few more weeks and finish making seed. i think it needs more time.
the XOX male is growing balls, but nothing has matured enough to open up (yet) the two AC GDP buckets behind it are just coming up on week 3. perfect timing. i hope this works!

til next time


going to be a quick and dirty update.

Zone 1 - Update
lots going on. not really paying much attention in here other than to water and top dress. the new soil mix needs some tweaking, so just basically limping these 2 along to the finish line. my expectations are low. just letting them sort themselves out. by the looks of it, t-dub’s flowers are far heavier than the branches allow for. the only other observation is that bubbawhip is extremely frosty… perhaps i should pay more attention… :thinking:

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf - AC GDP clone mom getting some branches ready for me.
HSO - blueberry headband is digging it’s cup and light so far so good. no action on the GUG mimosa. going to try another one. will start in paper towel this time instead of direct to soil.

Bottom Shelf - the blim rainbow kush is getting after it. no action on the 2nd 2020m auto. need a replacement.

took the zkittlez auto outside and did the chop. girthy donkey dick structure. VERY dense flower. not a whole lotta smell… kinda disappointing. hopefully the dry/cure gives me some flavors.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf - AC GDP cuttings showing roots. need to put them in solos. tomorrow.

Bottom Shelf - much more space down here. moved some select cuttings into zone4 to get it on with the select XOX GDP male. i moved selected OG Kush, GG4 and Godfather OG clones in there to get some GDP pollen. will see what they turn up. freed up some space. the godfather OG mom plant was most impressive. it’s in flower in zone4 left. glad i took cuttings. hopefully the smoke is as vigorous as the plant is.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™

Left Side - week 4 flower. just watching them all pack on the flowers. critical kush got tall. i was warrying about taming frankie and critical kush got away. oh well. still healthy and stacking flowers. i am fine with this.

Right Side - took one pot of AC GDP outside for the chop. this opened up a lot of room. did a lot of restructuring and repositioning. also took the pollenated AC GDP to finish up outside in the sun. the selected XOX GDP male is only a week into flip and already dropping dust. super vigorous male. lots of NorCal characteristics. will see what all he can do.

Chop day - AC GDP clones week 9 (bye bye kuato - you will be missed)

all aboard for the xox gdp magic mike moment… AC GDP, OG Kush, GG4 and Godfather OG have all come for the dusting.

selected xox gdp male. been keeping him alive for almost a year now for this run.

a look at the AC GDP flowers dusted with @LonelyOC 's Purple Urkle pollen. chunky.

i hope the pollen survived the trip and we have some seeds to show for the effort

Til next time


…Damn websites, with their ability to keep track of time and all. 23 days, eh? Alright. Time to get my ass in gear.

I know y’all have been catching some hell down there weather-wise, to say the least- and hope the best for you and yours, brother- so ball’s in your court. We’re less than a week out from dropping some beans in shot glasses here for the next run. I’ll keep you updated if you’re still in for a side by side this run, otherwise it’ll probably be mid-August or so til space opens again.

Let us know and we’ll get back to you with at least a 48 hour notice or so, eh?
Again, all the best and here’s hopin’ you’re keepin’ your head above the water.

Stay up


i have had zero luck getting a second auto running indoors. i have started 3 different auto seeds in paper towels and none of them popped. have left the pot empty waiting for seeds to germinate.

so… sounds like great timing on your part. i can wait another week.

your laboratory grade DWC will most likely kick my ass, but it’ll be fun to grow some RK freebies with someone else at same time.





time for a proper update. i have time today.

Zone 1 - Update
i have determined that today is going to be chop day for T-Dub. got enough amber trichs for my taste. the branches could no longer support the colas it produced. i am actually quite impressed by the yield this plant puts out. i will definitely grow again. i did this strain a terrible injustice experimenting with a new soil mix. i will grow it again in my regular soil mix and tend it better. this one was probably my worst grow to date. very disappointing.
Bubba whip looks like it needs another week or two. it keeps putting on the frost and stacking flowers, but not quite ready. i expected this one to be done before t-dub, but it’s still going. this one also suffers from the injustice of new soil experiment. will do better next time for sure.

branches could no longer hold themselves up. all fell to the cola weight. dense flowers.

the yield on this plant is quite good. will regrow.

a look at bubba whip. a few more weeks to go.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
i will be taking cuts from AC GDP mom today. it’s long overdue. also have some successful starts with some late start seeds/or no start replacements. got GUG Mimosa going, and seedsman the white OG started to replace the one outside that got killed by the rains and wind. have moved HSO blueberry headband into zone 3 bottom. will let it stretch out a bit. gotta say it’s got some really tough branches. hard to bend/supercrop.
still contemplating wether or not i want to put the godfather og clone up top as the 2nd clone mom. still debating.

Bottom Shelf -
left side i have put the entry into the 2024 rainbow kush off. the seed popped and was transplanted to it’s permapot today.
right side is the rainbow kush i started last month. this one may find itself outside to finish up and make room for more mom plants/perpetual grows. still debating this move. need to see how much space can be freed up in zone 1 after i chop t-dub today.
Left side rainbow kush-off 2024 entry.

right side - rainbow kush started last month. coming along nicely.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf - empty clone dome needs a cleaning and will be filled with the newest batch of AC GDP cuttings. still keeping the select soma lavender F2 male clones alive. need to top them again. they will be next in zone 4 when this cycle finishes up.

Bottom Shelf - moved a few things around. going to throw frankie and critical kush into zone 1 when t-dub gets the chop. will see how converting zone1 to 2nd flower zone works out with the clone bottleneck. with the space cleared up removing frankie and CK, i put HSO blueberry headband down there to stretch out (i’m going to take cuts). the other clones down here are recovering from some underwatering. life has been busy and small cups need more attention than i had time for. my bad. thinking of ways to improve on this. reservoirs and wicking systems are on my brain’s drawing board.

HSO Blueberry Headband has the toughest branches i have encountered to date.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™

Left Side -
some live and learn moments. looks like most of the plants over here encountered some XOX GDP pollen from right side. i am not really upset, because some of them might make for interesting crosses. i was growing just for abuela samples so not really concerned with the yield, but more in speeding up the process of getting through the list strains. so yeah… if GDP happens to cross with OG Kush or Gorilla Glue #4 i am certainly not going to get mad about it. but i DO hope i have enough flower for abuela to actually sample… lol… this male next door is still blowing loads of dust and despite my best efforts to keep things isolated and separated, i clearly suck at doing this. lol. but again, i’m not mad. some of these crosses might produce some great sh^t.

Right Side - i am pretty sure this male has done it’s work. i want to remove him, but will give it one more week. i have continued to try and harvest some pollen aside for the community. will see what i can come up with. AC GDP is already showing preggers signs on ALL the clones. the selected cuts i put in there last minute (OG Kush, GG4 and Godfather OG) seem to have been successfully dusted as well. one more week to seal the deal.
seed run #2 almost complete.

and for those of you interested in the male:
i selected this guy because he displayed a LOT of NorCal GDP traits. wanted to introduce that into the breeding project.
this dude has been dropping dust for over 3 weeks now. and still producing balls and more dust. with only 2 branches, he has impregnated all plants in zone4 regardless of barriers between.

Til next time


Wait- those are the only branches left to that male? Impressive. I’d imagine isolating is probably one of the most tedious parts- reckoning that side of things still makes my head spin a bit. Hahah. Some of those possible happy accidents do sound pretty fine in their own right.

And nice work with the older Kush! Glad to hear your Kushoff bean popped, too. Looking forward to being above ground.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


yeah… i had to keep this male alive for almost a year in small container just for this purpose. i cut branches off just before the flip to make clones and preserve the male (again) for another run when i finally find an XOX GDP female. (so far only been males… but this guy stood out with superior vigor and the NorCal traits i was looking for, so i kept him to make seed with abuela’s cut.)

so yes, he went into the flip with only 2 branches. i figured with the small space that would be plenty, but then interested OGers asked for pollen, so i have been collecting in hopes i have enough to satisfy all interested parties. he’s still blowing dust loads , so i may end up having enough after all.
it was an impressive male to begin with.

yeah, i think some of these mistakes might work out pretty good. acapulco gold already works great for abuela and GDP works good for her also. maybe a cross of the two will work? dunno, but that cross seems to have happened anyways… lol

go easy on me with the kush-off. even with a head start, you will catch me up right quick!


No worry about your accidental crosses, they are all related… :+1:



The only worry is having enough actual flower for abuela to sample… they are quite pregnant.

I am pretty excited about the crosses. I know most have already been done but whatever… I made some seed that I don’t have to go hunting for anymore.

I bet
godfather x gdp
Og kush x gdp
Are going to be badass


Be excited! They are your crosses… :+1:

Now you will be hunting through your seed looking for the ‘buried treasure’… and then planning you next move…



next move is dusting all my select female cuts with the select soma lavender F2 male i’ve been keeping alive.

after that i’m going to give the GDP project it’s halftime rest. i have a seed increase run with grandpa’s breath planned. needed to get these first few runs under my belt before i do one for the community.


Awesome journal Val :+1:
Gonna crank back the chair n chill :seedling:
Great work on the GDP :green_heart:


thanks for stoppin’ by. appreciate your compliments.

i can’t take credit for the AC GDP genetics… just the selection. a very special plant.
hopefully whatever comes of this “breeding program” (n00b pollen chuck) keeps the old gal’s legacy preserved. and maybe i make something even better for abuela.

nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Zone 1 - Update

i believe it will be chop day for bubbawhip. smells nice, and quite frosty despite all the new soil issues. these two plants in zone 1 were my worst grow to date. such a shame too considering how both of these plants turned out. they could have been so much better. next time. will grow both again.

Bubbawhip bud PrOn

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
left : gave AC GDP mom a haircut. took about 25 cuttings, tossed the weaklings and put the 16 strongest into root plugs. get some.
right: finally made a decision, pulled the trigger and installed the godfather og i started from seed. vigorous plant, clones easy, non-finicky eater, and from the looks of the clone flowering in zone4 it stacks and packs on the flowers. smells good, sticky. (still isn’t finished, but it’s throwing on the frost now. should be another 2-3 weeks i think.) it really stood out in a lot of different ways, so going to see how it rolls as a clone mom. it is a list strain after all. lets hope it works on abuela as good as it’s growing. also featured are the 2 cuttings from the XOX GDP male. they’re already taking off after their transplant. lush green and a total beast.

also up above, cup#1 have mimosa getting it’s first set of leaves

also have Cup#2 the white og replacement for outside working on it’s first set of leaves also. tough time to be transplanted dude. it’s already high 90s low 100s here in DFW.

Bottom Shelf -
on the left we have the entry in the rainbow kush-off 2024. it’s a winner (of course).

to the right is the rainbow kush i started earlier. stacking up nicely. very healthy. interesting structure… i haven’t done any of my typical training. just let it do it’s thang. i’m thinking i’m going to have to supercrop the main stem tho… gettin too close to the lights.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf - buttload of AC GDP cuttings getting their roots on. also took some cuttings of the GG4. 4 in total. will see what everything turns up.
one of the soma lavender F2 male clones is having some problems. i did some heavy pruning and gave it some fertilizer. will see if it pulls through. if not the other is doing ok. one or both of them will get their turn after the current batch in zone4 are done with the GDP seed run. planning to do a:
AC GDP x Soma Lavender F2
cross. will see what it turns up.

Bottom Shelf -
moving stuff around, trying to sort out better ways of watering, etc. gets to be a pain bending over or kneeling to tend/water/prune. old paratrooper’s back and knees is a thing. :grimacing:
the HSO blueberry headband is a HEARTY plant. has the toughest stems and branches i have encountered to date. no pinching here. no clipping with your fingernails. go get your snips. tough mofo.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™ and now seed ™ !

Left Side - (week 7 flower) it’s friggin hot in the garage. but this is “spartexas”. don’t like the heat? oh well. some of these plants are having some problems with the heat. typically when the 100F heat rolls in, i stop what i’m doing out here and just run 2 autos. things changed at the beginning of the year starting the perpetual. whatever clones end up out there to flower are just going to have to suck it up. the only change will be larger containers. these small containers work, but they lose moisture far quicker than the bigger buckets. lesson quickly learned.

i wasn’t lying about the temps. photo taken this morning before temps rise. it was 100F last night.

Right Side - i am chopping/pulling the male today. he has done his work. will let his last dust blast settle overnight, then take all the plants outside and hose them off, clean them up, clean out the zone and place everything back in there to finish with the seed run.


Til next time