The Bank of Stank

Here are some happy little Death Star Rephresh plants just getting started. These were made by @GrowHard and consist of AJ’s Sour Diesel as the mom. For the male he mixed pollen from one tall and one short pheno from a reproduction he was doing on Sensi Star F3 that he got from Derg Corra.

The original Death Star is East Coast Sour Diesel x Sensi Star, so it will be fun to see how these Rephresh grow in comparison to the Death Star clone. I’ll be finding a good male from these to hit the Death Star clone and make some seeds for anyone wanting some beans that might pretty well represent the Death Star herself.

I had planned to eventually S1 the Death Star but I don’t have much experience reversing yet. Plus having a good male donor that could resemble the mom sounds much more exciting to me. It’s not a backcross, I don’t know what you’d call it. I’m certainly no breeder…but MAYBE I could be! I’ll just hit all these elite moms I have with this pollen and start selling limited packs at a mere $500/each. The Bank of Stank is open for business baby!! :face_vomiting: