The Bank of Stank

Welcome back to ‘Schmarmpit’s Pests’, on your favorite OG channel. Last week we were waiting for the infected and treated clones to root. While they were by their lonesome in the clone chamber I did a little experiment. I took a cutting from a mother in the clean room and put it in with the treated clones. So the dome contained just the treated clones and this control cut. The coco plug of the control cut was in its own tray, separated by at least 6" from the tray of treated cuts. The treated clones, surprisingly, all took root. They were scoped intensively before being put back into the newly cleaned quarantine tent. They’ve been growing in soil for a week and still no signs of any pests.

But then I’m waiting for this control clone to root, all by itself now in the dome, and notice it’s developing some black spots between the nodes on one side. I pick it up and see a little bug running on it with my naked eye! So this bug either came from the treated clones or the clean mom tent is actually infected. I scoped the mom it came from and several others, and no sign of anything. I’m thinking an egg survived the clone treatments, hatched on the treated clone, but then crawled over to the new cutting because it could smell or detect somehow that it was a better host. The treated cuts were borderline dead but this control cut was super healthy.

To me it looks like a juvenile spider mite. I know for sure there were adults and webs on the clones that came in. You can see all the eggs it’s laid to the right in the video. I threw the clone in the trash and will continue to monitor the quarantine tent for activity. EDIT: consensus is this is a swirskii predatory mite.


Gawd, I admire you… haha!

I dunno how you’re doing this, I’d have freaked out a long time ago. But I’m imploring you haha! Get rid of them!


I’ve come to the realization that the only way out of this clone game for me is to trash them all. I won’t purposefully infect my moms but I figure a breach is going to happen sooner or later. I’m a collector by nature, and my standards for good weed must be pretty low. At least, I seem to enjoy pretty much everything. So instead of weeding out plants I’m just holding everything until it speaks to me. But they’re all talking at once and I can’t choose!

I’m surprised I haven’t run across dudding yet. With how prevalent it is these days I figure I would have noticed it by now. Maybe that is quietly spreading, but I haven’t seen any signs.


Well this Papaya (Harry Palms cut) from Shinobi is throwing nanners down low in week 4. I do enjoy when an easy decision to cull is presented. I won’t have any fussy plants in the mix! I’ll let this gal finish up though if it stays low level like this.


What kind of mite is that?? Are you sure that’s a parasitic mite? It almost looks like a predatory one.


You know I was thinking the same thing. I’ve never seen a spider mite with eggs but without the webbing. I have no idea what kind it is really.

Looks like a swirskii predatory mite, and the eggs do too.


I swear it’s from group Amblyseius, we need an entomologist in there! Check out images of swirskii mites and stuff. I think that’s what it is.


Haha just found the same thing!

I’m digging her out of the trash! Hold on, Swirskii!! I’m coming for ya baby!!!


lol! I’m dyin’ of laughter over here! :rofl:


I’m at the halfway point between 9 weeks and getting very excited to try some new strains. There’s a lot less yellowing in the 4x4 without the added reds and blues, but I also switched to build-a-soil amendment pack so that could be part of it. The Grape Ape is getting hungry as usual. She needs a 5 gal pot. The Death Star is looking much better than last time in her 5 gal pot.

The LA Confidential is finally staying green. Only way to keep her happy in a 3 gal was to flower straight from rooted clone.

And the B1gwyrm Chem is greasy as hell and smells so strong of fuel and kushy terps. Kind of similar to the Triangle Kush but with a nicer structure (less lanky).


Here are some happy little Death Star Rephresh plants just getting started. These were made by @GrowHard and consist of AJ’s Sour Diesel as the mom. For the male he mixed pollen from one tall and one short pheno from a reproduction he was doing on Sensi Star F3 that he got from Derg Corra.

The original Death Star is East Coast Sour Diesel x Sensi Star, so it will be fun to see how these Rephresh grow in comparison to the Death Star clone. I’ll be finding a good male from these to hit the Death Star clone and make some seeds for anyone wanting some beans that might pretty well represent the Death Star herself.

I had planned to eventually S1 the Death Star but I don’t have much experience reversing yet. Plus having a good male donor that could resemble the mom sounds much more exciting to me. It’s not a backcross, I don’t know what you’d call it. I’m certainly no breeder…but MAYBE I could be! I’ll just hit all these elite moms I have with this pollen and start selling limited packs at a mere $500/each. The Bank of Stank is open for business baby!! :face_vomiting:


I’d sure be interested in some beans. I have a couple of crosses with DS in it but never any straight up DS.


I’d think it’d be something like an Inline Cross/SensiStar BX. Not same exact cultivar’s but same/similar lines… its gotta be close. That’s how I felt taking my nl5hazesensistar to franco’s lemon cheese. Kind of a distant nl5haze backcross?. The plants that came out of that cross were throwbacks though, some huge hazes came out of that line.

Regardless, think of me when/if you make them :joy: I have his Sensi Star F4’s but didn’t get anything with sour in it. They’re looking fantastic :heart_eyes:


Hell yeah! This sounds exciting!! :star_struck:


Oh man I’m glad I saw this one starting!
Hanging with my Deathstar Girl…


Will a single laser blast to the ventilation shaft above the core reactor destroy the Death Star plant too? I just always like to have an exit plan in case things get out of hand :joy:


It should vaporize it… be sure to have a balloon handy. :wink:


While on a trip here to get pot and just before I moved here, I got some Death Star at a dispensary.

After getting back close to where I was living and camping at a lake I decided to do a road trip for the day to a fossil bed. All I had to do was turn right at the road and then drive 10 miles straight to destination.

I was smoking the DS and turned at the road to the spot. I think I got out to pee and looked at some maps on the info board at the pullout. Well, I jumped back in and must have just done a u turn, then, took a right on the highway I had just come from, and drove for 12 miles, in the wrong direction, and eventually “came to” and asked myself where was I? I couldn’t figure it out by looking around on the road. I forget but I think I just kept going till I saw a highway sign. Then I had to locate it on the map before I finally realized I got back on the same highway I started on.

Lol, I was so fucked up I couldn’t figure out where I was and how I got there, rofl. It was for a minute, a major panic moment, that I was driving 80 mph and when I came off the weed some that I was completely lost. Like amnesia, ha. I never forgot that.

My tolerance is pretty high now, but I was fresh blood back then and couldn’t find pot where I lived. I’ve wanted to grow that DS ever since then. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




A new development at the stank bank! More reasons to deposit my time here. :watch::grin: