The Bank of Stank

I’ll tell you this, though. You aren’t far from wrong about IPM outdoors though, and I’ll tell you why. I grow sweet basil and the earwigs love to eat it. They won’t touch it as long as I spray the basil with BTK every 2 weeks. If I give up, they will eat my entire crop.
far from wrong? wtf? lol! I meant yah you’re right about that. But that was funny.


Yeah this is all relatively new to me since taking in clones. Before that, I never did any ipm for a solid decade and didn’t have any problems. Never had PM, mites, most any kind of bugs. I got thrips for the first time running passionfruit Hashplant, so they must have come in the soil I bought or something.

All this stuff I’m doing is only in the quarantine tent. My main tents are still basically ipm free because I’m not letting anything past quarantine (so far). Fungus gnats seem to always be mildly present though, likely cause I’m reusing my soil.

I’ve learned so much about pests since taking in clones. I’ve also learned that I’ve found plants that are just as good as these “elites” in my own seed packs. They’re just not THAT special, not even the TK lol.

And yes, @minitiger, I always let PNW know when I find stuff. He always replies the same, “sorry bro, there shouldn’t be any hitchhikers”, and then tells me how to fix it, like he’s doing so well. So many sorrys at this point. I used to yell at him but now it’s like all casual haha, “hey bro, I found russets and spider mites on this one. Better check your shit.” He must have single handedly ruined so many peoples’ grows. But he keeps giving me deep discounts and free cuts because of all the crap. And I keep accepting because I’m a dumbass apparently. But I have gotten some pretty great strains from him, can’t deny that.

But damn I’m tired of this. Always on alert, always checking things. Time to wrap up this little deep dive into clones and get back to my seeds. Not having hermies has been a nice bonus though. Have to keep that in mind with seed plants.


Haha, yeah, I mean, I’m sure he knows. He must. He obviously just doesn’t give a fuck. Which is weird on the most basic level: when I got those aphids, swear to gawd, for like five days afterwards, I felt like a tweaker, all,”Is that an aphid on the couch? Is that an aphid in the bed? There’s aphids all over me, there’s aphids all over me!” haha. Never even mind the fact that PNW is just willy-nilly sending out infested clones. That’s even weirder.

I guess it’s just a “choose your own adventure”-sorta grow with that dude’s clones.

This is the thing!! And it’s why I won’t fuck with clones. I mean, I’ve found a few duds here and there, but for the most part, almost every single plant I’ve ever grown from seed has been a “keeper” in my book. Maybe my standards are low, but I don’t think so. There was a time when trading clones was necessary and there were a lot of bunk seeds out there, but that time is past, I think, as long as you get good seeds from good chuckers.

I’d be tired of it, too. Sorry you had to go through all that, but it was definitely fun watching you grow that TK and the Trinity and stuff! So thanks for that, anyway haha.


So i decided it was worth transcribing the conversation between Heavy Daze and Bob Hemphill on his IPM strategy. tried to write it down verbatim as he speaks, so lots of “ums” and “uhs” but hopefully this should clarify his process and maybe help people incorporate it for gnarly infestations. heres the transcript of the IPM conversation from episode 57 of the potcast with Bob Hemphill of Crickets and Cicada seeds

H: …Are you still the IPM king? You still kicking ass each cut you get?

BH: Yea, I mean you gotta, um, be on your IPM game if you’re gonna keep these mothers around that’s for sure. You know, I, Sulphur is king still, um, I’m also doing a, um, another mix with, uh, I use an ounce or two per gallon of, uh, alcohol, the, um, 99.9%, mix that with, uh, plant therapy, an ounce or two per gallon, an ounce of uh, Dr. Bronner’s soap per gallon, some essential oils, and uh, you know, maybe a quarter ounce per gallon, and alternate your essential oils and that one’s been treating me real nice lately, knocks out a bunch of stuff, and um, doesn’t really bother the plants too much, the only thing in there that really bothers the plants would be the essential oils, just make sure it’s not too hot when you’re spraying, you don’t want to be doing it, you know, above 90 degrees, you want the lights to be off, um, you don’t want the fans blowing on the plants too hard either, or, until they dry out for a few hours, but uh, between that and the micronized Sulphur, you’re, you’re pretty golden.

H: Awesome what a nice little rundown of the, the volumes and ingredients right there. I noticed that neem oil was missing off the list, have you decided to take a step away from neem oil?

BH: you know, um, I’m getting the results with this mix that I just mentioned. The only thing that I don’t like is the, you know, plant therapy is a little bit expensive, you know. Um, I use it as a part, add extra alcohol and extra soap, really, and extra essential oils really, uh, makes it really potent. You know I spray with a paint sprayer, if you spray that every day for, uh, 12 days you’re gonna get rid of any problem you have and, um, you know if you then clean the plants off for a week and then alternate with Sulphur you’re definitely not gonna have any problems. I like to do that treatment once a year , you know, switching between, but you gotta give, uh, a week in between, you know, spray the plants off with, uh, yucca and aloe and coconut, with a paint sprayer, just water, you don’t want that Sulphur to react with the oils, and get a bad burn.

H: ooh, ouch, yea that would, I can imagine the plans being very unhappy with that. A question I commonly get asked which is a tough one to answer, so I’m interested to hear your perspective is: what should someone do if they’re growing organically and want to adhere to, you know, proper organic practices, so not using pesticides, things like that. What should they do if like in week 4 of flower they notice like a mite problem? I guess the question sort of revolves around should they spray something? should they not spray something? are there better options? How do you go about battling a week 4 flower infestation?

BH: week 4 infestation is a rough one. You know, ideally you want to be, uh, inspecting your garden really thoroughly in those first few weeks, and not having an infestation at week 4, so you would notice earlier. At that stage you know, it’s uh, you know, your personal meds so it’s your personal choice. I know, uh, plant therapy advertises that you can spray their product till the day of harvest, you know, I obviously wouldn’t wanna do that personally, but if I had em, um, week 4 I think I would probably attack em with the plant therapy, the alcohol, and the Dr. Bronner’s soap with some essential oils, um, spray em 3 or 4 days in a row with that and um they would probably be, uh, relatively, uh, clean a month later.

H: yea, okay, so are you sort of of the opinion, and I think I agree with this, that you’re just sort of trying to just get through to the end of harvest as best you can?

BH: yea yea for sure, I think if you hit em, you know, you’re, you know 4 weeks in, if you hit em with that mixture 4 days in a row you’d put a hurting on em. Um if you went as far as 10 days in a row, you’d kill any, uh, spider mites or micro mites with that, um, the 2 ounces per gallon of alcohol just dries out their eggs and, um, they’re not gonna make it through that.

i have a new respect for secretaries and other note taking wizards, shits tough.


Looks like I was wrong about him using sulphur and essential oils together, apologies for that


Haha, that’s funny. There’s a way you can export the closed captions from YouTube videos, so you may wanna go that route next time. I think most of the potcasts episodes are on YouTube too. You may wanna check with nube on how to do it, I know he exported the Bodhi potcast closed caption transcription using that method. A lot easier than listening and typing it all out :+1:

Thanks for the valuable info though, always good to hear how breeders maintain their library through the years…


i checked and didnt find this one on the youtube page, i think he stopped uploading there, could be wrong though.


Ah… would have made life easier… oh well. Thanks for all the typing :slight_smile:


Seriously haha. Damn, @LegsMahoney big props for doing that. Not that I’m gonna start spraying rubbing alcohol on my plants or anything haha. That actually seems counter-productive to me, just because alcohol evaporates so quickly. Seems like if you throw that into the mix, it might make the other things evaporate quickly, too. But maybe that’s the point? I dunno.


I use 99% iso just to capture and pickle insect specimens, it’s deadly!


i was guessing the main use of the alcohol was for what he mentioned related to drying out the eggs and the bugs exoskeletal systems, benefited by the fact that its not going to stay on the plants long term. it also might be a benefit if it did help the essential oils evaporate more quickly, i feel the the suffocation they provide is probably done within a short amount of time and then you want those oils off the plant as fast as possible, so that might be the method of operation there. thats all 100% speculation on my part though, just guessing


Mad props to @LegsMahoney for scribing every um and uh! It really puts me in the mindset of a stoner trying to explain things. But I really do like his approach. Sounds pretty deadly. Reading it made me realize that I didn’t really treat the possible mite eggs on the cuts. I should have sprayed alcohol too. By this point, 10 days later, the eggs would have likely hatched. We’ll see what’s up in a couple weeks.

But enough, um, words for now. Let’s see some pics of beautiful pest-free plants! 3 weeks and starting to put on a show. The b1gwyrm chem has me drooling.


Haha! Shit, man… You’re funny.

Which one’s the b1gwyrm? The stretchy one in the back left-hand corner?


The stretcher in the corner is TK. The wyrm has a branch dead center, and another closer to the TK.


I grew la confidential awhile back and really love the taste and smoke of that strain! That’s winner in my book for sure. Post some more pics of this really wanna see this one as well.


i ran some from cali connection or dna genetics back in the day and never found a keeper but someday i think ill try again. his looks like it produces nicely


Yeah this LA Confidential cut is an absolute beast. It grows faster and taller than anything I’ve got. She needs room. It also yields better than anything else even with the spread out bud sites. Finishes in 50 days. Super easy trim. The smoke is deadly potent. The bud smell is very light though. Like marshmallows and lime. I can’t seem to let go of her. A tent full of her would just kill.


I was wondering… how much did bubba stretch in bloom for you?


Bubba doesn’t stretch very much, maybe 2X at the most. She’s usually one of the shorter ones in the tent.


Ok, good to know. I just put one in tonight, she got a bit taller than I wanted at first. The tallest tops are about 19” so hope she doesn’t go too much lol.