The Beanery 1.0

Ok thanks @BasementBeans no worries. I’m no pro on autos, so feed it huh? I was under the impression you didn’t with them. Will do!

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@CanuckistanPete Hey, I’m no pro either. The plant in your picture is perfectly healthy, keep doing whatever it is you’re doing. Just in growing out a lot of autoflower varieties, often side by side, I find that cross almost always showed deficiencies before anything else would. The growth rate makes up for it at least, it’s going to take off on you soon :grin::v:


Well, I’ve been feeding her and I think she likes it!


Looking great! So far I’ve grown a couple of @basementbeans autos and they all feed well. Most autos can take some nutes but his I’ve feed same mix as my photos after 2nd feeding and barely painted it’s nails.

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Thanks…I’m pretty much a rookie with autos (this is my 2nd grow with them) so I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.

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I’ve grown 13 autos so far 5 being the same strain samsquanch og :drooling_face::drooling_face: but did learn to start light with the nutes then you can build up as you see how they handle the nutes. As soon as I see the painting the fingertips I back off and stay at the previous amount or until they are eating the same mix as my photos. Not all can handle the strong nutes but I’ve only had one that was really finicky. @repins12 doesn’t use nutes just water and used soil with roots left in so they are more forgiving then they used to be.


Was it a Blueberry cross?

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When I’m feeding my autos, I start with flowering nutes from the beginning.


Do you start with ~ half strength @repins12 ?


Good to hear, cause that’s what I did!


I usually start with less. I hardly ever feed anything half strenghth unless they look hungry. My usual regiment is 1/4 to 1/2 strength all the way through.


I’ll keep that in mind. I know for a fact that I overfeed my girls. When I started growing I went by the manufactures suggested dosage. Every grow, I seem to be feeding less and my plants look so much better than back then.


I do the same. Rarely have I ever exceeded half of their “recommended dose” with any type of nutrients. :wink:


Naw not really into blueberry flavor/smell/taste don’t care for those berries. Don’t much like dingle berries either!:rofl::rofl:


Stink Ape update…


Same, 1/4 strength to maybe 1/3, even though noone asked me. :grin:

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Lucas method ftw. Plenty of stuff to fit your needs other than GH if you want. GH works as well but when you’re nickle and dimin’ your base nute that you use through every stage for everything it’s worth to try out what’s cheap at the time. I take the base whatever and add some stuff. Floralicious atm for some humic adding, a bloom booster for 2 stages of flower. That’s about it. Shit I’ve hit pH perfect using my distilled humidifier water and just hitting a target EC. I’m using Megacrop 1 part and a tablespoon measuring spoon to just scoop out one scoop for a 5gal and it’s about right.

@BasementBeans Shaolin Funk at day 50.

Dad’s genes show strong in her structure. Can’t wait to see how she finishes.


Getting close at day 56 @BasementBeans


Wow, that is some looking flower no doubt. Nice job on her. What kinda smells are you getting from her?

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