The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

A lot of the north american ones are in that 180+ size range. For whatever reason the breeders on this side of the pond like the higher end of the size range. At least that was the case 13/14ish timeframe.


Haha all things for a reason. My Pyrenees cross was too big already. Now i don’t have half an acre for it to roam now - so it all worked out.


Booby trapping your property is a bigger penalty than growing illegally. Dogs are the best preventative. A game camera won’t stop the rippers but you’ll get a picture of the thief. And you will probably recognize them…usually someone you know or told about your grow…


It was a joke… tuff crowd :joy::joy:


Ya I always thought a game camera would be the best, or if there’s some kind of tiny GPS chip that you could bury into a bud somehow.


Funny my driveway game cam showed delivery guys from a (unnamed) furniture/appliance purchase, First thing one of the guys did was point at the camera…That’s why one of mine (or anyones security system/cam) is obvious. Weeds out the opportunists. Just a security co. sign will do same. Everyone has a security system so it doesn’t really stand out.Y’know, ‘locks just keep an honest man, honest’. Growers rule #1 is the best preventative, but who can resist showing off their buds. Or gifting them everywhere like peter appleweed.


Got a giggle, its great thinking of shit like that. I have gotten a few fishhooks thru my fingers from boat rigging over the years, it triggered my snowflake PTSD LOL. I always like the ‘touch the flowers and the Mr. Burns trap door’ open the chute to the septic tank one. If your my age, you always new some adult homeowner who put salt in a bb gun (in the city lol) and shot at your little trespassing arse, and never got told by parents or cops. Ahh those were the days


Ive seen a few people say at as long as you post signs warning trespassers then its fair game.
But like everything it woukd depend what happens in court

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I’m in Canada, trespassing laws are weak here (thankfully). Even if you post signs (a red dot on trees at property lines indicate no trespassing as well) all you can do is confront trespassers and ask them to leave. If they do not, then you can call the police. Trespassing fines here are under $100. We cannot set traps for trespassers and even poorly maintained properties (trash, junk) will get charged if a trespasser gets injured when on the property. Yeah, I believe we should be able to protect ourselves but, it just ain’t kosher to solve human or animal trespassing by baiting. I hear ya though, frustrating for homeowners, but, cause harm to a trespasser, you will be defending yourself in court…then on the interweb. The public at large has no patience for illegal growers injuring other criminals (and police or innocent victims) with viet kong booby traps and such, but then again some people have no sense of humour? RIGHT? LOL


Hola Gang

If someone come in your yard (except Quebec & Manitoba)
and take your plant don’t forget that theft above 5000$ is
automatic prison.

so 4 plant can easilly be worth 5 grant.



police/rcmp barely have fucks to give for stolen cars.

do you really think they’ll do anything about stolen plants? besides investigate the grower?


Depends but yes actually. Quite a few plants were recovered and people charged w theft bot under and over $5k


Here is a case where the farmer blew the head off a trespasser and got off from all charges. Precedent set.


A buddy of mine when in college they came back from the bar and there was a guy trying to clean out the house. They beat him pretty bad like hospitalized him and they got off in court.
Im sure it cost $$ in lawyer fees and such but yes Canada does have some degree of ‘defend what is yours’


Contrast against the ongoing eduardo maurice gong show…

We live in a crazy world. In a crazy time.

Shoot shovel and shutup. King ralph said it best.


All charges dropped in that shooting as well but the victim is now being sued by the criminals civilly hahaha what a wonky world we live in.


yeah, bet that’ll happen in saskatchewan too…


Anyone holding an ACMPR has a loop hole. Remember that little box that you checked off stating “you will take all necessary measures to protect your plants and marijuana”

How long till that gets tested. ?


Hola gang

You put your finger on it Mongo

I did everything possible to protect
my enclosure and that it spread out there
to young people, so I had to defend
if you say that in court I want to
see what the judge would say.

I bet he let you go.



It’s quite ridiculous that we wording use to protect kids might also get them shot.