The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

No I doubt that lol, whenever the government gets involved, that’s when it all goes to hell. This is only about financial profits, nothing to do with people’s health, the black market is being used as an excuse to create less competition from legal home grown and black market growers, we will probably be all lumped together to keep it simple for them to deal with.

I thought the same as you about gas price regulation, when they started to regulate gas prices here in NS. I thought great the government are going to stop big oil gouging us at the pumps.

Wrong, the gouging got worse as competition for business was removed with fixed pricing, that was higher everywhere.

This is the same problem with weed, the government sets the price basically by controlling the amount of tax you pay, the LP’S because of all the regulations have to have a high mark up to recoup those costs.

This does not benefit the customer financially or for health as the LP’s will cut corners and use illegal dangerous chemicals to save a crop with mites of mould, which has already happened a few times that we are aware of, as they were caught out.

I can see tighter restrictions on home grown but mostly medical coming, I saw this coming 2 years ago.

Next the government will want the same restrictions and controls for growing your medical and four rec plants, and probably growers will be forced to apply the same standards as the big LP’s, with testing and strain identification to make sure we are only growing low THC level plants, not that the THC levels make much difference in the whole entourage of effects and buzz and they may want regular inspection visits, for which you will have to pay for of course. You have to think of government’s as a business corporation that changes its management team every few years, the more money they make from regulation the more government jobs there are, and more taxes collected to pay their high over payed jobs and pensions.

This will possibly force a lot of medical growers to switch to buying LP weed because growing your own will be much more expensive and a pain in the arse from all the security crap and testing that will have to be done.

I think the rest of the worlds government’s are looking at Canada and the US states that have legalised not the other way around.



Look at this distraction!


@Shadey couldn’t agree more. I have zero faith in our government to make the legislation in anyway more beneficial for anyone involved in the industry aside from those they are beholden to. It scares me a bit to see what’s coming.


lol let’s see there was a laundry list of complaints…
CRA treats you like a criminal and so do the banks.
1$ per gram excise tax.
Government approved research only.
Liquor control doesn’t know how to handle weed.
Liquor control is in charge of the weed.
Cannabis act is based on racist garbage.
… I wonder which one they are gonna fix? heh heh.


“this week Aurora Cannabis reported a fourth-quarter loss of just over $600 million.”

Imagine losing money selling weed, even highschool kids can figure it out.

Personally if the Canadian government decided tomorrow that cannabis is illegal to grow, or even consume, I would comply immediately without question. :lying_face:


lmao aren’t they the same dipsticks that layed off a bunch of folks then raised their executive pay?


Sounds typical of any corporation :rofl:

It was a excerpt from the last paragraph of the article posted above.


Look what a good citizen you are!


The good old days


And a great liar!


Ive got some rootbound solos, some 1 gallon an some giant bedragled mothers, UK cheese, Strawberry biscotti sundae and ODxTitanic (and crosses), I can throw somethig together, got a gg ril myself (not sure why lol). They are all old and need transplanting root twazing and cutting back, but they are available Oh ya Indiana bubblegum and Runtz from Nug Life farms and one of his giveaways.


My money is on “E” none of the above… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:

The government doesn’t ‘fix’ anything, the best you can hope for is benign indifference…



hah hah I posted that list sarcastically, because it’s a review that has nothing to do with the problems plaguing the industry. It’s a health concerns review! Are kiddies gettin’ high? Did someone finally smoke enough weed to die? I could make a haiku out of it.


It is stated in the Act that the review should focus particularly on the health and cannabis consumption habits of young persons, the impact of cannabis on Indigenous persons and communities, and the impact of the cultivation of cannabis plants in a housing context.

Well shut my mouth. The CTV article seemed to focus entirely upon the industry and revenue, while the review was launched by a couple of health officials.

This means they will examine the degree to which different sub-groups of the population (for example, women and people of colour) may experience unique or disproportionate effects of Canada’s cannabis control framework based on identity or socio-economic factors.

Lol why is everything so sexist and racist? What a country


Uh oh. That sounds suspiciously like increased regulation on home growing


That depends. Are you a woman and/or a woman of colour?

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Yeah yeah black mould blah blah think of the children etc.


I am pretty sure on the Chinese Calendar it’s the year of the ass kisser :wink:


I heard the Gregoirean calendar says its the 7th year of the cock****er. I had to…not sorry LOL :rofl: :canada: :t_rex:

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Does anyone have any recommendations for a reliable place in Canada to get clones from?
I don’t usually buy clones, I was going to order from fire Cutz but I’m specifically looking for GDP and he didn’t have those