The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

I was about to post Firecutz, lol. Sorry bud, @Neb got me my first clones, I don’t normally mess with them. Perhaps he knows of a place.


Have you checked this thread @Kushking902 ?


I haven’t checked it out yet. My wife wanted me to grow GDP but I showed her the Firecutz site and she wants to try cherry Garcia now lol. I will message @Neb this weekend :grin:


Cool, he has some great stuff on his site. Just figured I would toss that other thread out there for you.


Hey y’all !
Eastcoaster here hunkerin down for Fiona , stay safe !


Hope you got your storm
Chips! Batten down the hatches. Be safe !!


The Canadian Cannabis Council released their position about changes to the med growing laws looking to restrict large prescriptions which I believe they consider anything over 20g/day. Which is absurd, it’d be much more effective to regulate the canna clinics and set a fix price for how much they can charge regardless of the plant count but that’d cut into the big LP’s profits as they seem to be better at selling scripts then weed…


Just starting too get a little noisy out there but not out of hand yet lol .


Wishing you the best take lots of pics if it gets harry.


Already lost power, I have my outdoor plant tied up like a puppet lol it’s not even bad yet


Keep your stick on the ice. :ice_hockey:


Anybody use these for pots? Just finished this one and :thinking:


Our power went out at 11.12 last night, they say it will be midday tomorrow before its back on. We are just covered in shredded leaves stuck on everything. Just went to see if Tims was open but nothing is open anywhere :unamused:

I guess I will have to get the gas bottle of the BBQ and hook up the camp stove, its chilly with no heat it n the house.

A good day to switch over the hot water heater, which was requested by the house buyers as a condition.

The neighbour has lost some trees. The garden center has lost about 300 meters of poly, its flying about like a kite atm, winds are still gusting close to 100k I recon. Not as much water as I was expecting, considering they said 4 to 6 inches of rain was going to drop, no real flooding in the back yard thankfully.


While I get folks not wanting the government to restrict anything I personally have found some of the plant counts for medical users to be Ludacris and knew it would be drawing attention sooner or later. 20g per day is a 100 plant count. First off where the hell do people grow 100 plants for personal use? Rent a second home to grow them? You can bet many of those large prescription holders are selling rather then consuming all their product and thus feeding the black market. I get there are much bigger issues but really it was only a matter of time before such ridiculous plant counts were dealt with as they do abuse the medical system. I get that’s not a popular position with growers but it took a long time to get a decent medical system here and abuses of it should be dealt with so they don’t threaten the rest who really do grow for medical reasons.


On another note to all you Canadians here is an offering from @MonasticDank


Anything that threatens my ability to grow scares the shit out of me. Growing is as therapeutic as the medicine itself and I’d be sunk without it.


I could stop smoking but not growing.

But I agree 100 plants is more than a mere mortal needs.


I get that but doctors giving personal growers plant counts over 100 does threaten our ability to grow IMO. I am a licensed medical grower but before that a plant count of 4 could grow me more than I could possibly consume. Now more product is needed for oils and edibles but it should be realistic. If a person cant meet their personal needs with plant counts of 100 or less then my suggestion would be to get someone to grow for them as is acceptable with the current system because they clearly are not good growers. Just my opinion, I understand some won’t agree and that’s perfectly fine.


With good luck and good genetics my puny indoor 2x4 setup could yield 4 pounds a year if I was really trying.

Now, if I wanted to complain as a potential breeder I could do that from a different angle.


I totally agree but the medical system is not meant to support breeders. Personally I feel folks should be able to grow whatever they want and growing weed should not be illegal at any level. The fact is that it is illegal past 4 plants at present, at least in Ontario, and it took a long time to get a decent medical system in place. We have seen many changes with legalization and folks now can grow for themselves. I would just like to protect the system that is allowing me to do what I need to and hope that one day such a system won’t be needed at all.