The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Had a buddy who had a 249 plant count. He never used any of his crop himself, finally quit growing when the return was not there. The only reason I have a 49 count is to keep legal when having plants and seedlings going, yanking the males.


With the state of the market the only tax revenue they’ll soon be able to get is from selling licenses.

I agree med is a distinct issue.

30 plants would be more than enough to satisfy my crazy dreams.

I don’t really care about the cops but what about possible insurance liability? That scares me a little.

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Same here @bunny 39 does me fine. Allows for limited breeding and growing and has served my needs thus far. Don’t get me wrong I would probably take more if they gave them to me but with a couple 4x4 tents running how much can I go through in a year.


You have crop insurance?


No I mean like if my basement catches fire and I get busted for doing something illegal does that invalidate my homeowners insurance?

The only crop insurance I have is called full jars :joy:


Just wanted to say hello to fellow RUSH enthusiasts…and Canadians in particular…and fellow growers in general :slight_smile:


Welcome. Love that Diane Sawyer song :love_you_gesture:

That’s exactly what I am talking about, 249 plant count and sells the product. That is a total abuse of the medical system and puts the rest of us at risk of that system being messed with. I have a 25 plant count and could have gotten more but I wanted to keep my head down and not be one of the folks there were looking at. I can see if you make edibles and oils that you would need a higher plant count but at a point it just becomes ridiculous.

100% agree, that worries me as well. Spent 20 years paying off a home and my mortgage is almost gone. I would not want to risk that for a few plants.

Absolutely. Same for me, I can keep clones and mess with things on a small scale. That’s more then enough for me.

Hello @DOOBIOUS , welcome to OG

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I applied for a medical license for my first time this year. How many? 10. My outdoor gives me more than I could use, for sure. Of course you can’t count those chickens until they hatch.


I agree with most of what you’re saying, high plant counts are often associated with illegal grows and are a risk to legitimate medical users who need access to quality meds without breaking the bank, as well as autonomy over what they grow as the legal market is still pretty narrow. I disagree that 20g/day is unreasonable as I’ve known cancer patients who legitimately use that much or more, so I don’t form an opinion about what’s an appropriate dose as there isn’t the science to back it up yet. That’s why I think regulating how much canna clinics can charge, removing the profit incentive to write high plant scripts, is the most effective control as it doesn’t impose on legitimate docs writing high scripts. Although to be honest the entire idea of trying to limit production through plant counts is absurd as people can simply grow bigger plants in more space if they want to produce higher quantities. Logically it should be based on canopy space in flower like micro LP’s which actually limits production without interfering with a growers ability to keep a large mother collection. Which often seems to be the reason growers up their limit, not to increase production but to keep more moms/grow more seeds.


lol, another 39 plant count licensee here, I feel like this is how cults accidentally form…

Cheers and welcome

It’s not the 20 grams a day part, it’s the fact that 20 grams a day equates to a plant count of 100. That is the issue as I see it. To me 100 plants is beyond what 95% of people could fit in there space and is more a commercial venture. Also the fact that I bet 95% of people with those high plant counts are not consuming all their product but rather feeding the black market. Yes there are exceptions to every rule but there could be something in place for those one off people as I would bet they are a huge minority to the medical market. If only people who legitimately needed such high numbers were granted those licenses it would likely not garner any attention. The fact that doctors and registered nurses are selling prescriptions rather than granting them for proper reasons is a huge flaw in the system IMO.


Just got my power back, still plenty without .
Don’t forget that plantcount includes seeds and your babies .


Really where you at that they count non sprouted seeds?


If they want to prove a point they will count seeds , if not you would see seeds at every farm supply house .

Not here in Ontario, Canada. Babies yes, seeds no. Anyone needing very large amounts of meds would likely be growing perpetually so there would be a mix of seedlings, vegging plants and flowering plants at all times.


They better send a van load of bean counters and pack a lunch cause I sure ain’t feeding them.


LOL, I hear you there. If seeds were counted I am afraid I might be a slight bit over my plant count. :grimacing:


1, 2, 3…ok I’m done, let’s just call it 3 :joy: