The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

:rofl: too funny man. I can just picture them trying to count all the flips


I’d go into my office and throw a on a hot plate of hash smudge the house while they counted . Are we high yet ?


Most commercial growers I’ve seen aren’t stopping at a measly 100 plants, their going for 50-100g+/day, 250-500 and up to 1000 plants/license. I know a lot of DG’s with plant counts between 100-250 plants, I was licensed for 100 when I was a DG but that was only a 4x4ft vertical veg room and a 5x5ft flower room; far from a commercial grow and simply a way to supplement our inadequate social support payments. That’s all anecdotal though and it’d be interesting to see the actual number of licenses at the different plant counts correlated with whether it’s personal, mostly personal with some income supplement vs purely commercial. To me 100 plants isn’t a lot as I use to grow in a SoG with 64 plants on a 4x4 table; which again is why I’d like to see logical laws based on canopy space and not irrational ones that force us to grow less efficiently compared to a SoG to maximise the lighting, Which is where our divergent opinions converge; we’re both concerned about abuse of the system and diversion to the illegal market as a threat to our personal medicine but just have different views about the underlying issue. You’re focused on the potential abuse of high plant counts where plant counts themselves are the issue to me as they can be abused regardless since plant numbers don’t determine yields. That depends on canopy of flowering area and wattage of lighting indoors, neither of which are limited by plant counts as they can just be grown longer to get bigger plants to enable commercial production. That seemed to be a driving part of the shift from SoG to scrog; states creating med laws with limited plant counts so people had to learn how to maximise yield with fewer plants as in the mid/late 90’s most people grew SoG, between the changing laws and higher jail time for large plant counts by the mid 2000’s fewer larger plants were the norm. Which is why the whole med laws (MMAR through to now) are absurd and should be over hauled in a logical way. That’s asking way to much from our gov though, I’ll be happy if they don’t screw us too badly…


There’s laws on how many seeds people can carry in public since the gov in their infinite wisdom decided that 1 seed is the equivalent of 1g of bud and since people are only allowed to carry 30g (unless they have a license which allows them to carry up to 150g) that means we can technically legally only carry 30 seeds in public or send them through the mail at once.

The fact that a lot of hydro shops now also carry seeds shows how little the law is actually enforced. Unless your province limits how much weed you can keep at home though counting seeds wouldn’t add any charges, as people mentioned most provinces don’t have restrictions like that though.


Well I’ll be…

Jokes on them, I can easily get a quarter pound from one seed.


Some members, like @Oldtimerunderground get a hell of a lot more per seed than that. Lol


Apologies to change subject; let’s assume this post is a “bubble” in the discussion…

But yesterday my partner did her very first booth sale of her weaving arts and semi-precious jewelry at the Pagan Pride Harvest Festival in Toronto yesterday and I’m so very proud of her and wanted to share my joy.

*end of positive subject change!



Awesome! :smiley: :+1:


Dammnnn. In Quebec, 1 seed = 1 gram on your total :poop:

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What happens when you have 30g of seeded buds :upside_down_face:


Congrats and hope there was a good turn out with lots of positive comments and even better sales. Sounds like a fun way to spend a Saturday

Every seed puts you over the 30g rec limit, minus the weight of the seed of course; which begs the question would cops have to separate the seeds, count them and then weigh the bud to figure out if you’re over the limit? It would get insanely comical if you were carrying 30g of legal bud with some seeds in it as who’s liable at that point since as a consumer you’d just be carrying what you assume would be the packaged weight and it’s the producers fault for not stating the equivalent weight. Which is why the laws don’t seem to really be enforced other then blatant violations, the regulations have too many illogical inconsistencies that haven’t been addressed and I doubt the gov wants the courts defining.


This guy I know, he used to just grow illegally and sell the weed. No need to get a medical license that’s not going to save your ass. I’m not sure that medical licenses and illegal selling can be linked like that.


Yes but it’s illegal to grow in Quebec and Manitoba. In Ontario you are allowed to posses 30 seeds in public but I can find nothing about how many you can have in your home. I am guessing as many as you want.


Dodged the bullet on that one, didn’t you?

I see your point but honestly since the simple fix is to just grow bigger plants I don’t see it as an issue. You get 64 plants in your 4x4 but when I am doing a bud run I can only fit 4. I get that it’s the style some folks use but honestly to me those growers simply need to change things up a bit.

In the end I think folks should be able to grow whatever the hell they want without government interference. While we await that miracle we have to follow the rules even if we don’t agree with them or take the risk of getting screwed over for it. Its a shitty situation but a dam site better than the days when they raided my house and completely screwed my life and career over. But hey, to each their own. I do understand and respect your perspective on it.


They don’t have the base 4, but can apply for licenses. Some people I know been growing 200++ lights legally in quebec since the 90s.


before legalization and before i grew I used to go to a medical grower with 100 lights who was happy to sell to me for cash. real old guy that was grandfathered in or something. So its really not a new issue lol


Absolutely, medical is still there, just those 2 provinces did not legalize recreational growing.

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I fully agree we’re far better off then under prohibition and that at the end of the day people should be able to grow whatever and however they want.

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