The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

There’s no laws in Ontario about how much bud/seeds/etc you can have at home, only how much you can carry in public. So your guess is right


No, the issue of regulation (or over regulation depending on context) to limit diversion to the black market vs respecting growers rights isn’t new and goes back to the original MMAR being forced on the gov after the Terry Parker ruling, reaffirmed by a decade plus of the courts striking down clauses the gov reinstated after being previously struck down, through the MMPR trying to get rid of designated growers and creating the original LP’s up to the current ACMPR situation with basically unregulated script mills pumping out licenses for the black market.

Just how I was reading it federally, if the max carry for any household is 1kg of dried flower and one “cannabis” seed = 1g of fresh flower per equivalency rules then guess a 1000 seeds.

Which if funny cause say a fully pollinated 30-50g dry flower plant could yield that many seeds.


The Cannabis Act doesn’t state any limit on possession at home, only how much can be carried in public. Some provinces may have put additional regulations in place but nationally the only law restricts how much we can carry in public. What part of the act did you read as limiting households to 1kg?


Got mixed up thats BC regs its 1kg max for home storage, so BC residents that would i guess mean 1000 seeds max with provincial laws everywhere else its “better and unlimted” except Quebec and Nunavut which is 150g home possession.

Seems funny regardless for BC.


That’s the results of the govs weak position around legalizing instead of taking a strong stance that the laws were wrong, biased and ineffective which created the patchwork of different provincial regulations. BC does have some absurd laws like having to keep outdoor plants out of the public sight which is comical considering how many of the questionable DG scripts are in the province reflecting it’s long history of ignoring the laws entirely.

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Well was gonna kinda say that as its not like people arent just doing their thing regardless as how many people i know that grow outdoors where plants are in full view of neighbours, its more people still follow the not viewable from public space aka the street law, but then have a tree on their back patio that’s viewable by every neighbour around them.


Which is where the whole discussion about regulations becomes pedantic as there’s the written regs/laws and then the actual enforcement of those laws which is minimal to none in most areas. Most people don’t care anymore and cops only really focus on large illegal grows that generate complaints. Growers are gonna keep on growing with or without the govs approval but it’d still be nice to have logically consistent laws that are enforceable instead of the absurdities pointed out in this thread.

Hey there fellow Canucks, Grove Bags has opened a Canadian site so no more needing to order from USA.


They also have a free sample you can try (1/2 oz) bag for anyone not familiar. Sign up on their site.


I’ve ordered a few times and they’ve always included a little freebie of some kind. I’ve had good luck with their product. Just don’t over fill or compress the bud in there. Making sure it’s properly dried before sealing it in pretty essential. I managed to ruin the cure on one plant due to impatience. And thinking it was good enough.


I/2 oz. bag on the way. Thanks



Thanks @DougDawson & @LtShDc !


Hopped on the 1/2 ounce train as well, going to give it a whirl next crop. Thanks for the heads up!


No problem, @MoBilly actually pointed it out so thanks to him :grinning:


another notch for @MoBilly !!


Signed up as well. I’m fine with jars, but there’s no harm trying something that may be better. Thanks for the heads up Doug and @LtShDc


Have placed a couple orders with them already, they ship out of calgary so are relatively quick too being a mailing hub :+1:

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I got my 1/2 oz bag sample last week…

I’ll be getting several lb bags of them soon.

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I hope they are worth the price, 110 buxs for 6 bags seems a bit steep.