The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

image image Why the heck are these discontinue by General Foods in CANADA? What’s next…image

It’s a travesty a mockery a scam…A scattery I’m gonna boycott (after cosmic chemical brownie detox). image
SNIFF I miss Lil diabetes already :sob:


Didn’t know where to post this but More crappy research. What interested me was the Harvard Professor commenting on the shoddy testing methods…Peter Grinspoon…Yessir Lesters son is the leading world authority on the reality of cannabis (In my book anyway). He has a new book coming out on 4/20//23… MSN

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I’ve had good results with Barbara Bud (shiskaberry x afghan) as it grow big fat buds that yielded well but were loose enough there wasn’t much worry about mold growth. Sadly I lost my mom but have a couple packs of Orange Barb to see if I can find a new one.


I know exactly what you mean. I had two phenotypes of Pineapple Express this year. One grew enormous solid and resinous buds, however the problem was that by mid October some of the colas were getting rot. The one I’m planning on keeping had less density but did not rot. I’m keeping that one, also it smells exactly like pineapple and mango😋


I hear you there. Giant colas look great but defiantly more prone to mold.


Very true, and to make matters worse after everything, I feel that I didn’t dry it out properly before curing these huge colas so I don’t think the final product was as good as it could have been. Learned something new about what works outside. Not that I’m complaining but I will pick some strains that are more suitable next year.


100% learned this lesson the hard way couple years back on this chonker auto


I had mould on my chunky one cola blueberry auto ;*(


So this should be interesting…a buddy called me up and invited me to the (legendary) Horseshoe Taverns 75th birthday bash today. Four of us are going…Lowest of the Low and Willie Nile are playing along with a bunch of special guests, which could turn out to be pretty cool.

Oh, and it’s 1947 pricing on the drinks!


Haven’t been there in a very long time. I think I saw buckwheat zydeco.

Sounds like a blast.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Are you in line already to beat all those condo dwellers already lined up like it was a pop-up?

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Man…always wanted to see him. Seen a lot of good acts there though…Teenage Head, Roy Buchanan, James Hunter, Pursuit of Happiness…


Its tickets only…sold out. he’s picking me up at 2.


They put on a really good show. I especially like the washboard on the stomach being used as an instrument.

Most of what I’ve seen at the horseshoe have been no names but still a good time anyway.

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Shit I remember when that stretch of queen was almost a no go zone.

Everything changed when they got rid of speakers corner.

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The Bamboo was my alltime favorite bar. Fuck I loved that place.

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Yeah awesome joint. And Sanctuary too. It’s a Starbucks now for fucks sake.

I bought my first motorcycle jacket at Docs Leathers right next door.

First time I walked into the Bamboo the Satallites were playing…I was the only white guy in there. These guys come over to me and asked me what I was doing there…I said I LOVE THIS PLACE…so they bought me a Kronenburg (thats what they were drinking) and invited me to their table! Had a blast!


So many fun memories around there.

I saw Cradle of Filth at the…big bop I think.

And the bovine. And the Cadillac.

And I liked playing pool at the rivoli.

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I was at the Big Bop with a buddy and I went to get drinks. On the way back I noticed the ladder going up to the DJ booth, so I climbed up, stuck my head in and asked if he wanted to smoke some hash. SURE…come on in!. So we burned and then I asked if I could play some music. SURE!. Awhile later my buddy pops his head in…“I should have known I’d find you in here!”