The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

How about graffiti alley? The only place to buy doc martens and bootleg NIN tapes in the same place.

Haven’t been down there in ages. I doubt I’d even recognize it now.


Oh good! Once it took me forever to get out of work as there was a line-up just east of me (on my route) that spanned a block.

Dinosaur Jr = for FREE first come first served; like back in the 90’s for tickets!

I got annoyed as I’d have taken a 1/2 day just for the shits and giggles of a free show with those cats.


AVOID THE CORE. it’s ded. All ded.


Yeah everything gets pushed further west. I lived at dundas and ossington when I was a little older and it was still a cool party intersection but the hipster quotient was a bit high for my liking.

But there was a bar/bocci ball/shuffleboard place called track and field that was always a good time.

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that’s where I am right now. But it’s dying too. Galleria mall = DEAD. Geary ave WAS the last vestige of arts and it’s all being sold up.

Now it’s all hipsters desperate for hope, depressed in falling apart cubes. (apologies for any triggers)


Man I wish I saw J Mascis live. Love Dino Jr.


I bought my first bale of promix on Geary ave :joy:

Nah I hear you. “Perfect for a single young professional who doesn’t cook or need to store any stuff or park a car. 3k a month.”


I grew up a couple blocks north east of Dupont and Geary, that area was so fun growing up, lots of odd industrial sites mixed with abandoned buildings. Used that rail corridor alot to travel east-west across the city. Was back about a month ago, the area is largely unrecognizable from my childhood. Cannot believe the lofts at Ossington and Dupont are on their way out. Lots of questionable fun creeping around behind there as a child.


You have to break those large colas down into smaller buds when you dry and cure them.

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That’s my “work local” Growitall! It’s their house brand nutes i’ve been using for hydroponics for over 10 years now! Peter & Paul know their shit and pull in some seriously awesome kit. :+1:

My building was “Downtown Dupont Electronics”; red bring on gladstone/dupont.

Agreed. Lots of the elders around here are really upset… the woman that was across the street passed away last year at 102; 80 years on the street and she’s told me it’s never been so emotionally difficult with changes in the attitude of those buying up the area over only the last 10 years.

Many of the homes on the street are no longer families with each floor being rented out and many of them are now rooming houses… It’s brutal and since being here in 2008 TODAY was the first time some gym bro actually threatened me with violence for asking him why he felt entitled to park in a private lot’s loading bay blocking it with all the signage around.

One day I’m just gonna snap and wake up covered in some badly raised man-child’s blood and of course i’ll be the one to go to jail.


Not like he’d get a shot in so punch yourself hard enough in the nose to draw blood and call it self defense.

When I bought that promix it was so sketchy. No questions, no banter, no shop talk, just gimme the pro mix. For my garden.


lol :rofl:


Seriously though it was a “let’s cover the license plates so we can’t be identified” kind of moment.


My home local asks folks if they wanted discrete packaging. If it’s a yes everything goes into a garbage bag :rofl:

When I buy 4cubic feet of perlite i say “fuck discretion! Can I have a bag to not spread that love around anywhere but my pots?”

She laughs, I get a bag.


I remember that storefront fondly, one of my favourite points of egress from the train tracks was on the east side of the community centre.


I freak people out staring down dramatically when I take a “I need the fuck away from people” roof smoking break.


How was the show @CanuckistanPete ?

It was a fun day/night with way too many beers, but what the hell. Started at the Black Bull then to the 'Shoe til close. Got home around 3. Lowest of the Low can still rock, and Willie Nile was great.


I called my internet provider yesterday as they sent me a letter saying my last bill was not paid. Their system failed to take the auto payment. While I was starting to be directed to the right team to deal with this, the phone menue asked what language I preferred.

English press 1, French press 2, South West Ontario press 3, WTF…

This through me and I failed to select any language preferences and had to start again.

Does South West Ontario have a separate language :thinking: I might have to call again to hear what it sounds like :rofl::rofl:


Lol, nice… you learn something new every day. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not just Ontario either, apparently. I’m near Philadelphia/New York and I’ve heard plenty of people saying “acrosst” or starting sentences with “yeah, no.” Seems odd that you’d need a separate selection just for that, but maybe it’s more distinct up there and just traces make it down here…

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