The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Sounds like the Minnesota goodbye

I vow here and now to keep my apologetics both sincere, and under five minutes.


You have a point there. I am thankful that I don’t push aside very easily. Such folks usually end up walking backwards :crazy_face:


What I really mean when I say it is “get the fuck out of the way.”


Or Fuck you and the moose you rode in on!


My favourite type of interaction:

Someone bumps into someone else:

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going idiot?”
“Fuck you im not that sorry keep it moving.”

But I agree, sorry is cheap shorthand.

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Here’s a great bathroom read to help tune down that sorry attitude .


I’m pretty observant so if i know its going that way and i have no other option around it, i just drop a shoulder but that is a rare occurrence usually involving someone on a phone being inconsiderate to others.


This is my experience with them. I’ve order from IG Canada about 5 or 6 times. Spent quite a bit on equipment there.

100% of my orders take WEEKS and in some cases even MONTHS before they ship out. I’m pretty sure this is normal for them. My takeaway from dealing with them is, don’t order from there if you can’t afford to wait.

I’ve always received the items ordered (unless they can’t get something) and they even gave me a discount coupon one time when something was out of stock.

Their business model appears to be one where they keep almost nothing in stock. They probably place a PO from their suppliers the moment your order comes in, and then wait for the supplier to ship it to their warehouse. This is why it takes forever to get anything delivered from them. But it’s also probably how they keep such low prices and so many items available.

Just my $0.02.


Makes sense sense. I did security for a couple decades so am well versed in the art of “you ain’t going this way”, lol

They are a rip off company lol. I’ve bought from them multiple times. 2 years ago they were fast and reliable. Now they are complete worthless trash since the takeover. Almost a year ago I ordered a 12 site floraflex system. They immediately took the 800$ from my account and I waited 6 month’s believing their lies. After I asked for a refund it took another 3 1/2 months, they sent me 167.25 saying they could only afford to refund that each week until all my money is returned…… I only ever got the 167.25 they still owe me over 600.
I travel to Montreal every 3 weeks, it’s too bad they won’t open their door to the shop because I’d love to drop that slimy pos.


I can afford to loose that money, but where I grew up stealing from the wrong ppl gets you a trip to emerg


Wow that’s brutal. Sounds like things are getting worse with them. Six months is really unacceptable without making it abundantly clear it’s a pre-order. Not to mention allowing you to have a refund if you want it :slightly_frowning_face:


ALWAYS walk with your head up!

So many people walking around staring at screens, oblivious to the world.


Yeah. Get the fuck off the sidewalk.

I find if I make eye contact while walking people get out of my way.


Yeah, I mean that 1% of the people that actually look up from their phones.


OMG the Quad C, the ultimate munchie! I remember taking some extremely baked streetcar rides east to try my hand at intestinal damage. XD

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So got a message from the folks I get my grow license through. It appears what I have feared has become reality. Health Canada is starting to crack down on all the ridiculously large plant counts these doctors for sale are giving out. I kept my plant count at 25 just because I was worried about this so I doubt it will have much effect on me but will for some. Let the shit show begin.


That’s disappointing, 95 grams a day is a little excessive lol but either way I don’t like how how our current Canadian government is trying to control every aspect of our lives.
I hope that this doesn’t go too far.


Have you seen the joints @Oldtimerunderground rolls? I want a second opinion


The 95 grams a day is silly. But so is 3 and no accommodation for failure of the process I suspect.

Something tells me home growers are being scapegoated for why the Canadian marijuana industry isn’t as profitable as lobbyists would like. Ugh what a farce all ways around.