The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Coming to a neighborhood near you :slightly_smiling_face::pray:

I’m beyond help.
Like “Beyond Meat”.

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My inner child is my outer child. :rofl:

:notes: “I didn’t grow-up, I’m an emotionally stunted kid…” :notes:
(sung to the theme of Toys’R’Us :giraffe: )

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Me and you my friend! :laughing:

I lost it in 1872, I think :thinking:

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Hello my fellow Canadians,
I just ordered some STS off of so I could make some fem’s. These crazy goofs gave me a 20% off affiliate code and how could I not share it with OG.

Now some disclaimers. I haven’t received my shipment yet do I can’t talk on quality. I’m also not sure if it’s the cheapest place to get it from but they’re in Canada and I couldn’t find it cheaper.

Also I guess I get kickbacks if people use that code. Just So you know if you dont like me don’t use that code lol


If anyone else is looking to make sts, here is a link for bulk silver nitrate in Canada

I have a 4lb container of pure sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate crystals, if anyone needs some just send me a PM :slightly_smiling_face:


:sweat_smile: ahh shit I wasted my money ! Damn well yeah actually get a hold of @Oldtimerunderground


Lol, you’re good @Granola, I’m sure it’ll be worth it for you after the first reversal.

I gave away all my silver nitrate. Glad I did cause not only did it give a way for OGs to make fem beans with their favourite strains, but the way it can stain makes it scary handling that stuff around my wife :sweat_smile: “What the hell did you do?!?!?!” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’m using colloidal silver on a plant in my grow log.

It’s a bit more work spraying everyday. In the end as long as it reverses the plant and fem seeds are made, that’s all that really matters to me. Plus it helped me keep a better schedule, I’ve been guilty of occasionally giving the plants too much LITFA :joy:


Lol. I have silver nitrate at work for making 1asa emulsions :rofl: :camera_flash:

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Your gonna have to give some instructions on how to use this stuff. I got a small amount a long while back and haven’t used it yet. But I will need to use it this grow.


still have black dots on my counter from 2 years ago… i know the feeling.


I’m too lazy for STS (both making and applying it), which is why I prefer GA3 as you only need to spray the plant for a couple days before flipping instead of weeks.

then you get mutants that grow 20x their height and not produce pollen sacs, or at least that was my experience with GA3

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Spent most of my childhood summers in Colpoy’s Bay. Super cool event!

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Stopped in on the way to my brothers in the fall…beautiful!


@CanuckistanPete so beautiful up that way, I remember spending so much time exploring the peninsula. I fondly remember my somewhat vision impaired cousin going out to take garbage to the shed, and seeing what he thought was a dog and trying to pet it, only to find out it was a black bear lolololol.


My brother just moved up there about 5 years ago. I never really spent much time on the Bruce prior to that so I’ve had a lot of fun exploring it. Pretty gorgeous part of the world.


One of my favourite places in Ontario!!! :heart:

It’s a blast going to the blue grotto in the AM, then singing sands in the afternoon only to finish it all off by driving down to Sauble Beach to catch the sunset with a bison burger in hand from that shack next to the arcade! :hugs:


I was always jealous of those who had cottages in Muskoka, but as I grow older, I think that the time spent on the Bruce was really formative, and although the water was especially cold, the adventures and wilderness there was super unmatched.


We stayed for a week at a beautiful cottage up there for free when my wife had cancer. People donate there cottages to cancer patients and their families.
I have great memories of that week.
Fuc cancer!