The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Life really sucks sometimes lol

But in the meantime, check out my feed for that shatter coupon :wink:


Cool I’ll have a look.

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I’m gonna be throwing some gifted giant sunflowers into my backyard this year. :wink:

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@MonasticDank Start them indoors in 2 weeks and before the middle of summer you are going to have 20 foot beasts back there!!!
I’m doing a few Giants myself. I love the way they look when the wind blows a bit.


If one of the branches broke off one of my trees it would probably knock you unconscious


I’ve got a large variety of them that keep coming back every year thanks to the finches and chickadees. These will be added to the forest and can’t wait to see them. I’ve had some massive flowers in the past but it’s hit or miss what comes up every year

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Pretty sure I use the same one, my guys name is Alex too, I’ve been using them for 5 years now, zero issues, quick, painless and reasonable imo

Ain’t that the truth! Who really know’s whats gonna happen lol

I have the finches here too and the go nuts on the flowers. It’s hard to collect seeds for inventory haha
A few other larger birds been seen on there too, like farm doves I believe. And bees. Sooooo many bees.


I love hearing this! @ShitSeeds So many places I used to visit where the honey bees were to say the least “abundant” and you rarely see them, yellowjackets however are everywhere here now, I try and plant stuff to attract bees, butterflies etc. and encourage so many to do the same, most of my old neighbours gardens have been designed by me and they plant via my advice every year. I think if I had the property I’d have a small apiary to do my part in rebuilding the population. It’s not much but something is better than nothing EVERYTIME


I actually dedicate a large part of my garden to pollinators and specifically bees. I plant the goods, leave it and let nature do its thing. It also keeps a large portion of bugs/bees away from my house. When it gets overgrown I see everything from butterflies to hummingbirds floating around the flowers.

Now if only I could get rid of the beetles when they show up, it would be a wonderland lol


Awesome! My garden real estate has been cut down SIGNIFICANTLY to say the least so this year I’m going to focus on them mostly but there will definitely be some clematis mixed in and my favourite that the bees/hummingbirds love! Trumpet vine. I’ll have to research more smaller ornamental flowers and fillers that will have the added benefit of attracting the pollinators


Janis said it best…. “Lord it always seems to go , that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” God I miss that place and that garden. After 16 years it was a part of me. At least they have a killer garden full of plants that will do the same.

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Honeysuckle and coneflowers, catmints, astilbe are all easy perennials that the pollinators love. Butterfly bush as well if you can find one for your zone. So many beautiful perennials that the bees wasps butterflies and hummingbirds love. You can have someone in bloom the whole season


I can only imagine the love that went into that garden over 16 years. They’re definitely reaping the benefit of your efforts and planning.

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used to have some but things happened and price hiked so high for them i didn’t botter to dump my money there so i had a few basket and a roll of fabric filter i did a home made one but i should of had transplanted way before flipping to flower

What expo!?

Wait just answered lol




Thank you @MonasticDank i appreciate it very much. It’s nice to be recognized for the hard work but I live for this stuff. Love being in the dirt no matter where it may be, and I love designing gardens to help/incorporate the local wildlife rather than scare them away like most do. But bees have been a main focus for years and years now. Thanks for the recommendations as well I truly appreciate it


That’s the one! I’ll be there Saturday I believe. Making some sample packs now.


@ShitSeeds , I may go as my buddy is hosting this:

And his company is the one thowing the 60’s afterparty. :+1: