The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

That’s what I got too.

To what?

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Own up to the police for hitting the kid, cuz gramps wasn’t gonna bail me out :laughing:


I rigged my phone so it only rings if people I want to talk to call if the ringer is off.

Mrs Foreigner can, for example, call me and make my phone ring even though it’s on silent.

Works well. You can change it in your settings.


I also got “I’m too old for you to bullshit me.”

I told him is was too old too.


Thanks Sir! Now my wife will never ring me again!


I will tell her I’m going to sleep for a few hours so leave me alone until I tell you it’s ok to text me again.

That way I don’t get ringing clutter and have more control over my phone.

But yeah this scam stuff is all over the news. Interesting and infuriating to see it in real life. And they used MY name. Chickenshits.


If only I could get her to stop ringing me :joy:


Another trick is to have a phone number not associated with a typically major metropolitan area, like if i had a standard 604 number for LML BC i would get all the “DHL has my family send money or else” messages in mandarin , vs say the more general BC 250 area code with a Prefix “next 3 numbers” associated with a smaller town i rarely get spam calls … unless its election time then is the PC party rile calls trying to hit that male/rural demographic…


Ironic. I always thought it was foreigners running scam calls.


Last news story I heard about someone getting busted for it they were 20 something local suburban punks.

But I bet there’s a lot of overseas too.

Foreigners take a lot of grief.

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They come to my door. I like to watch them through the peephole to see how long they wait. It’s often a long time.

(No solicitations - except politics, politics is ok.)

They are legally allowed past security in my building…


“Just a minute, be right with you!”

Turn on the shower.

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You need an appointment if you expect me to answer the door or the phone. Text messages are the way to go.

And everyone around me knows if they want a fast answer they should ask Mrs Foreigner. If they want my answer they’ll have to wait 3 days.


remembering answering my door in just a towel dripping wet in residence when i was younger for a local politician trying to get the student vote, was like mf got me out of my shower then wants to chat my ear off while im creating a puddle on the floor cause i didnt have chance to dry off, definitely wasn’t getting my vote


same talk to the secretary/planner lol, why my mom phones the lady when talking time related things.

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Im busy lathering my armpits and you want to tell me about how you’re going to ask my stance on your ‘clean up the street.’ Initiative.

Guy doesn’t even have a mop to clean up your mess.

Man I hate being pulled out of the shower for bullshit.

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Yeah my parents call her first too. Maybe they just like her better than they like me. I could see that.


Personally I don’t answer my phone if I don’t recognize the number. That’s what voicemail is for IMO.


They’re sneaky. They will spoof a number that looks almost like my number mine is 877 but I’ll get 875 871 etc.

My voicemail is always full of scam bots in Mandarin and threats from the CRA. I don’t check my voice messages anymore.

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Even if they manage to fool me into picking up, I learned to laugh and hang up a phone many decades ago, lol. That or I go into a sales pitch to sell them Amway :rofl: