The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

I’ve been using stihl for years but I have noticed a much lower quality vs the older models, I recently picked up an echo timberwolf, it’s a beast. I love it.

Edit. Got a ripping saw for it as well and the Alaska chainsaw mill. Used it on some cedars and loved milling so I bought a small woodland sawmill but havnt had the time to put it together yet. With how much lumber is worth right now I should get on that.

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You never change, that’s the same lame defense you used when I challenged your “knowledge” last time.

LOL seriously I hope you find the help you so desperately need and someday maybe try not to enjoy giving people such completely wrong advice.

Here I got advice you can bank on, by someone who has used electric and gas chainsaws. Man those electric chainsaws are way safer, when you get the chain pinched it shuts the saw off and makes a beeping noise. It’s so light, I can use it all day long cutting at things. The downside is, it’s not as powerful so it doesn’t cut as fast. But also! You don’t have to inhale chainsaw gas fumes. I give it a plus plus plus!
See look at my posting, it contains first hand knowledge and a story about how it’s better! wow!


Part 2


@anon60559124 Nice little beam wizard you got there!! I have a few alaskans and a simple beam wizard (much simpler than yours that runs on a 2x4 and gives you a vertical rail to rest on.) Running the 3120 xp on the 4’, 585xp on the 3’. Back in the day I had a double powerhead for a 6’ alaskan running two 3120s… Fuck the things I survived… I will dig through my old phone and see if I can’t find some snaps

I have been very impressed with how it works . It is a Jobber J100 . They are made in Quebec and very portable , it breaks down into 4 pieces , and doesn’t break my back like I found running an alaskan does .
It took a bit to get it dialed in but I am now able to be within 1/16th over 12’ ( which is my max length atm ) and that is close enough for what I am using the lumber for . With my current set up I can do a max length of 12’ and a max diameter of 20" . With attachments both of those can be unlimited. It is a neat little set up that lets me mill right where the log falls no matter the terrain.

Those 3120s are a very serious saw to say the least. I don’t have any personal experience with the 500 series huskys but have heard good things about them after the first couple of years of them working the kinks out .
Any of those double head set ups look crazy . 2 x 3120s is insane hahahaha
Would love to see pics if you can find em .



WTF have I done?!?

I don’t know enough Canadian slang eh you fakks but this isn’t f*ckin Hockey or about your sister eh.
I can just see the chainsaw massacre at the OK-EH :canada: Corral now… :man_facepalming:

Here, fight about this shit: Politics - CBC News


:evergreen_tree: :man_shrugging:


Good one! :sunglasses: :+1:



Hey folks!

@zavorotnuck has asked me for some help sourcing some short flowering time beans from a Canadian source for his summer outdoor grow project.

Has anyone had any dealings with this crew?

Specifically he is looking at the Quebec beans.

I haven’t had any attempts with outdoor growing since the 70’s …
(and that was a ‘face plant’ with brick bag seed :laughing:)

I suggested Freezeland or Freezeland hybrids … but I’m sure you folks will have better suggestions and some ‘outside the box’ ideas as well.

Zav, how about you give us a quick review of your growing conditions (length of season, weather, pests, Latitude, how you did with last year’s grow etc) and we all can offer ideas etc.

Lets see if we all can help get him sorted out!



Haven’t had any dealings with that company . Is he wanting photo plants or is autoflower something he’d consider?


Thank you personal *GPAW!
I am near 57° north.(Eurasia),
But seriously, in september 10 -12 celsium, (50 - 54 °F)

It rains more than half the days in sept.
In the end of sept. plants all time alive and happy coz i use “semiautos”.


He was looking at photo by auto is a good idea depending how far north he is.



guys i lookin a clonnable plants with a flowering period 16/8.
ofc without ruderalis.
And i have friend- clonekeeper.
He has good pheno from unknown genetic. Work of one Russian breeder.


Ok, 57N is roughly equivalent to Fort McMurray. Most photoperiods would be getting ‘flaky’ that far north.
So that probably means May thru Sept growing season is it (wikipedia).
And mould resistance will be really important!

This sounds like similar conditions to what @LabRat has.



Hola Gang

I would go wit UEL
Ultra early Love



So no Ruderalis and clone-able…
Too bad no auto, I found a 7 week auto (seed to harvest) Mephisto Sour Crack.



Excellent call Bare!

…and you have just finished a seed run on that right now?



what can you say about
RM Ultimate Outdoor reeferman?

it’s little faster then UEL by description.