The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Ahh yeah, last memory I have of Fairview was when it flooded. Ask the missus, she was there. :rofl:

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I get 50% off flood damaged stylish apparel.


This was the time when Finch washed out at Sentinel, and we ended up parking at Leslie and Finch on the second story of a parking garage and had to walk the rest of the way back to her mom’s place because the roads flooded under the go train bridges to the point of floating cars.

We crossed the don as fast as possible as it was raised so high it was touching the roadway splashing!


She laughs about it now.

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Yeah, NOW.

Then it was awe inspiring and rather troubling :rofl:


Now I know exactly where you live, I’m pretty sure I can even picture the actual building. Small world, I spent a lot of time around there when I had my own business. Btw I’d be cool with IKEA being one of the few food options. I happen to be a friend for the Swedish meatballs lol . Also I’m curious on the prices of said vending machine items.

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Haha there are a 1000 building you’ll never find me.

I’m so over ikea. Best part was during Covid and the parking lot was empty and it became my own personal recreation space.

The vending machine prices are low/medium restaurant range. If they’re good, they may be worth it. But only if they’re good.

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It was the pic of Fairview behind you that gave it away. Pretty sure that McD’s was my go to for bacon egg McMuffins for 3 months while I lived there . I may be totally wrong but I think I’m right :wink: I saw those type of vending machines at Blue Mountain, they were like 14.99$ each and looked like 1/6th the amount I’d eat. I always wondered how it was heated I assumed microwave inside. :thinking:

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If you’re not right you’re pretty damned close.

Don’t get me started on the guys who park illegally on the wrong side of the road and put their flashers on to go to McDonald’s.

No they’ve got some kind of external element contraption. A few of them even for multiple heatings I guess.

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Haha that seems to be the norm for Tim Hortons, McDonalds etc. transport trucks blocking traffic etc. :man_facepalming:t2: locking up traffic for a coffee , ahhh Canada

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The drive thru is always hopping at all times of day. And there’s no convenient entrance or exit. The whole place is just a driving mess. 6 driveways all pulling out into the same road.

Blocking traffic is like a professional sport around here.

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Hahaha for real. I despise driving in TO, always have. It’s completely chaos

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Yes there’s no such thing as a pleasant drive. At least not that I’m aware of.

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Haha nope! I remember once coming home from a jays game with the wife (the reason I can never stay away from TO , them and the Raptors) she’s like let’s take a quiet drive down the parkway home along the lake, I was like “HA you think that’s a quiet drive” so I did, jumped on by the yacht club, was barely a few miles like 2 hours later…. Lol ya my buddy calls it pollution Ave.

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Diesel and fish guts boulevard.

Yeah it can be gross in places.

I lived beside the abattoir. Very stinky.

I lived beside then sewage treatment plant. Also very stinky

Now I just get 401 exhaust


This might come as a shock to our southern neighbours but Canada has it’s own moon.

It’s called the Horton Orbiter and was discovered in 1954 by renowned but now shamed physicist Tim Horton.

Also this building in the background changes colours at night which should be fucking illegal.

Happy morning hosers.


Do people still end up in the car wash by accident?

This is why after the car accident they commemorated his death with the “Tim Bit”.




The pickup lineup spills over into the car wash and the car wash people are not happy about it.

Technically he was in “bits” but I’ll allow it :joy:

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