The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Now that you say it…. Wtf? That’s false advertisement
You try it?

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You’d be jealous of our tickets. Not a brag, it’s like the special TD section or something with real food and we often get free beer because of tech issues

I like baseball. I like to play baseball. But to sit still for 5 hours no thank you.


Not yet but I will. I want to go smoothies first and if it passes that test it’ll make it into the coffee.

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Ok we are in the same section, that’s the season ticket holders section (I buy from a dentist) no free beer for me but since my first time in the TD section I can’t go back to normal . So when he gets his season tickets he calls right away…. Usually now I’m curious

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Let me know, I’m very curious about that milk believe it or not.

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We get a selection from season tickets.

The beer is free because of a double up issue on the POS and the server. It’s really quite funny. “Here is the other beer you didn’t order.”

I realize I’m an ungrateful snob but the good seats make a difference, to me anyway.


Haha that’s killer, trust me I agree wholeheartedly, makes it much more fun. Last time I brought my aunt, she’s in a wheelchair so they wheeled us up and out the players entrance right past the dressing room. That was pretty cool, I was talking to the guys etc. I was like a little kid all excited , taking pictures etc. lol


Ok I try just for you:

Best fake milk yet. It’s really pretty good even.


Can’t make me…


That’s really nice to accommodate like that.

My grandmother got hit in the head by a foul ball many years ago and got to go back and meet everyone and get autographs and all that good stuff.


It’s a bit weird and not for everyone. But I like them for smoothies because a liter of cow milk is gross.

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Mrs Foreigner wants to know if your name is Carl? She has a baseball seat friend named Carl.

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No way, I got smoked as a kid with my grandfather. It was actually a couple months before they won the series in 93’ I got nothing but a lump and a second giant hotdog lol. I agree they really impressed me accommodating us like that. They guy even walked us outside, next door to the Marriott to get a cab. Then my uncle gives him 5$ he says I couldn’t, so my uncle pulls the bill back and puts it in his pocket. Should have seen his face, I followed around the corner and gave him a 20$ lol


22L 3rd row

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I’m gonna tell my wife about the milk, she’s lactose intolerant and hates all the substitutes. I’m gonna tell her to grab one, hey the advertising works I suppose! Well played blue jays, well played :clap:t2:

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Independent of this new milk the Oat is the best. The other ones are a bit strange I find.

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Nope, Lucas. Wouldn’t that be awesome! I’m gonna be on the lookout now though. Usually at the last bar seat section to the left right in front of the bathroom next to the regular seats. (I’m too lazy to look up the actual seats)

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That’s funny small world. She’s the tall loud one. She’s hard to miss.


226 in the TD CLUBHOUSE there.

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I just asked her based on your description and she says she knows exactly where that is.

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