The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

It has been a fun morning :joy:


Still need to make myself a coffee and a rainy morning here, otherwise id be getting ready to huck all my discs into trees at odd angles vs you know the baskets i thought i was aiming for.


I’ve always wanted to try disc golf….


Can’t be any worse than normal golf. LOL

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Disc golf is fun. Free course near the Science Center.

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much more fun to me, as your usually off in the woods or elsewhere utilizing the terrain and environments, not on some highly manicured lawns mind now a local golf course has a disc golf setup which you can pay to play through the winter any time and now after 5pm during the summer.

@TopShelfTrees1 plently of courses around and just takes a disc to play, its the subsequent 50 discs that gets you into trouble lol


I really enjoy playing pool and think the dynamics might translate to golf but I’ve never really done it.

I can throw a frisbee pretty good though.


… mmmm coffee with that 10% made from Canadian milk Cremeo, which has always been an odd name apart from half and half which is also odd cause cream is 30-33% even if cut with water thats not 10% conspiracy i tell you.


It’s a public service to slim the Canadian waistline.

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I love pool and have been golfing since 12yo (my parents bought me clubs and a seasons pass for my birthday) I think you’d enjoy golf as well, disc golf I can’t say but it looks fun. There’s a course in Ajax that’s free as well, beside the mosque. I watch the guys while I fish and always wanted to try.

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I will be taking up golf at some point but I doubt it’ll be soon. Seems like a nice way to spend a morning.

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See, this is why I switched to black coffee. All that milk math is too confusing!

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similar though more that you can put discs on different flight angles, and you eventually take the route of having different discs that do different things, such as discs that have harder fades to them where say you throw it straight and hard to go through a gap that you have but you need it to get around some trees at the end so you have discs that fly straight but once it slows down it start to hook up and goes left or right depending on back hand or forehand throws, that and or different discs for different purposes such as putting vs distance.

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I’m a master of the hook shot :+1:

It does sound more fun in forest than a field.


That looks cool but in the demo idk wtf kind of pool that is lol. I’m a snooker guy but love 8ball 9 ball as well. I miss having a table very much I got so good by 20 it was unreal, I loved on that table, crazy trick shots and everything. Now im lucky if I play 10 games a year. If we ever meet up I know what we’re doing @Foreigner


Let me know if u ever wanna go? I’d be glad to learn ya. I even have a second set of clubs if you are in the 6’ range. Haha Canadian OG golf league. I can see it now, just follow the funk!

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I had no clue it was so intricate…… very cool now I’m more intrigued than before. I don’t think there’s a course anywhere around Niagara though, that I know of anyway

I’m in. And I agree, 9 ball is underrated. Great game.

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That’s a very generous offer I might just take you up on it. I’m 6’2”

Mrs Foreigner wants to learn too…