The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Yesterday was a give away, today looking for trades.
Most are from either server fundraiser’s and seed runs, that people may not have had the chance to get. As I have more than I need of these, I figured I’d give others a chance to get some of these killer strains, as well as adding to my collection, win win :grinning: :clap: :raised_hands:


I get it, I know you were not giving them out but it’s amazing to offer them up. There is some real fire in there from the looks of it, not every day you get a chance to get that stuff.


Not a huge stockpile of seeds at my disposal but might trade for some cash if you are interested?


I wouldn’t feel right about taking cash as 1/3 of them were free to me…


Cool, I can respect that.


What were you liking to find in a trade black candyland has me drooling ?


Not sure, pm a trade list you’re willing to part with


Might not fit in a pm lol
Thought you could toss out some hints of what you’d be after


Pm sent good luck picking


Wait times the last 6 month for new applications and renewals were terrible but I hear is getting better. My friend applied in September for a renewal and finally got it last month… almost 6 months total for a damn renewal.

The LP are losing money but I have a feeling the changes coming to the Cannabis Act are going to be in their favor. I think the changes coming are to curb the black market. As it stands now there are some decent growers who have micro license but crazy thing is the only people they can sell product to are LP’s or Government owned Cannabis stores… how f-ed up is that.


It’s brutal out there in the real world. People are getting offered 40-50 cents per gram for growing it.
Liabilities for selling bunk weed are huge. Unless the magical money fairy comes to town, I’m not sure you can make a go like that. Instead they are turning to “value added” products where you dilute the shit down into creams. You can get more for it then. If you grow garbage weed you can probably make a go at it for .50$ Far cry from selling your buddy a sack of weed for 50$ down the road.


No way, is that true? When you say offers at .40-.50 per gram are you referring to what LP’s and Cannabis stores are offering Micros for their flowers?

Prices are the lowest they’ve ever been but .50 cent a gram for wholesale is unheard of in my circles. Free market bud is going for 1000-1200 for trips, 1600 and up for true quads.

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Trips? Quads? I’ve been out of the game too long apparently haha


You’re not missing much lol… the entire grading system is a joke and one mans AA is another mans AAAA. Its entirely subjective to the broker. A lot of it is marketing too IMO. You have a lot of MOM(medical online marijuana), Pretty much all the store front dispensary’s closed down 3 years ago and took all the business online. There are 100’s of them now in Canada. Anyways, you can buy something that one person would consider quads but another would barely consider a trip.

AA = Dubs
AAA= Trips
AAAA= Quads.

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True Story™, the growers will only get like 40 cents per gram for their outdoor organics.

Outdoor is a different market… ,40 per gram sounds about right I guess. Heck, Canada didn’t even really have an outdoor market until the last few years when most started using light dep greenhouses.

Under 200 a lb is crazy pricing be nice to find it that cheap even to blast or make hash out of it , has to be some decent outdoors coming from the west coast can’t all be bunk weed.


ATM its $500-600 of mids and 700-900 for really nice stuff. if I shopped around I could get AAA for $600/lb Its crazy out there. Finally getting to see how much of Canadian weed actually was exported vs being consumed here. For the average growers you gonna have a hard time moving anything right now. If the borders don’t open up in a few months and LP’s keep dumping their shit on the gray market its gonna be a blood bath for lots of growers.

You can get shatter here for $5-7/gr lol


@AquaTerra I don’t know anything about LP’s or if there a system in place for traceability. Would it really be easy for an LP to sell on the gray market?

Your prices seem a little low but I’m sure thats for big packs… 30+ maybe. No way that price is for a few singles. I saw a 5 pack of amazing looking Thin Mints GSC go for 1800ea, 2 months ago. Packs of real nice Lindsay OG and TFPK going for 1200, 10 pack. Some brokers are willing to pay decent money, but yeah, I’ve heard some horror stories. If your stuff aint AAA+ good luck moving it.

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@AquaTerra What’s your take on the Cannabis Act review coming this October. What big changes do you speculate is to come? You think personal licenses with higher plant counts are a thing of the past?

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