The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

It may be that the West Coast of Mexico got its genetics from SE Asia while the East Coast of Mexico got its genetics from Africa. Travel hasn’t always been as easy as it is now. Back then, growers had to settle for the first arable land with a water source they could find.

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The problem is eradication and drug enforcement in general is big business. A lot of people have become wealthy and powerful in both the public and private sector via drug enforcement. They say “To understand is to forgive all.” Not necessarily. The more I learn about drug enforcement, the more I despise those involved. Anyone who still supports cannabis prohibition does so out of avarice, ignorance, or both. Frankly, given the unlimited access to information we have now, both are equally reprehensible.

Oaxaca/ Guerrero border region landrace from @Elchischas. 12 for 12 germination.

Just coming out of the soil…
I went a tad stronger with the mix this time using Coast of Maine super soil cut with around 50% black gold organic garden soil.( my soil is frozen) Hoping they can handle it ok. @Tejas if you come behind me at least a couple weeks with those Malawi plants I’ll make any mistakes so you don’t have to. Flowering time is similar to malawi so do things the same as me unless i screw up


Makes sense. The guano i used probably dropped the soil ph. It’s known for that. Crazy, I literally used a pinch…what i could grab with 2 fingers and my thumb. Maybe half a teaspoon. Still too much.
I used to use lots of bone meal to buffer ph when growing my own strains…


Not sure but so far I’m guessing East and West coast landraces will have different original sources. Only one problem. I’ve never seen anything from the East coast. Never read about much either. @Elchischas may know something about them.

Ignorance, money, religion.
One thing that has always bothered me are the die hard Bible thumpers that say weed is the devils lettuce, yet the first chapter of Genesis says that God gave ALL seed bearing plants to man. Quite the contradiction.


The one part that gets under my skin in the worst way is how little the most devout “Christians” know about the Bible. The same is true of bellicose, flag-waving nationalists. Very few of them have actually read the Constitution. Fewer still understand it. These are same ones who want to combine church and state, not realizing both the Bible and the US Constitution either discourage or outright prohibit that.


I always hit them with this.


Unfortunately, what the Bible actually says is often irrelevant. Plus, there is likely an alarming number of fundies who can’t read. Those who bask in ignorance must see illiteracy as a virtue.
Sorry, that was my anger talking.


Yeah I never really read the bible, my dad was into religion, I think it had alot to do with all the WWII death he witnessed and contributed to. It has to do something to your head.

That sort of thing does a lot of things to your head, not many of them good. I fought in Iraq, and it changes your perspective.


Thank you, I was in the Army back 1979, peacetime soldier.


I live in Central America and have a travelled around a bit.
The thing that sticks in my heart is the suffering of indigenous people who grow the herb as a cash crop…ie. To buy school uniforms for there kids and maybe improve there living conditions…God man two years ago in Talamanica (costa rica) there were operations with the American DEA to destroy the plants with insecticides using helicopters…fucking terrible.

Same in Panama ,weed is frowned on by the upper class citizens…( but they all partake in cocaine parties) and graded the same as cocaine smuggling….; getting a wee tad better…due to young people and medical people who are starting to understand the benefits.

Colombia …Whaa where do you start!

Finally they are getting there act together…But the big problem is big Canadian and other companies are in there now, paying bribes to get Licenses to grow….flying in Clones from Europe and Canada…as Colombia is Equitorial they go straight into flowering…so they grow in some other country in Veg…

How the fuck does that help the farmers in cocaine countries…who grow weed…in fact it finishes them…thousands of poor farmers have been killed over the years…especially in the FARC days when they were caught in the middle.

I could go on Country by Country…ie.Peru Brazil Chile…It’s just shameful…

This plant we all love and with incredible medical benefits…Is still getting used as a pawn in this game of politics!

The legal wage in Colombia $1.60 a hour…ye no wonder big Pharma is going to suck the market dry and abuse local indigenous people again.




Pretty soon I’ll finally be able to contribute to this thread is a major way :yum:

First, I have to cull a beautiful leaf-shaped Mexican Death Sativa male

And moving forward, I have these from two great guys


:+1: Nice Score! :+1:

I’m looking forward to see what you are going to do with them.



Be great if you do a log on here.

Bueno suerte.


Those MDS leaves just might be the coolest i ever saw. What is mds? Mexi and kashmir by chance? Those sawtooth leaves…remind me of kashmir.


You would think! But no, Guerrero x Michoacan! @Upstate


My folks are vacationing in Puerto Vallarta and I asked my Dad to keep any eye out for any “ditch weed” as since they are in the Jalisco state there’s potential fire lining the hills :rofl:

I’m not keeping my hopes up. :rofl:


Damn that’s a good looking plant! :seedling::muscle:


Here’s my Male Mexican Death Sativa.

By the time it has a lady around it will explode as it’s been vegging for 117 days :rofl: