The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Whats the flowering time for mds? How’s the high?


Wartime or peacetime doesn’t matter. What matters is you voluntarily sacrificed safety and comfort, and you did it while the memories of Vietnam were still fresh in everyone’s minds. For what it’s worth, I did THREE combat deployments to Iraq. As an infantryman, no less. I was there for the initial invasion, the Sadr Uprising, the reaction to the Abu Ghraib photos (the locals were really pissed off over that, with good reason; suffice it to say our job became much more difficult) and the 2005 elections. Anyway, that all being said, I have great respect for anyone who served, irrespective of whether in peacetime or wartime.


I lived in Peru, and the upper class definitely frowned on cannabis. My wife at the time was absolutely against it. When I asked her for an explanation, her response was “Because it’s drugs.” Most people there don’t make a distinction between a pothead and heroin addict. You’re right, they think that despite their own recreational cocaine use. I had one tell me that cocaine was acceptable, since “you can’t become addicted to cocaine the same way you do to marijuana.” I shit you not.


Not a big yielder, but the effect must be insane. Very nice.


OST in the jar maturing from butterscotch candy into a graham cracker smell now. Very appealing. Def transforms with age into a bearable odor. Sugary for sure. Def some Winter time smoke.


Ph change begins to show up, new growth is straighter.


14wks. The high was very clear-minded and mellow, imo. Perfect morning/any-time-of-the-day smoke. I personally thought potency was lacking (especially compared to modern stuff) — but I have two friends that tried the same batch as me and they think I’m fucking crazy… they say it’s strong as hell; the one friend typically only smokes Indica types, the other exclusively smokes pens. So the jury still out


I’m thinking the same about the effect at least I hope so. Beautiful to see it but it’s strange to me. :laughing:


I’d love to see how it does outdoors, with 3-4 months of veg time.


I have some Earthboxes in the car… :smiley:

What’s interesting is how little this resembles cannabis we’re used to.


Dang that was fast! Fresh seeds! :seedling:

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@Upstate ….Double Panama red…Part 2


I vegged for 8 weeks and flipped them two weeks ago…

= 10 weeks today.

And I’m real Happy…four Females out of four …YIPPEE
On the first grow @Upstate we had four males and two females….so I suppose we evened it up…ye happy four fem.

The two sisters at the top are identical to the two we flowered last grow and the small octopus one looks totally different from any of the other ones. And the medium one with the sort of serrated leaves is very Xmas :evergreen_tree:

I ain’t going to manicure this grow as severely as I did the last grow.

Happy Growing



The phenos people feverishly hunt for when growing out Grinspoon lol “string of pearls” cool to look at every time you post them


Right?! The odds of seeing it from Grinspoon must be much lower I think but still I never expected to see it in front of me.

Thank you :blush:


Good fem ratio. That does even it up. That octopus panama ( Panapus lol)looks like the 74 panama in the leaves. She’s going to be a wide one.
Was it topped or eaten really low before it spread out?
What size pots do you have them in? Looking good :+1:

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I noticed people smoking pens or dispensary pot get fried off Oaxaca. Maybe some cannabinoids they aren’t used to smoking in that and the Acapulco. Have you cured it yet? Might need a long cure for potency. Also have you found a ceiling to the high? It looks like its great smoke to me. Nice resin…


Hi @GREANDAL > 3 flows about Landraces at the same time ? I agree with you about the survival stuff … tautautau


First of alll> I’m in lack with @Panamajock very embarrassed … I fail to grow his gift >>>

Back to Topic core data

Paraguay and my garden > Same L23º S … Same Sun Same Photo … Different alt… soil … winds … And i’m so sentimental … can’t throw away this BIG BALLS … once in a while free from the bricks

L 23º S Survival Mode


Great job amigo! Everything looks great!


Well i’m a little bit confused, there’s no such of clasification like west coast or east cost we just talk about the tradicional grow areas where you still find the pure sativas. Sinaloa is the northern area where you can find big crops but certainly almost all the country got crops. Certainly no ones know for real the the origins of mexicans strains but there’s info that suggest south indian, Pakistan,hemp,lebanese, Philipine, just to name some


2nd picture down…what strain or landrace? Its a beauty!

Lol. We’ve ALL been there at one time or another. So many strains, so little time😁 i never asked…how would you describe the effect of the bud you’ve gotten?
On another note The OGMEX ( Huixtepec)are up and growing quickly.