The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

An hour and a half into it staying with me.

Harsher smoke in a chemical sense, you know you’re smoking more than cellulose.

Uplifting, lighter body feeling, joint pain miraculously gone. Not the rocket juice of the Oaxaca but sublime. General softening of the environment. From that tiny bit I figure a small joint will blow several old minds I’m fond of next weekend.

This comparison makes total sense of what @Elchischas said about Mexican strains being originally for workers.


If I had to pick the most difficult part about getting into growing long flowering plants it’s this. Getting dialed in. I suppose it’s similar to any other strain in that regard , but it doesn’t take half of a year to grow another strain and after going half of a year if it’s not great you don’t want to take the time to run it again. I’m working on a soil recipe that works for all long flowers. Wouldn’t that be nice!
@GREANDAL looks like that’s going to be some pretty good smoke. How many more weeks do you figure before it’s done?


Two at least I think. Going by the seeds and the look. Going to be hard to leave it alone.

I could be wrong, maybe a month, all the seeds so far are off the stalk, not in the buds but pistils beginning to turn.

I was thinking March as a general landing date.


Yes indeed. Blue collar weed for sure. Energizer pot. You can even work in the sun smoking this. Some pot almost makes you sick when you work in the heat or more often makes you drag ass after puffing one.

Seeds could stay tan like Thai momma. I think a couple more weeks too. Calyx’s should get bigger.


Yeah, the idea of saying, “oh man I’ll really know what I’m doing in 2025!” is a turnoff indoors for sure. Thinking about another long flowering strain now that I can put one outside.


Hi @Upstate … Best caption of the year man > waste and taste i’m in >>>

You and @GREANDAL > Asked some DATA from me > .

I have 2 top gardens in my fingers > Pennsylvania and Kew > :smile:

Do you know how much is a Kg of Weed Seeds ? 35k to 50k

The Brazil Mail HUB … Busts 200 Kg of MACONHA seeds every year .

First of all > Landraces is very usefull to breed if your garden is in the SAME latitude
Kush is L35ºN Emerald too …

Mexican landys is very complex for me … Luck for smoking some Loose back in the 80’s at Rio Nexpa …

After 3 years growing Brick seed …Same L23º … I was gifted with 1 seed … Fem

Did some cross with Paraguayan male … Clones of the original … Backcross = Kushayo

Growerism rules … Turbo grow … Harvest this week > Germ Clone Transp last W …

Kushayo Landy or Strain ? Soul growers brotherood stuff


DAMN!!! Thats a lot of beans!


Dude, that’s impressive. Sativas are notoriously difficult to grow indoors.

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If so, it had to have been used by a very small percentage of the population. Otherwise, the first European explorers would have encountered massive numbers of plants. Amerindian mythology tells of ‘gods’ who had European features and ‘walked as easily across water as land.’ It could have been that cannabis use was confined to the ruling class. If that was the case, it’s ironic that cannabis use was confined to the lowest classes of society among the Europeans colonists.

Altitude and latitude share some similar effects on plant growth, and are even anagrams.

That one is crazy. Yield prob suck but that’s got to be fire.

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I think cannabis has always been used by the poor but I’ve read of kings that had their own private growers in two different instances now. In Persia, and Egypt. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find out that it was common practice


It was obviously not widespread in the pre-Colombian Americas, or else the first European explorers would have encountered large numbers of cannabis plants.


It was tu that pheno was really hard smoke for mostly of the fellas … My friend gmike get to preserve two really powerful cuts same as that one but better yield production


We got into that discussion in another thread call how did cannabis reach the new world or something to that effect… if it was in the Western Hemisphere prior to the 150’s that would take pollen analysis to prove it. I don’t doubt it could have been in limited locations

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History books will have to be re-written if evidence of pre-Colombian cannabis is found anywhere in the Americas.

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I’ve been to the Amazon, both in the mountains near Macchu Picchu and a city called Iquitos in the Amazon Basin. You’re absolutely right about what could be hidden there. The Basin is extremely remote. There aren’t even roads that go through it; traffic is by air or by boat. The vegetation is beyond anything I’ve ever seen, before or since. There is no telling what all could be there. Unfortunately, the remoteness of that area means that excavation is out of the question for the foreseeable future.


I’ve spent some time in Iquitos myself; to your point, it’s the largest city in the world that isn’t accessible by road. I took a boat down one of the Amazon tributaries from Ecuador to Peru…a long, slow boat ride


@Old-Ron I hope you don’t mind me cross posting.

As I’m sure the Sativa growers on here would be interested.


Gradually pulling buds from one of the purple stems before I take her down.

Remarkably strong odor of kerosene.