The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)


TBH, I was staring at your plants SO HARD I didn’t even see that!!! :rofl: / :man_facepalming:

YAsS!! Speedpots for the win!


Thanks man.

The only thing I didn’t try, because I can’t go back in time, would be to limit veg time to a bare minimum. Off the top of my head I did 6 weeks and 12” tall. Maybe that was too much but my programming from indicas is make sure to veg :enough:

Moving your mechanicals out of the way is also a solid idea.

Correct. I topped them. I bent them over and tied them down. When I realized they were exploding I supercropped pretty much every branch.

It still wasn’t enough:

Some of the tops I’ve had to clip twice and I still may cut more yet.


OMG’s that was def not a good idea based on everything i’ve read in prep of my Jalisco run. I’m now going to pop in h202/water, then right into speed cups at 12/12 with an up-potting into final 1 gallon pots AND topping once there’s at least 4 nodes.

IF they grow too tall, i’ll shake my fists and then bend em.


I figured they would triple in stretch and 3’ is my operational limit.

12/12 from seed is for sure worth a try.

Mine are in 3 gallon pots but truthfully they only have 2 gallons of Promix :rofl:

I look at the structure now and some of the branches I tied down are now drowned out by fast shooting lowers out competing them. Structurally it’s very weird.

Careful with relying on bending/tying - if I were to try and tie down just one plant it would take up the whole canopy

Edit: here you can see the lower structure and how everything just wants to shoot to the sky


My Mexican Death Sativa is in a 10" pot, trained like cray-cray, and is a bush around 2.5 feet tall.
I need to trim it but I’m also pushing it to get used to 100% sativa’s as this is totally new for me :smiley:

Thanks for sharing bruv!


I’ll have some Oaxacan pics this evening but here are the buds just pulled from the fast OST.

The phone camera just can’t capture the sparkle but you get the idea? :joy:

I already know this is good, but that’s some epic Sativa action right there.


I would go into 1 qt and top too. I always top, but I also do a three week veg which makes a big size difference. Yields are better if topped young. Great job. Beautiful leaves.
The late slow plant may be the short pheno. They can be treated normally as far as container size goes with no need to worry about height. My personal belief is that these plants may represent Lebanese genetics that were introduced into nearby Guerrero in the 1830’s by Lebanese immigrants. The pine and cedar smell and the growth habits remind me of the rsc Lebanese I grew 3 or 4 years ago. The Brothers of Eternal Love supposedly ( re?) Introduced Lebanese in the late 70’s to Oaxaca but this Oaxaca is from 1970 so imo this is not a modern hybrid, but perhaps could be a very very old one.


DAAAAAYUM!!! HOLY! I may have to pop a few of those OST😁 That’s some serious resin right there. Buds look white. Did you get a cutting of this one? Any of the later plants catch your eye? Great job with this one. Hope it smokes as good as it looks!
Can’t wait for Oaxaca pics!


Thats big going into flower. 3 -8x’s stretch( height gain for those unfamiliar with " stretch") or even more is typical of pure Sativas. But, your idea of flowering a more mature plant is a good one. Should be
Better smoke in the end. Maybe next time get cuttings and flower those? I’m trying a twist on this idea now. I’ve had mamma Thai flowering for a month or more, maybe 6 weeks. I took cuttings a few weeks ago and rooted them in the same room under 12 /12. They are in solo cups now, 4 inches tall. Maybe they will be too small, but i think i could get decent colas. We’ll see.


Restricting roots always works well for me. I keep them in smaller 1/2 gallon pots going into flower and then up pot a couple of weeks in when I think the stretch is slowing down. That usually helps big time with all but the most wild jungle vine type sativas.I also usually top most plants. But I’m still learning, and I try to improve every grow, that’s what it’s all about in my book. That, and helping others along their journey. :slight_smile:


Here’s one I did not top because it was staying compact. Another Red Snake, heavily seeded with F2s, and just about ready to take down this weekend. I think the progeny from this one should be excellent. :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing your insights into RED SNAKE. There is very little info online. How is the smoke?

Punto Rojo, Red Hair pheno. Classic Colombian weed, and seeded of course, as all good Colombian should be… :smiley:


Thanks man. Red Snake is superb, a nice cross between the Mexican Oaxacan 79 and Punto Rojo. It tends to be sweeter smoking than Punto Rojo by itself. I have not been fortunate enough to sample any pure bred Oaxacan yet (maybe Upstate will take pity on me, hehe) but I think I’ve gotten a pretty good idea what Oaxacan brings to the cross just from the dozen that I’ve run so far.

Anyway, it’s a very potent uplifting high. Fairly clear, but not as clear as the Punto Rojo alone, stronger though I would say. Duration is very good and it has a clean come down. I tend to do one hitters and a puff or two every couple of hours is just right if you’re needing to get some stuff done. Does not keep me up all night, but I tend to lay off in the early evening.


Nice. Are there any physical medicinal/nervous system healing, or is it just good vibes and smiles?


Oh definitely good vibes and smiles! I have to say though, given the current state of the world even the best weed might have a hard time cutting through. :wink: But yeah, this has been my go to smoke all winter.


Right on. The world needs all the good vides it can get, right now.


I should add that certain plants have had a delicious floral aroma and taste. Kind of like roses meets geraniums. Really nice and makes you want another toke just for that flavor. Others are more citrus, but not the rotten orange type which I hate.


Just got my Red Snakes thank you TexasTea! Should be some amazing plants from all I can see! Will keep you all updated as we grow


Hi bro…
Its like hash lemony
I made a cross of that Michoacan with the pure Pakistani X-18 i give the seeds to a good grower friend of mine, this are his photos of my cross.