The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I am currently running snow highs michoacan right now just flip to the flower yesterday with a full moon. Out of 11 seeds five were viable 4 females 1 male. Made a bunch of clones increase the female ratio not much I can do about one male no matter how many clones it’s still just one male. This is from his preservation package


Were they hard to germinate?


I found some more Snowhigh seeds in my stash - Torreon x Hawaiian ‘old school cotton mouth’ 18 weeks…

A rare and secret Central Mexican Hashplant (Torreon) cultivar which was pollinated by my Hawaiian Sativa male. This stuff can be funky and sometimes skunky but in a refined way, like what people like in the chems and Skunks but can’t isolate exactly what that something is. Plants are covered in resin, from the leaves to the buds, even on the stems. These plants reek from a funky aroma, to a nasty (in the right way) astringent gas. Some buds are small crystalline colitas and others are large floral masses caked in resin. Some plants are larger producers, but they never seem to get too tall which is great for indoor and outdoor growers. Plants reach around the 4-5 foot range, but with a little bondage you can make it work under in circumstances. Old School Cotton Mouth is a blast from the past, mixing the best Torreon Central Mexican Hashplant and Hawaiian Sativa genetics.


@royal I hope you run em and I’m prolly gonna run the Lebanese seeds you sent me as my next run. Post some pics if ya do.


I’ve seen Snowhighs stuff mentioned many times over the past couple of years on a couple of boards. I am amazed at how he is able to keep finding all these crazy obscure genetics.


Thats awesome! I’ve never seen a Michoacan grow. Where’s the pictures?:grin:

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Left to right:
Oaxaca 1979 S1 X Pure Oaxaca seeds
“12 fingers” pure mexican strain
Below: pure Oaxacan 1979 S1 seeds IMG_20201002_074325


Thanks for sharing your great info! Always enjoy your posts here and on IC. :slight_smile:

So those Oaxacan seeds look pretty big. I have two Oaxacan phenos of the Red Snake with which I made F2s and they look extremely similar in size and shape.


Sorry for the poor quality pictures but that’s the best I can do for right now the first picture the four on the right that the cat is protecting are the four females.
The next four pictures are today,they just flip to flower the picture in the blue tent is the one male along with some of the clones


I’ll try to get you some better pictures tomorrow I was in a hurry today lights are about ready to go out. That number three female look just like the number four female a couple of days ago that one main stem has shot up almost 12" in i started changing the light cycle eight days ago we’re now at 11 and 13 and I’ll probably keep it there. I was hoping to keep them in that tent but if they get to stretching too much we may have to move them to the big room which is occupied right now by that African black magic. I’m not sure if it’s legit or not yet it’s not turning black but the Vietnamese black don’t turn black till almost the end either so we will see, I know how you love pictures buddy so here you go.


Looking good @YoBigdaddy!


Mexican Death Sativa; before it’s trim. Solo cup (16oz) and 1 gallon (3.8L) bottle for size reference :smiley:


Wow, thats beautiful! How old is he?


Thanks @HumblePie420 , he’s 147 days from seed.


Way to go keeping that plant healthy for such a long time in such a small container.
@YoBigdaddy and @Elchischas thanks for the photos! Probably the most important thing when it comes to documentation.


That’s right bro,docomentation is really important
I like a lot this forum but there’s a lot of disinformation About méxican strains
A Photo of small Huixtepec mexican strain
A rare and unknow sativa from my country.


That’s why we need you here buddy😁


I just noticed the purple stem Michoacan. Nice!


What mutes do you use very pretty and green. I use Jack’s part A~B-magnesium sulphate. Mine never get that jungle green color. :+1:t2:

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Thanks @Fat_Man . I use “Trip Tonic” which is the “house brand” of my work-local hydro shop. It’s a sterile salt solution system consisting of: grow or bloom parts a/b, fulvik, terps, nzimes, and big bud. I vary the mix on an 8 week ramping schedule.

Other things that go in my mix include: gro silic (monosilic acid), harvest miracle (accessible copper), and yucca (wetting agent).