The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I think there’s a lot of that going around this time of year LOL.
@TexasTea nobody knows too much about this land race yet. Flowering time is similar to Oaxaca and this one comes from the border between Oaxaca and Guerrero.
@deeez99 doesn’t sound like you did anything to the plants that I haven’t done. Some of them are just fussy.
None of us are growing these in ideal conditions. Outside in the ground or possibly indoors in a larger container these hermies might be fine.
I’m going to grow one old silversides plant in the ground Outdoors. I’m going to start it in a larger container and then bury the container this June. I’m allowed six plants this year😁 slightly pissed I didn’t start vegetating it in December. One of these plants big is going to look like a willow tree. I get goosebumps thinking about it!
We will get to see if it has the hermie trait grown properly.


Mostly Panama:


Cool, I will be interested to see how that one goes. Is this another Snowhigh strain, or was it sourced elsewhere?


This is from @Elchischas and are unworked landrace . (As far as indoors goes). I’m sure they are from a farmed rather than feral population, but i can’t say for sure. So far these have been a pleasure to grow. I love the slightly curved leaves. My favorite plants that have come from my own strain have that curved leaf look on the bottom leaflets. Quite possibly from Oaxaca genetics.


Oh man, very cool. He always posts fantastic looking stuff. :slight_smile:


Bodhi Zipolite Oaxacan, filling out a bit and getting a pink tinge on the pistils. :slight_smile:


What’s the flowering time of this Oaxaca? How far into flowering is it now? I haven’t heard too much about the Zipolite. Is this a regular male female line?


Hey man, yeah, this is a regular male/female line. They were collected by Bodhi on vacation in Mexico about 12 years ago. I bought them a few years back on the Ace site to get the Acapulco Gold freebies offered at the time. Now I’m more interested in the Zipolites so I’m really glad I bought them.

Anyway, they supposedly run about 12-14+ weeks and reports are good on them. I had a male that started throwing pistils so I got rid of him. I feel like they may have had a touch of indica blood at some point, just because the stems are slightly thicker and chunkier than I would have expected from a pure sativa. But, who knows, maybe they were simply selected over a period of time. Certainly sativa dominant though at the very least. The pistils are pinking up and I have seen some pics with intense red ones, so will be cool to see what happens.


Snowhigh has the most potent and righteous AGs that I’ve found. Bodhi’s doesn’t have the potency sadly. MOB uses a very potent 1978 AG from San Diego but the 1968 and 1972 that Snowhigh works with are the best representation I’ve found. Truly powerful herb. Running Bodhi’s Zipolite Oaxacan crossed to Snowhighs 1972 Acapulco Gold now and it’s righteous stuff🤙


Yeah, exactly. I grew two AG plants from Bodhi a few years ago. It was the first wild tropical type sativa that I had grown at the time and it literally grew to the top of my flower room. Tall and slender stems, flexible, small leaves, long internodes. Big airy colas like old fashioned microphones. But they hermied on me a little bit which left seedy buds, and potency was low, taste was terrible. I actually pulled some out this winter that I had kept and came to the same conclusion.


Your Beans landed thank you for the extras these are some beautiful healthy looking beans I tip my cap to you.


You’re a gentleman and a scholar! :smiley:

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Thank you your very kind yourself. :wink:

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Dropped 2 OSTX Panama Haze. Just to see what happens.
Also 2 OST x RIL SOWAH. Try try again.

I want to breed Ost x Panama to Sour91 from TopDawg (sdbx3 x chem91) I am waiting on. Should be some cool shit from that cross.


Right on my friend, can’t wait to see what you do with them. All very special in every aspect :call_me_hand:


Right on, that’s an awesome idea and you’ll really enjoy the Snowhigh stuff :call_me_hand:


Thanks brother for your great input. :pray:t2::+1:t2:

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I gotta take a minute and shout out @SkunkHunt101
We PM’d a while back about some OST beans… Well the pack came through and All I can say is HOLY SHIT
Check out this sack of gold:

Now what’s lurking in those “Xtreme garden” beans …?

Thanks again @SkunkHunt101 , you’re solid gold in my book


I hope you find some winners buddy. The xtreme garden mix has some fire in it.


I got a very similar package. That is still sitting on the desk. I’ve been so tempted to drop them they haven’t made it to the vault. I’m sure the OST x Panama Haze is dropping asap. Thanks again @SkunkHunt101