The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Question for the seed gurus…how long do you let seeds ripen? I have mostly grown for flowers and rarely for seeds in the past so my experience is limited.

I have noticed with my current Red Snake grow that the phenos that finished quicker, also had the seeds finish quicker. The long flowering phenos were pollinated at the same time, but are still not ripening. In fact, they are taking forever to finish and I still have a lot of unripe or immature seeds. Any insights as to why this might be? I thought seeded plants generally finish earlier but I’m not seeing it here.


The long flowering plants always take a long time to ripen seed. They take their time with everything it seems. Don’t allow males to continue to pollinate them , and wash off any pollen So new flower parts don’t continue to get fertilized, which will result in immature seed. A plant only has a certain amount of energy to expend in a given day. I think when we do a seed round with long flowers they get pollinated at a faster rate than they do in nature where they have to deal with rain and humidity. The energy required to ripen so many seeds at once simply doesn’t exist within the plant


Huixtepec update. 1 more male seed, making 3 now. Also the first female has shown, with the other 4 likely female as well. The runt was culled. Just didn’t want to grow. Plants are happy in 50/50 blend of coast of Maine super soil/ black gold garden soil/ perlite mix. These don’t require much. I just added castings and that may have been unnecessary. Pics 1, 2. 3… A female, 3 males, a probably female

Here’s a couple Cryptic Labs Oaxaca that fell out of a vial of seed for @lambchopedd and ended up on my counter( on a wet papertowel)
Looks like 1 short pheno and one very narrow leaf( for this Oaxaca) tall pheno. Too early to be sure of height.


Yes, this was a lesson I learned my last run.
Everything you just said is gospel


If seeded early, the SEEDED parts ripen early too, and this is what old books talk about. It’s the way a “mature” crop of seedy sativa buds was had back in the day rather than just shoots and tips… The plants will keep going after the seeds ripen, provided the strains flowering cycle is not yet over… @Guitarzan had a swazi gold fire back up after it was nearly dead. Think it’s still going.


The plants looks healthy, really good job!
I have many years cultivating
especially Mexican varieties
many hybrids have been introduced and it’s hard to tell which ones and where to find the old varieties, that’s why I like to investigate and search all corners of the country
Today I can say that I am at the point of being able to offer pure varieties with 100% certainty that they are.
It has cost me a lot to have the tools to identify correctly but it has been an exciting path, where I have also invested a lot to get nothing.
I also want to leave a testimony of what the hybrids that can be found in Mexico look like
I consider that all possible documentation will be of great help for future references.


Glad to have you among us. Love those Mexican strains


Snowhigh’s Acapulco Gold Red Stem Male -

Snowhigh’s Acapulco Gold Ladies -


Those red stems look fantastic

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Looks like you got a couple joints anyways. :sunglasses: how long has it been going on SH AG red stem? Give us all a smoke report really interested in these.




Anyone have any tips for trimming heavy sativas? I’m still aways out but I keep looking at them going “man these are going to be a bitch to trim.”


Check out this brush from this guy’s Instagram page. Think I’m going to try it

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Yeah I’ve seen those. They look neat.

Looks like a silicone brush like the kind you use for cooking.


You found 2 for less than half the price!


This is my suggestion:

  1. Smoke a big fucking bowl. Pre-pack the second.
  2. Put on the discography of Scientist
  3. Put on your garbage movie about alien religion with the sound lowered.
  4. Suck it up bitch and trim your day away for doing such a GOOD JOB growing your plants.



Funny enough I bought these at a dollar store and use them for my Mother plants to keep any dead fall and debris off of them :rofl:

You can see em on the shelf (blue).


It’s been removed from Netflix :sob:

I’ll never trim again :rofl: