The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

These Huixtepec are growing themselves. I just provide water LOL. These are a pleasure to grow so far. I think they have just hit their stretch. They’re starting to bush out now. I think I’m going to transplant before too much longer as these will be mostly headstash, but they really don’t need it yet.
I’m very happy and all of us are fortunate to have THE Mexican landrace Authority here in this thread with us. I look forward to learning more from you and I’m already excited about the next Mexican landrace I will grow. I have no Idea what it will be. Any recommendations?


Yeah, this sounds like something I could incorporate into my lazy style.

Cheers man :+1:



Thanks bro :pray:t6:
Here another Huixtepec growing very poorly at the full mayan sun


Nice haul! Hope you get into those Acapulco quickly. Looking forward to seeing more of those. Lots of good ones.


Thanks . Yeah me too on the AG. Will start a journal when I do. Can’t wait to see what they hold.


Also scored. Some of these.


Hi my friend that’s some collection I just looked at James bean online and priced a bunch of them I am very interested but oh my God I cannot afford what I see I know right now they’re having a sale and some of their offerings are very inexpensive In comparison to what they normally cost but it’s only for five seeds

There’s some Amazing Vietnamese and Congolese crossesI need , now I have to save a few shekels and then I’m going to break down and treat my self

Any suggestions on a favorite or two would be appreciated


Don’t go through any of the middle men. Email Snowhigh
He does 10 pack specials and half packs. You may also get a 20% discount for 1st time buyer he’s a great guy and will treat you right. :pray:t2::+1:t2:


He also throughs in surprises with your order. Hope that helps. Good luck.


Can I finally post here? I hope Mexican Death Sativa at least falls under ”heirloom”… because here’s what a couple phenos look like on Day 58/98 (give or take)

No photo manipulation… just stuck my head in and snapped a pic


Also @Upstate your Oaxacans gave me too many females :joy: Now I have a bumper-crop just wading in the wind — 10 females, 2 males, from that first pack you sent.

I’ll be posting those when flowering is in full swing


Looks great!


Three Oaxaca’s. They all germinated within a day or two of each other.
The small one at the bottom has been in RUNT ICU for the past two weeks and is developing new growth. Yay :grinning:


Oaxacan update as they have really started to stretch these last couple weeks. Just a few pics to show the different structures after being topped and zero training. They are currently in 1 quart containers and will likely pot them up to 2.5 quart containers soon.

I have a single rooted clone of each from the first three below which have been moved to the veg chamber. Planning to grow them out a bit and then move them outdoors into some larger pots (7 or 10 gal) and see how they do in the hot windy desert.

#1 Female
Height: 21" :arrow_heading_down:

#2 Unsexed
Height: 13" :arrow_heading_down:

#3 Female (the one with the tiny pollen sac that was removed)
Height: 23" :arrow_heading_down:

#4 Male
Height: 9"
Not sure how much larger this runt is going to get but I’m guessing that I’m not going to be collecting copious amounts of pollen off of it unfortunately. This one has been moved outdoors currently since I didn’t want any pollen hitting the other non-Oaxacan flowering plants. :arrow_heading_down:


They look amazing

1 Like

No. You better head out :laughing:lol. Kidding of course. No problem with landrace hybrids from the appropriate regions​:grin: looks like some killer bud forming. Day 58 flowering, 98 total days?


I hope the little one rewards your efforts. I haven’t found one i didn’t like yet. Look at the big one!..same age?


Looking good. 2nd photo up is a Silversides pheno. May or may not get the resiny stalk, but that’s a stretchy octopus for sure. #1 too. #2 looks like a biggin, last photo is a shorty male.
Glad you guys are getting into these! This thread just got a whole lot better!


Popping 24 Guerrero costa chica, in theory one of the stronger weeds in mexico. Guerrero is home of the acapulco gold / caca de chango strains. Seeds from elchischas :fist_right: