The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I think that’s the natural habitat for the Oaxacan :rofl:


Little Sudan seedlings are under that snow. I found 7 volunteers yesterday. Tough strain.


Oh man, I love the Gringas in Guadalajara :drooling_face:


been looking for Lambsbread -SnowHigh and Refferman had some but sold out do time ago a close. “Mr.E” MassMedical has an interesting Lambsbread stain, Hope Exoctic Alchemy has some left !! Thanks !


Steve Dando on IG has the real one for sure
The others are hybridized heirlooms so far as I know. Exotic Alchemy version is said to be good. Not sure about Reeferman version purity, but supposed to be a good smoke. The real one flowers 18-24 weeks. I don’t yet know how many weeks can be knocked off the flowering times of sativas, but I’m pretty sure knocking off 6 weeks would not be possible without hybridization.


Get good germination?


Yikes, waking up to that scene would crush my spring fever too.

How about some early Oaxacan bud shots to cheer things up :smiley:


Winter came early this year…
:vulcan_salute: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Pretty bad… around the 50%, and the heat/fungus gnat killed some seedlings too. I sprayed the garden and now popping 16 guerrero more, this time with boiled cococoir and poolshock, to be sure.


I usually hope for 60% germination rate. 50% isn’t too off the mark. These are Guerrero Costa Chica correct? What do you know about these?
Issues with fungus gnats in the coir? I Hear about that often lately.


Well that’s a sight for sore eyes… thanks for posting😁. The plants look happy and healthy. What medium do you have them in? How far along are they into flower? Resin is just starting to build. You’ll have yourself some great summer activity weed before too much longer.
Just one thing though…and I hate to say anything but we all learn in this way… ( I don’t mean you)Have you discovered the aphids in the 2nd photo? Looks like they recently arrived. Sometimes it’s a lot easier to see things in a picture when the buds are blown up big. First pic I might see a few but not many if any.
Little bastards. Hard to kill them all without hurting the plant. I dealt with them last fall after moving the plants indoors… I was too busy so I left some aphids alone( not enough time to kill them all) on a Thai plant I had and there were probably about the same number as what you have. A week later small branches were absolutely covered end to end with aphids. I think they sucked the life out of that plant. Some plants are more resistant than others. They seem to hit a certain population and then explode in numbers. If the numbers are kept in check by killing all you see every couple days you’ll keep the majority from laying eggs.
Ladybugs are your best option to keep numbers in check if you can find any. Tough time of year for that here.


Transplanted Huixtepec into 2 gallon containers yesterday. Strong growers. Start of week 9 tomorrow.


Looking forward to pics :wink:


I’m running in 2 gallons at week 9ish also.

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When I potted them up to 1/2 gal I just used some recycled soil from last season that I reamended. In hindsight I really should have solarized the soil before using it since I also used it with a few other plants that have been in flower for a while now. So yea, rookie mistake.

Unfortunately the aphids are all over and I’ve just been trying to manually squish them but they’ve gotten out of control. I’ve been waiting for these plants to finish up to reset the whole room but I think that’s still gonna be a while.

Funny you mention the lady bugs as I just happen to see a couple outside this afternoon. I was able to scoop one up and deployed it to the flower room. I’m going to try to entice more to join in for an all you can eat buffet. Just this little plant alone there are several buggers showing.


I did the same thing. Recycled soil I let over winter thinking that would do to kill bugs… The aphids reproduce quick don’t they? Tough keeping up… A couple more ladybugs will lend a good hand for sure
Lucky you have some handy!
@deeez99 I literally just did the same thing again today. Used last years outdoor soil for a transplant. I’ll be keeping an eye out.


IC — meaning International Cannagraphic Mag ? they did a re-make on that site a while back - good site but many outdated posts (like the old formate)

Ive asked more about my guerrero with little success, we don’t know where they come from exactly. Only that they are from guerrero, from a grower friend. The people who live in those mountains are usually very private people. When regularization arrives here, I hope it will be easier to get information.
I live in the Caribbean and here is a lot of humidity, a lot of heat, it is a paradise for pests, since here is no winter, reproduce all year round.


Definately i love those gringas with salsa verde
I got high uric ácid right now so i can’t eat red meat (lamb,cow and pork) and i can’t drink alcohol…i really miss a good cold beer! …


Isn’t guerrero from costa chica, the real origin of the seeds its a total mistery,i talked with my friend at the Mountains and we know a more exactly idea where the strain it comes from,but by now i’m more interested to watch how good it is…