The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Does this banana look ready? Eh I’d give it 2 more years.


That’s just plain COOL @Panamajock. :banana:


I will check the terrapins…and let you all know …Lol

Ye bit of a moment for me…but I do get help from the locals occasionally…


Dang, i really need to move. :rofl:
I wish i could grow bananas where i live. How is the cost of living there? Does LEO target expats? :thinking:


If your serious …Panama has lots of legal immigration for ex…Pats

I can’t awnser…I took up residence when Scotland lost the referendum for independence…I had worked in Panama (maritime)

My problem is that I thought Panama would have been the first pan American country to legalize …wasn’t to be…legalize medical ye…but growing etc…very touchy…but it’s improving.

So I returned…Panamas not perfect .but where is ?


Oaxacan the one with the three cotyledon leaves has a wierd stalk growing out of it now?


Thanks, some of them I cannot understand a single word … :sweat_smile:


entiendo my friend …LOL


I had a mutant this latest round but it began to grow normally at around the same size as your plant.
@Panamajock congratulations on your first bananas! You’re lucky to have such a long growing season there. Truly living in Paradise!


Amazing my friend

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Huixtepec. Short green pheno and tall purple :purple_heart: pheno.
Flowering since feb 18


Ye I’ve deleted it…bad recording.

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Plants are doing great I see a lot of variation for that bunch they love square pots and definitely like it a little drier. I am the Mutant and Dwarf king I have one mutant and one that looks like a dwarf.Every batch of seeds I have done 10 or more I have had a mutant and a dwarf in all batches and I have to say the dwarves put out fire.


You should find some keepers in there for sure😁. excellent!
Here’s a few Oaxaca growth with some veg time. Courtesy of @George. These are grown with liquid fertilizer, as are @Papalag’s plants. Anyone needs advice about growing Oaxaca this way ask these two. They nailed the proper feeding.


These look absolutely gorgeous ,I have one out of the bunch that’s more squat but it’s wide and twice the size as all of them I have a wierd vibe that this one’s going to be a bush like the plants in that pic. Has the strangest stem smell I’ve ever smelled on a Cannabis plant I’ve never encountered this before.I really like it


Old Silversides starts out squat. Another couple weeks you’ll know what it is. Definitely some interesting smells with these😁


I have to ask cause I can’t quite make it out…what’s up with bundle of roots or herb hanging from the top? Is that some secret voodoo trick to enhance the vegetation? If so it’s working great as those are some nice looking plants!


Lol. It’s a plant. @George can fill you in. Neat plant.


I had to move my Oaxacan #3 out to the greenhouse as I suddenly noticed several nanners popping up throughout the plant. I think it’s time to bring her down anyway, appearance seems close to done and trichs are mostly all opaque. It’s been a week out in the greenhouse and I’d be concerned it might start revegging.

Appearance seems pretty close to done even though there still seems to be lots of white pistils. It’s at 14 1/2 weeks currently. What’d yall think?


Love yours :kissing_heart:. Those “roots” are Tilandsia, when I came here, every single house had one hanging:

They just need air and light to live, the LITFA definitive plant ejem|nullxnull . My neighbour has a huge one, he just teared three or four roots and that was the start of mine:

They feed because of the humidity, so thought to put them in the tent to absorb it.

Once I knew many time after what was her name I could search it and bought some, differents from the one existing in the zone:

Thanks for the compliment, followed Upstate’s instructions and there they go, if a noob like me can grow them anyone can, hope more of you will try them … beer3|nullxnull